Intensity makes you attractive
I hope, that by now, you understand that you need to strength train to become attractive bald man. And what days you should do your strength training.
Now let’s talk about intensity for a little while. Are you one of those people who go to the gym regularly and you are not missing your workouts? But somehow, you can’t see results on your body? Than, the problem is certainly in the intensity of your strength training. And it’s a big problem. It is a biggest mistake potentially attractive bald men do in gyms. Not pushing themselves hard enough.
Yes, I repeat. It’s so important. The number one mistake, people and unattractive bald men do in the gyms lifting weights is actually that they are not lifting enough weight. Those, who are just starting shouldn’t be lifting very heavy weight. They need to progress slowly. But those of you aspiring bald and attractive men, who go religiously to the gym and are very consistent at you strength training, what are you afraid of?
Bring that weight up and progress slowly, but consistently and intensively. Over time, you are going to see the difference on your body. And if you want to become bald and attractive man, the body matters. And it matters a lot. Yes, I know, mental values are important in being attractive bald man, but beautiful load of mental values and intelligence without fit body is not attractive. I repeat: physical fitness matters a lot in overall attractiveness! Period!
Workout plan
Here are a good plans to start with. This one is for beginners and it’s done on strength training machines. The other one is for intermediate exercisers. Both of these plans work all the major muscle parts in the body. They are great way to kick start your strength training routine. All you need to do is to dive in.
If you are advanced exerciser, here are few plans to bring your fitness level to the whole new level:
Highly functional workout somewhere just behind your house
Highly intensive pull/chin up workout (my all time favorite!)
Sets and intensity
Always, before you start your lifting session, warm up and do few simple stretches. 5-10 minutes will get you ready.
Stick with 3 sets of 15 to 20 repetitions, especially beginner lifters. Later, when you get more confident about your strength training abilities, you can decrease the amount of repetitions and increase the weight. Also increase the amount of sets to 5.
How heavy should the weight be? It will depend on what set you are performing. For the optimal developing intensity:
Start first set with the weight which you can comfortably finish 20 repetitions with. The load should still be challenging. So you will not be lifting some meaningless light weight. Let’s say its going to be 55 pounds for shoulder press.
In second set add 5-10 pounds. Now, you should still be able to finish 20 repetitions, but it will be hard. You will barely finish them. If you can easily finish them in second set, you need to increase the weight in first set too. For example, instead of starting with 55 pounds, you start with 65 pounds in first set and you bring it up to 70-75 pounds in second.
If this is not working very well and you don’t have a good judgment right in the beginning, don’t despair. You are just starting. Relax! It’s a process. You are learning. Important thing is, that you started. Give it some time and don’t stress too much about it. Your moment will come. Just stick with it and be open to learning. Nothing valuable happens overnight.
In third set, bring the load you are lifting another 5-10 pounds higher. Here, ideally you should fail somewhere between 15-20 Repetition. Let’s say, the weight now in third set is 85 pounds and you finnish 17 Repetitions and you can’t lift the weight anymore. You judged the load right and the workout will have a great effect. Write down the loads in each set for each exercise or remember it. This will be changing over time, because you will be getting stronger.
When can you progress to less repetitions and more weight and more sets?
When you get very consistent and you keep showing up for your weight lifting sessions without missing any and you feel good and confident about your strength, you can start lowering the repetitions, increasing the load and increasing the amount of sets.
It will look like this: 5 sets 12-15 Repetitions. First 2 sets will be kind of warm up sets, like in the first case when you do only 3 sets. Remember here, that the weight still needs to be challenging, but you will be able to finish 15 repetitions. Set 2 will be heavier and harder and you will be still able to finish 15R. In sets 3, 4 and 5 you will be failing between 12 – 15R. You can make the load in 4th and 5th set heavier than in 3rd sets allowing you to finish less repetitions but lifting heavier weight.
Strength training for beginner future attractive bald men
When you are an beginner at weight lifting, it is critical to start slowly. You don’t want to injure yourself. That will slow your bald and beautification process substantially down. You have to stick to the 3 sets 20 repetition rule discussed before.
The reason for 20 repetitions is, that when you perform more repetitions, you will tyre the muscle with less weight. The effect for the muscle is almost the same as with lifting heavier weight, but the probability of injury is almost 0. It is a very safe way to strength train. I use this technique in most of my training sessions and I never had a client develop injury lifting this way.
So, you already know, that you are supposed to start slowly. You are suppose to be consistent and develop the feel for intensity. What else should you know? Don’t give up. You will hit the road blocks. You will feel like you are wasting your time. Trust me, you are not wasting your time. Strength training is actually one of the best time used in your life. The benefits are incredible. You simply can’t afford to not do it. Realize, that you are doing something really great for your body and stick with it no matter what.
Don’t stop learning
Strength training for bald and attractive man is a constant learning process. Keep learning. Keep studying about weight training. Talk to trainers and fit people in gyms. They all have something important to share with you. After all, they are fit, they must know how they achieved it. They all have something unique in their plans, that you can try.
Just remember: it’s like with everything in life. You have to keep learning constantly. I have been working in fitness industry for 20 years now, I train people and I would like to think that I know everything about getting in the great shape. But I still keep learning and I still find new ideas and strategies how to become even fitter. And we are all different too. We react to different impulses differently. And it’s not any different with strength training. So let your body become your own learning and experimenting lab.
Intensive, consistent strength training must become the core of your exercise routine. It is way, way, way more important than cardiovascular exercise. You don’t believe me? Just look at the countless people spinning the cardio wheels in gyms not seeing any results. I call these people chronic, unfit cardio hamsters spinning on their wheels staring into a TV screen or one spot on the wall and thinking they are doing a big favor to their hearts. They are stuck in 80ies propaganda of cardiovascular exercise and it is not going to serve them well if they don’t change this wrong assumption.
Cardiovascular exercise will be still a part of your becoming bald and attractive man process. But it will be different kind of cardio. It will be cool cardio. More about that in next article of how to become bald and attractive man.
hy milan i m 22 n m almost bald … i m sad that i did nt find ur website earlier i hav wasted more than a year feeling helpless , i always feel very unfortunate aftr loosing hair so early … i hav been wearing cap for more than a year now aftr reading ur words i hav decided to stop wearing cap and work on my bald look …i m afraid also about the reaction of my college friends after the will see me without cap …. but i will do so …i m thankful 2 u 4 making such an effort for all the bald men …thank u…milan
Mankul, thank you for your compliment and congratulations to your confident move of being attractive bald man that doesn’t need to hide. Because you really don’t have to hide you baldness Mankul. Go be attractive bald man. Be the most attractive, successful rockstar Mamkul. Work hard! Make it happen!
Thank you for your note Mankul once more. Milan