Style matters for bald and attractive man. But style only matters, when you are healthy, fit, lean, muscular and energized person. Did you ever considered fat, pale, sickly looking guy with expensive Calvin Klein suit attractive? I don’t think so. Heath, fitness, energy levels mater way more than style does. But when you have all of these, style can magnify your bald attractiveness.
Cut it short
There is nothing worst and unattractive, than a bald guy trying to cover his bald head with some left over hair. If you are one of these guys, I have an advice for you. Stop it! You are not going to cover your baldness. You will actually make it much more visible. People notice immediately bald people that are trying to cover their baldness. And that’s not an attractive baldness. You are way better of cutting it short and making it clearly visible that you are bald. It’s the way it is and it doesn’t bother you. And that’s kind of very attractive.
People who have perfect looks and they have beautiful features and genetics are actually less attractive than people with certain beauty defects, that find a way to overcome that and raise above that.
Ok lets consider being bald as one of this minor beauty defects. I actually don’t consider being bald as a defect at all. Only some people think it is. There is not a shortage of cases of very attractive people who clearly stated of bald men being unattractive and actually ending up marrying bald man or having bald men as boyfriends or lovers in the future. Quite a common thing.
Let’s just say these people don’t really have a clue what is really attractive. How would you otherwise explain their attraction to bald man, even though they claim bald men being unattractive. All I can say is, you never know until you try:)
Dress well
I am not a fashion expert but i know some basics. Dressing well is actually not that hard. And it doesn’t have to be very expensive either.
First rule here is: stop buying cheep crappy stuff and wearing them forever. Instead buy good quality, more expensive stylish stuff, that last long time, but never go out of the style. Have more of these stuff and keep enjoying them all.
I am as guilty as many people. If I go to the gym to do my strength training, I just grab whatever tshirt I find and run. This is wrong! And I am working on it too.
Gym workout is a special social occasion you need to dress for. I don’t mean suits and shirts here. What I mean is nice looking athletic clothes. Don’t be that guy who wears his old shirt to the gym for 5 years now, because he thinks, there is nothing wrong with it and hey, I am going to sweat in it anyway. He doesn’t know that, that old shirt which is still ok will be still ok 10 years from now and actually his grand kids can still wear it.
Seriously, get rid (donate) of all those old stale, pale stuff you accumulated. And buy new ones! If you only do this simple fun step, you will be way ahead and standing out. Actually, I found out, that if I dress well for my workout, I push myself harder. This is big! Very big! Don’t ignore it.
You will actually feel more confident and you will definitely look more attractive in clothes that are maybe a little bit more expensive, but look much better on you! And than after a while get ruthlessly rid of them too a buy new ones.
You can actually buy second hand brand almost new designer clothes. There are a lot of second hand shops out there. I do this sometimes. You can actually buy some really good stuff for 50 bucks or something like that, very little worn, that looks like new and would cost $ 300 if bought new. And nobody will ever find out, you bought it used. It’s probably made in China anyway. And than, get rid of it when it starts looking old. And buy new stuff.
I am not a fashion expert, but I can somehow tell, what makes bald men attractive. If you wish to explore this subject little further, I recommend contacting a stylist for some advices about your style fitting you the best. But it really shouldn’t be that hard. Maybe just picking up few famous people magazines and looking what Hugh Jackman, Brad Pit or Clive Oven is wearing would do the trick.
Enjoy some sun
Don’t be afraid of sun. Sun is important to our health. And optimal sun exposure can not only make you better looking, it will certainly make you healthier.
Nice brown bald head with tan ripped muscular body is a very attractive thing to have. And if you have clearly visible six pack abs, than you become an attraction magnet and it doesn’t matter, that you don’t have a single hair on your head.
I shoot for at least 30 minutes of sun exposure per day with no sunscreen. Of course, there are days that sun doesn’t come out, so you will not get much of sun exposure on these days. But, spending the whole day indoors, when there is a beautiful sunny day outside is a beauty and health sin.
Always when I am outside and doing some work or running, playing soccer or tennis, or I am just hanging out on the beach after surfing, I take my shirt of. I expose as much of my body to the sun as I possibly can. There are few nude beaches around south of San Francisco, that you can practice the whole body tanning. I am a big fan of it and a regular visitor ๐
For example, last Friday I played hour and half of tennis on a beautiful hot sunny day. I immediately took my shirt off, even thought it is not allowed there. Guess what? Nobody said anything. I kept it off for about 45 minutes getting some great healthy sun exposure. Than I put my shirt on and I put a hat on my head to prevent burning.
Yes, sun exposure is great for bald and attractive man and his health and attractiveness. But you have to be careful and smart about your sun exposure, so you don’t get burned. Starting with 20 minutes, when you are completely pale is enough. Than slowly, when you get darker, extend your time on the sun to up to 45 minutes and longer.
People often wander why I am so tan. Did you come from Hawaii Milan recently, or have you been to Fiji? They ask. My answer is always the same. I am not afraid of sun, I hang out on the sun a lot and take my shirt of whenever I do stuff outside.
If you are muscular, lean with clearly visible six-pack abs, why would you hide your attractive body under your shirt? Show it off! Being fit, lean, ripped and muscular and tan is very attractive. If you are not, get back to my previous chapters, how to get lean and muscular and learn how to do it. At the same time, don’t be afraid to take your shirt off. After all, you are getting better. You are on the mission to becoming bald and attractive man.
I don’t want to brag too much about my six-pack abs and being attractive, but I have to tell you one story. Few years ago, I went to a nearby waterfront resort with few buddies of mine. All of them very attractive young men with beautiful longish hear. Me being the only bald guy out there. When the beach time came and we all took our shirts off, I was surprised how these guys were embarrassed about their own bodies. Yes, they had beer bellies and man boobs. Yes, there are actually guys out there with man boobs. And that’s a pretty unattractive think on it’s own for a guy. If you want to be bald and attractive man, you can’t afford to have those. Period!
Anyway, as day progressed, I was the only guy with a phone number in my trunks pocket. I manage to collect it from the most attractive woman out there. No, I wasn’t married that time and I don’t aggressively ask for phone numbers of attractive women anymore. The point is, I wasn’t afraid to ask and I got it, while my friends with hair and man boobs were just drooling and staying by with low confidence. Might fit, lean, tan and athletically muscular body have something to do with it? I certainly think so!
Again, I am not trying to brag about this, it’s not my style. I am just trying to motivate you fellow bald guys out there, that it is highly possible to be the most attractive man on the beach and not only beach, if you manage to work hard on your body and be reasonably intelligent and maybe a little bit tan too.
Anyway, just wanted to add that story and remind you to not forget to show your qualities off and to get some optimal sun exposure in the process.
For bald and attractive man, style matters
Time to get more visible fellow future bald and attractive man with some style. You don’t have to go overboard with it. Just a few simple rules we talked about will put you ahead of majority. Let that style bug sort of buzzing in your head at all times. It’s easy to forget about it. Having some style takes some effort and bravery. Good luck on the way to it.
If you don’t know the difference between “then” and “than”, THEN you’re a loser
Juan, thanks for correcting my grammar. I appreciate it. I am still working on my English since it is my second language.
Anyway, Juan, please point some more spelling mistakes I made to me and I will correct them.
However if this means a looser to you Juan, I will be a happy looser ๐
Have a great day!