Big part of the healthiest hair loss solution is being physically fit. Yes, however shallow it might sound, physical fitness matters a lot to your overall attractiveness and success in life! Do not underestimate it’s power on your overall attractive successful life my fellow going bald man.
Get physically fit and stay that way forever!
Healthiest hair loss solution – part 2 video:
I mentioned only being fat in the video above to be an unfit state of being. But there is more. You can also be too skinny. Or you can be one of those guys that are skinny fat. You know those guys who can eat whatever they want and not move much, but they stay skinny looking. These are all examples of unfit men.
Don’t be one!
Perfect attractive, healthiest physical fitness for a man is being athletically muscular.
No, not like those guys from body building magazines. That’s not what we are shooting for here. That’s too much and it looks unattractive.
What does muscular athletic fitness bring you?
You’ll look amazing and attractive!
It will give you strong and very resistant to the injury body!
It will give you a lot of energy!
It will give you high self confidence!
It will give you bulletproof health!
You’ll become bolder with your actions and with that you’ll live up to your true potential.
Aren’t all these the goodies we are looking for the most? Yes, they are.
Basically it will give you something like a tiger has, walking majestically and confidently through the jungle, without being afraid of anything. That is quite an attractive sight, isn’t it?
In a healthy fit body resides healthy fit mind.
Boy true this one is and I don’t care how old and beaten up this quote is. It is plain truth!
How do you achieve muscular athletic physical fitness?
The magic sentence here is: Intensive, consistent strength training brings muscular, fit, healthy, strong, confident, resistant body and mind.
Yes, yes, some cardio is important too. But not as much and not the kind you might think it is.
Cardiovascular exercise should be fun! No treadmills, no elliptical trainers, stair masters and so on. Well you can do them, if they bring you a joy. But I doubt that!
I consider cardiovascular session on one of those hamster wheels as a lost opportunity to have some fun. That’s why all my cardiovascular exercise is playing games like tennis, soccer, beach volleyball, surfing, mountain biking, rollerblading – with a hockey stick in my hand and so on.
And I have a lot of fun doing these activities, plus off course I get a great cardiovascular exercise.
I mentioned how important is in bald mans life to have fun in your day for overall health, confidence and attractiveness.
You need to have some serious fun everyday! Your sanity depends on it!
If you see a person having fun, you find him or her immediately more attractive! Plus it’s primal for us to play games, loosing a track of time and learning new skill.
It’s great for our brains! Games, sport activities outside make you more intelligent.
And last but not least, it’s making you an interesting bald man.
Fun skill cardiovascular activities have intervals incorporated by nature in them. And interval training is the new way of cardiovascular exercise. It’s the most effective way.
I can go on and on about fun skillful preferably outdoors cardiovascular activity and it’s benefits for attractive successful bald man. But the bottom line is, that it’s available to you when you’re available to it. So use it to your advantage. And get fitter, better looking and healthier at the same time.
Now, the core of your fitness!
Regular, consistent strength training.
I am mostly thankful for my athletic muscular body with six pack abs to a regular, intensive strength training. And I want you my fellow bald most likely very young man to utilize this tool too.
Don’t be scared!
Don’t get overwhelmed if you’re just a beginner.
The key is to start. Today!
And than, just keep moving forward. And don’t quit!
Here is your plan of attack for athletic muscular lean body:
No gym membership necessary
The most effective and accessible strength training exercises are those, where you use your own body weight as a resistance. And for that, you don’t need a gym membership my soon to be very fit and attractive bald friend.
I swear by doing these exercises. All you need is few tools close to you – at home or at work. And than just doing these exercises regularly and intensively.
There are 4 main exercises. I call them the best exercises in the world. And trust me. They are!
With some additional exercises added to your perfect body sculpting routine later on, you can keep your muscular athletic six pack abs shape for life.
The complete perfect strength training plan for bald attractive man: Beginner included.
Pull ups
Don’t get scared right a way here.
I know, pull ups are a hard exercise to perform. But we are not here to perform them right away. If you are able to do at least 1 pull up, great!
Start doing them right now!
But if you are a beginner and you can’t do a pull up, that’s fine too. We are going to really use the growth mind set here. Actually, you should use a growth mindset in everything. Becoming bald fit attractive man included.
Everybody has to start somewhere!
And starting slowly, but starting is key!
Go to your local sport shop and buy home pull up bar and mount it on the doorframe, garage or somewhere in your garden. It doesn’t matter. Just get one.
Now, if you can do pull up just keep trying as many as you can for 3-5 sets.
If you can’t do a pull up, you should do modified pull ups until you build enough strength, so you can do real pull ups.
Modified pull ups:
You need a pull up bar for this too. So, go and get one from local sports store too. Mount it. Now, when it is time to do pull ups, come to the pull up bar and bring a chair with you.
Put the chair under the pull up bar and step on it. Grab the bar little wider than shoulders apart, get all the way up and step off the chair. Now, try to hold on in in this pull up position as long as you can. When you can’t anymore get back down on the chair. Take a 2 minute brake and repeat.
Over time you will build strength and you’ll be able to perform regular pull ups.
Stick with it and improve over time.
Second version of modified pull ups:
Come to the bar and grab it slightly wider than shoulders apart. Now jump up to the pull up position and hold 10 seconds. Than get down and repeat as many times as you can. This version is for little bit more adventurous beginners. And it works.
