How does Attractive Bald Man asks for date? I do have an answer for it. And I am sure you’ll like it. And hopefully you’ll also get motivated into action. Because action is everything my fellow attractive bald fried. Action and baldness means genius!
How to ask for date video:
Boldness is genius
Yes boldness is genius. Being bold is 80% of the seccess. It’s like the famous quote, whoever said that, I don’t care, it’s true: 80% of success is just showing up. Also 80% of success is approaching situation with boldness. Yes, it’s oftentimes scary and it requires little push through the fear and tingling in the stomach. But so what! Done consistently, it can be learned. And it can be acquired as a way of life. And that’s exactly what I want from you Attractive Bald Man in making. To live a bold life full of fulfilled potential.
Yes, the fear still will be there. That’s to be expected. But your threshold for it will increase. And you’ll be able over time to do bolder and scarier things. And you’ll be becoming more and more confident and successful. Guaranteed!
Use boldness in asking for a date
You know now, that boldness makes things happen in almost every aspect of your life. Dating included. You can be afraid asking that beautiful woman out, but you still do it. You feel the fear and do it anyway. If she says no, that’s ok. You’ve got no yes before you asked and you have no yes after you asked. So there is no harm done. Quite opposite of that.
You made yourself to ask her. You made another bold move. And your fear threshold just raised. Fantastic! You just became a tiny bit bolder and it will serve you very well in your life. Keep it up! Keep asking, do bold moves and you’ll be becoming literally a fearless animal. And that’s pretty attractive itself. Promise me, that you’ll work on that! That will make me very happy.
Asking attractive people out takes boldness. You already know it. Now let’s get to the anatomy of asking beautiful intelligent women for date.
Anatomy of asking beautiful woman out
I used a coffee shop example explaining this topic out in my other article here. So now I am going to do a random street example. Probably the most difficult one, since out there on the street, everybody is rushing somewhere and there is not much time for relaxed conversation. That’s ok. Opportunity strikes unexpectedly and you must grab it. Even if that means you’re going to have to sprint with her while asking for her contact information.
It’s morning and you are on the street rushing to work. Suddenly you notice her also rushing to work on the street. Beautiful, just the woman of your dreams. Action time! I know, I know, she is in the rush and you might come late to work too. That’s not an excuse. You’ll come late, so what? Let that happen. She and your love life is way more important than your F¥€{\#G boss. You need to concentrate on this opportunity of yours. It’s here. And when opportunity shows up, it’s time to grab that bitch! I meant the opportunity with that, not the pretty woman 🙂
Imediatelly turn around or speed up to catch up with her. Get next to her and keep walking. Say: You are so beautiful and I would like to take you for a run or coffee, or beach or any damn creative think you can come up with. Now she’ll probably smile. Maybe not. That’s ok. You say right after: “Is there any chance you can give me your email address. I would like to email you sometime”.
You ask for email, not phone number. Phone number is way too personal for a situation like this. And you want to make it dead easy for her to give it to you. So make sure you also have a pen and some paper ready with you. Don’t expect her to start digging in her purse for these. She won’t.
Now, she want to make it difficult for you at least little bit. No matter how much she likes you and your boldness. Again. That’s to be expected. It’s a little game beautiful women play. That’s ok. Let them play it. So she will say something like: “I am sorry, I have to go. I am in the rush”.
Than you say again: “I have a pen and paper, I can write it down while I walk with you. This is my chance and I don’t want to miss this opportunity. You’re a woman of my dreams”. Be honest with her. That’s perfectly fine. And if she say no with another reason, except, I am married, I have a boyfriend or something like that, ask one more time. If she doesn’t give it to you than, say: Thank you for your time. You’re beautiful and let her go”!
Is this a very scary thing to do? You bet it is! But it is also pretty easy thing to do. You just have to make yourself to do it. And if you force yourself to do it on regular bases, you’ll get your yesses! Actually your yes might come at the first time you try it. You are Attractive Bold Man plus you are bold, and you do scary things like asking beautiful woman for her email address. There is not that many men out there who can do this. And she knows it. That’s attractive!
And those intelligent beautiful women know it. And they also find it attractive. Trust me! They do! That’s how I approached my wife. And she is certainly a beautiful intelligent woman standing out from the crowds. I was bold and determined. And it paid off. And I am convinced, it will pay off for you too my fellow Bald Attractive Man.
Now, when you get your email address, wait a day and email her. And than email her again, if you don’t get an answer. She’ll eventually email you back. Than ask her for coffee, tennis game or to see a show or something. Don’t ask her for a dinner for first time date. That’s too pushy. Go slowly and give her chance to know you first.
What if she acts nasty?
Sometimes you might get nasty reaction from a beautiful woman, that is not intelligent enough to respond nicely. You are giving her a compliment how beautiful she is and waste majority of women want to hear that. They actually like it and they want attractive men like you to give them a great feedback! And you did! So, if she reacts nastily and she says something weird, just move on. She’s not wort it my friend. Not worth it!
Boldness pays
With each bold move you become less afraid. You’re not only asking beautiful women out you’re also building the boldness muscles. And that will Attractive Bald Man in making pay off hugely in your life. Boldness makes things happen. Bold life’s are turned into great life’s. Boldness is genius! I know, I said it before. But it’s worth repeated 1000 times. Be bold, push those boldness muscles to the limit, get some dated with it and succeed. No excuses! Enough said!
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