Healthiest hair loss solution for men is to become attractive, healthy, successful bald man. It’s not easy to lose your hair . I am not trying to make it trivial. It can be quite devastating. But there is a point when a young man who’s going bald hits the bottom and it’s time to raise. Nothing is working and he doesn’t want to take some kind of pill for the rest of his life to maybe prevent his hair loss. It’s time for a different solution. It’s time for the healthiest hair loss solution.
And it is the one solution I believe will make a going bald man, the most attractive man out there! If you still haven’t, please join me on the revolutionary healthiest hair loss solution for men journey, that proved to make all the difference in my early bald mans life. And I truly from the depth of my heart believe, it is the best one for a man that is going bald.
I believe this healthiest hair loss solution for men I created, is the way to go for a struggling most likely young bald man in search for answers eventually.
Let’s get to our step 5 of the healthiest hair loss solution for men:
Become a bold man!
Being bold bald man ads hugely to mans attractiveness, overall success and confidence. And all that together make a bald man to really stand out from the other sloppy, unfit, afraid, timid men group majority.
Healthiest hair loss solution for men – part 6 video:
What can boldness do for you?
Boldness is a true trait of winners. Every successful winner is bold.
Definition of boldness:
The dictionary describes boldness this way:
Boldness – Not hesitating or fearful in the face of actual or possible danger or rebuff; courageous and daring: a bold hero. 2. not hesitating to break the rules of propriety; forward; impudent.
I especially like the part that says: Courageous and daring! I love that sentence!
I live my whole life by that mantra! And I want you bald man in search for healthiest hair loss solution to live by it too.
What other huge benefits you get from becoming bolder?
You become more attractive!
Bold people are more attractive! Timidity is turn of! Be decisive, be bold. Feel the fear and do it anyway. And you become more attractive to other people. Bold people are heroes and winners in their own story book. Start being one today!
You become more successful!
If you’re bold in your actions, you’re more likely to try more things in life that others are not willing to go for, because they are paralyzed by fear. And guess where the big rewards usually lie? Yes in those scary bold moves. Be bolder, become more successful.
You save a lot of time!
By being bold bald man, you make decisions fast! And with that you save a lot of precious time. It’s ok to make fast decision, even if you make the wrong ones. Fast decision makers are admired by their fearlessness, they save lot of time and they end up making more good decisions. Talk about compounded power of being bold. It’s a huge one!
You will ultimately live with no regrets!
By being bold, you’re likely to do things your heart longs for. And I believe those are the most important decisions to make. And often they are scary.
Things like quitting your job you hate and starting your own business, getting out of the bad relationship, giving up your apartment lease and going to travel for a year around the world.
Things like this you’re likely to never regret!
But you’re very likely to regret not doing them. And as you already know, I am know saying it often: Life is short! Live with no regrets!
Huge part of healthiest hair loss solution for men is to become bold bald man. Bold is Attractive! Bold makes bald man attractive and successful. By being bold, bald man becomes a hero!
And baldness can be acquired!
How do you acquire it?
Boldness happens by acquiring few things.
Physical fitness
I talked a lot about general great physical fitness before and it’s incredible transferable benefits to other aspects of a bald mans life. And one of them is that it improves the confidence of a man. With that it improves the ability to have a higher pain threshold and that means also a fear and anxiety threshold.
Physically weak people are more likely to be scared of acting and with that not acting on their scary but very rewarding goals and dreams than physically fit people. You can say unfit people are cowards. Ups! I didn’t just say that! Did I?
Action mindset
Boldness means action. It means an action in fast confident matter. And like I said before, it can transform your life. But for that to happen, you need to adopt an action mindset.
Yogi Berra said it right:
There is only do or do not, there is no try.
Adopting action mindset changed my life completely. I used to be the guy who always knew what he wants. But I couldn’t get myself to make a right decision about this and that. I was paralyzed by fear of making a wrong decision. But few years down the road simple quote change my mind to adopt action mindset. It is from J.W. Goethe and it says:
Whatever you can do or dream you can, begin it. Boldness has genius, power and magic in it!
And since then, I live my entire life by that quote.
One simple example are my videos you see on my youtube channel and this website. I told myself that I will never redo them. I come up with the name of the video, write it down, look at it for 30 seconds and think a little. Than I turn on the camera and I make a video. Whatever comes out of it is it! I post it. I never redo my videos. Do I wish I did them better, or say something else sometimes? Of course I do. But the deal is a deal and I am not going to brake it with myself. Whatever is recorded the first time is posted. Period!
That is a simple example of boldness. Yes it is little scary and I am afraid that I am going to make mistakes. And I do. But majority of it turns just fine. And the result of it is all the videos I produced.
Anyway, I don’t want to talk about boldness forever here, but it really is life changing! It really means feeling the fear of a quick action/decision and than proceeding. And my fellow going bald man in search for healthiest hair loss solution, it is incredibly attractive!
Bold people are very attractive!
Bald bold men are very attractive!
Become bold starting today!
Confidence – bold people are confident in their actions
I will finish this article about healthiest hair loss solution for men talking little bit about confidence. Confidence is a very important trait of a successful attractive bald man. And it can be acquired. It’s the base of the all bold actions. Confidence backed up with hard work, fitness, humiliation, failure and recovery is after your own health, the most importing thing you can posses.
I wrote a whole series about confidence for Attractive Bald Man. Give it a read my fellow going bald man. Start here:
Confidence for attractive bald man – part 1
Healthiest hair loss solution for men is to become a successful, attractive, healthy bald man. And being bold is a big part of it. You going bald man are putting the pieces how to conquer your hair loss together and here you have another one. Become bold bald man! Enough said.
Healthiest hair loss solution for men series:
Healthiest hair loss solution for men – part 1
Healthiest hair loss solution for men – part 2
Healthiest hair loss solution for men – part 3