Over time you’ll build strength doing these modified pull ups. And soon, you’ll be doing the real ones too. The key here, like with everything else valuable in life, is to stick with it. Don’t get too hard on yourself. Give yourself plenty of time!
And, I know, you will.
Becoming more attractive to other people is big motivational factor. I am known saying: Just become more attractive and don’t care about health! Why? People, especially you young guns don’t care about health when they are healthy. People want to be attractive to other people. That’s what everybody cares about.
And guess what? The incredible health follows!
Push ups
I am certain, that you’ve done a push up in your life before. You know, what exercise I am talking about.
Now, what you probably don’t realize is, that push ups, together with pull ups are one of the most universal and beneficial exercises out there.
Push up is the number 1 exercise in Hollywood. Yes, celebrities know what is good for their looks. Or maybe it’s their trainers who make them do it. It doesn’t matter. Doing push ups works for achieving fit, strong, healthy, lean muscular athletic, attractive body.
Together with pull ups they work all the major muscle groups on your upper body, but shoulders. So, I want you to start doing push ups too future bald and very fit attractive man.
The drill is simple. Just get down on the floor and do a set of push ups. Count it. Great!
Modified push ups:
If you are not able to do a push up on your feet, put your knees down and do the modified push ups to start with. Soon, after couple of weeks, you’ll be doing the real ones. I guarantee you that.
You’ll be getting stronger and more attractive at the same time. Again, same as with pull ups. You want to apply a growth mindset here in mastering push ups.
Don’t get down on yourself for not being able to do a push up. That’s ok. You’ll be doing real push ups in no time if you don’t give up. The key is to stick with it.
In the beginning you might feel some soreness on your chest day or two after doing push ups. This is to be expected. Don’t get scared. If you persist and stick to your push up weekly plan regularly, you won’t get sore anymore.
Consistency is a key here as with everything else valuable to master.
Squat jumps
You might wander. Why squat jumps? Nobody really sees my legs anyway. And I don’t want to have big legs too.
So Why squats?
First, we don’t do squat jumps to impress other people with our athletic legs, even though that will happen eventually too.
Second, you will not get big legs from doing squat jumps.
And third, squat jumps are one of the most attractiveness building exercises.
Because of quadriceps, the major muscle on the front of your thighs, and it is the biggest muscle on your body. And squat jumps are employing these muscles very intensively. With that it increases your overall metabolism substantially.
And that burns fat, makes your heart healthy and it makes you more attractive at the same time. Simply, you can’t afford not doing squat jumps if you want to be bald attractive fit man.
Squat jumps technique:
You don’t need any equipment for doing squat jumps. Jus stand straight, lover you butt by bending your knees to 90 degrees angle, squat, and than jump up. Repeat. That’s all. Very simple, but very effective!
Shoulder press
Shoulder press is the only strength training exercise you’ll be doing that requires free weights. Go to the local sport shop, get a pair if 10 pound dumbbells if you are a beginner or get pair of 12 or 15 pound heavy ones and higher depending on your fitness level and strength.
Preferably, you can get pair of those dumbbells you can add weight on or take weight away from. You’ll be getting stronger, so heavier weight will be eventually required.
Shoulder presses are that kind of exercise that makes your shoulders nicely round and muscular.
Simply grab the dumbbells. Bring them up above your shoulders and start pressing them up over your head.
Again, stay consistent doing them and get stronger, leaner and more attractive at the same time.
Summary of your athletic muscular body strength training:
2 nonconsecutive times per week. Mondays & Thursdays or Tuesdays & Fridays are the best.
3-5 times maximum amount of pull ups
3-5 times 20 and more push ups
3 times 35 squat jumps
3 times 15 repetitions of shoulder presses
This kind of strength training routine will get you my future attractive bald fit man on the right path to fit athletic muscular attractive body.
Stay consistent with it and results will show immediately!
Follow to a Six Pack Abs super shape with this plan:
Also twice per week on nonconsecutive days. You’ll slowly over time graduate to this plan. But certainly don’t start with it. It’s very challenging. Make sure you do the first plan for some time and your strength and conditioning improves.
Than move on and keep challenging yourself!
Here we go, your next step for muscular athletic attractive body:
5 times maximum pull ups – preferably each set 15 and more pull ups
177 push ups with as little brakes and time as you can finish them
5 times 37 squat jumps
5 times 15 repetitions shoulder presses
Off course later on, when you master these for most part your own body weight exercises, you can start experimenting with some gym machines and other tools. It’s up to you. My rule is usually just to keep it simple. And this is as simple as it gets.
How about the rest of your days?
On days you’re not doing your strength training workout, you’re doing your fun, preferably outdoors cardiovascular activity. Remember? I briefly mentioned them in the beginning of this article.
After a while doing this supper intensive athletic strength training, you will most likely start experimenting with a different ways and techniques to keep challenging your body.
But until than, let’s take it one step at a time.
Go get fit!
It is in your power!
And you’ll become imediatelly more attractive bald man with every workout you complete.
Start today Attractive Successful Bald Man in making!
Start slowly, but start!
And never quit!
You’ll be getting not only more attractive everyday, but also very healthy and confident and you’ll be gaining a lot more energy too – all being part of overall bald attractiveness.
Physical fitness is a huge part of the healthiest hair loss solution for men. Don’t underestimate it. Embrace it and put it to work for you! Go make it happen!
Related articles:
Healthiest hair loss solution for men – part 1
Confidence for attractive bald man – part 1