Become interesting
Bald and attractive man is an interesting man. He has interesting hobbies, he does fun and adventurous things and sports. He is not timid and he is very decisive. He doesn’t talk much and he never talks about himself, especially how great he is and how everything he knows. He naturally knows, that people don’t care about that. He knows that people care mainly about themselves. He is interested in other people and that makes him interesting to other people even more. He is always willing to help. He never complains. He makes things he does look easy, even if he struggles with them. He knows the tricks of intelligent seduction.
Interesting hobbies
Can you name few interesting hobbies you have? No idea? Going to restaurants? That’s not an interesting hobby at all. Fishing? Maybe. But still kind of weak. Fly fishing – same thing. How about windsurfing, or wild water rafting, or playing electric guitar or trombone or snowboarding, or cliff diving or surfing or bronze sculpting or tango dancing. Well, that’s much better!
Life is not only about work and career, coming home from work, eating and watching movies. When somebody tells me that his hobby is watching movies, I just grim. Watching movies? What kind of hobby is that? That is not a hobby. Everybody does it. When somebody says his hobby is watching movies, that means he doesn’t have any hobbies at all. And that means, he is a total magnificent bore! So please, please, never say that your hobbies are going to restaurants and watching movies. Again, these are not a hobbies. These are the things everybody does! And there is nothing special on it. If you have a hobby, it’s something else than lazily sitting in movie theatre and eating bloody stakes.
Let’s say, you are on the date and your date partner asks you what is your passion. What do you do in your free time? And you better have a great answer to this one. What we do makes us attractive. Not what we do for a living. That doesn’t matter that much. But what you do in your free time, when nobody is telling you what to do matters a lot! And if you just watch movies, play video games and eat bloody stakes in the restaurant, than you will never ever become bald and attractive man. Do not ever, ever answer that your passion is watching movies, I repeat. And I promise, I will not bring out this one anymore.
Let’s just say, that your answer to the question about your passions to your partner is like this: I do surfing in the summer and whenever I can’t surf, I play harmonica and I do ski alpinism in winter with occasional snow shoeing trip. Now you are to a completely different conversation. Your partner finds you way, way more attractive than you were, when you guys met. You just showed, that you are a passionate guy and very interesting at the same time.
What if you don’t have any passions and hobbies? Really!? You don’t? You poor boring bald unattractive guy. But don’t despair. You can develop passions and hobbies on your own. It takes some practice to become passionate about them. But it’s necessary. To be attractive, you have to have some passions, unless you are looking for one night stands. Net even those often require it. You have to work hard on your passions.
Passion actions
Right now, go out and buy a guitar, print some chords on Internet and start playing, get a tennis rocket and running shoes and start playing tennis and running. Suddenly, you have 3 cool hobbies under your belt and if you stick with them, you’ll become passionate about them. And question about your hobbies and passions will not surprise you! You are not a boring bald slob anymore. You are interesting, bald and attractive guy now!
It really takes some work to develop some hobbies. But if you force yourself, it can be done. You never know. Tennis or beach soccer can really become a love of your life.
Get outdoors
Being outdoors is not only fun and good for your health, it also makes you more attractive. Who wants to hang out with home couch potato? Nobody! But if you are a windsurfer or surfer, or you hike or bike, I can see those activities as fantastic dates tha go the right way and your partner finds you more attractive immediately.
Hmmmm, let’s see. You are bald, you are incredibly fit, ripped and lean, you have a healthy muscle mass all over you, your skin is brown from hanging out on the sun, you are also very intelligent and smart, you never complain, you say less than necessary, and on top of that all you are a surfer. Wow! What is more attractive than that combination? I will answer that one for you: Nothing! And even that all these things are available to you, you would rather stand in front of the mirror feeling sorry for yourself, because you are bald? Stop it right now and get to work!
Here are some other outdoors activities you can develop as your passions. For example playing soccer, hiking, windsurfing, kayaking, skiing, snowboarding, ski alpinism, running marathons, rowing, snowshoeing, bird watching, summiting, mountain biking, rollerblading, plain piloting, ice hockey and many many many others.
Hanging out outside is primal to us. It is visible on you, if you hang out outside a lot. And it is attractive. People sense it from miles away. Spending time outside will make you bald and attractive man. So develop fun activities and hobbies to do outdoors and become more interesting at the same time!
Say less than necessary
You know those people who never shut up? They talk and talk and talk. The truth is the more you say, the more common you appear and the more likely you are to say something stupid too. Even worst are those, who never shut up and they talk about themselves. What a turn of that is! If you want to be attractive say less than necessary. Let the others do the talking. Just listen and they will love you for that.
I know few people who literally never shut up. They just want to talk and talk and talk. If I you want to say something, they won’t let you say it. They want to be doing the talking. Anyway, talk is cheap. If you want to be bald and attractive man, shut up and let your actions do the talking. You will appear more interesting and with that more attractive.
A friend of mine is let’s just say not that smart. Ok, he is quite dumb. Yet, he is for the most part very quite. He is not shy, he doesn’t have low self confidence, he just likes to say nothing.
Even in those uncomfortable situations, when you would expect somebody on your passenger seat to really say at least something, he doesn’t. But people love him. He appears incredibly smart and under total control. He is bald and he is attractive. And his naturally say nothing behavior makes him even more attractive. Can you replicate that strategy? Let them do the talking, I they will think, you’re the most interesting guy in the world!