I train bald men how to be physically and mentally fit and how to develop bulletproof confidence. And it all together makes young bald man irresistibly attractive man. That is my specialty I fully understand how to coach.
Grow big balls young bald man video:
A friend of mine I train who is an investment banker changed my mind.
He’s closing a huge deal, buying a big hotel somewhere in Mexico.
He goes on while I train him:
A lot if things can go wrong here in this deal Milan. A lot! But you know what? He grabs his balls and says:
You’ve got to have some balls!
And next time I saw him, he’s proceeding on the deal.
Now I pretty much consider myself as a guy who plays it safe. How about you my fellow young going bald man? Do you play it safe?
Do you play it too safe?
Do I play it too safe?
I think so.
So my new resolution and a new sentence aded to my mantra list is exactly what my friend said:
You’ve got to have big balls!
There is no reason for it only to get rich. Not at all! The benefits go much much further!
That is actually the last reason for me. Even thought that is exactly what might happen to you.
Grow! Don’t be stale!
If you develop so called big balls and act on scary (not dangerous) situations, you’ll assure for yourself to not stay stale.
I’ll tell you something I am not very proud off. At the moment in my life I feel stale.
I feel very excited about my kids and my wife. They are fantastic!
But my professional life is stale, comfortable and it feels old.
I’ve been doing the same thing for over 10 years now. Yes I’ve tried few things here and there. And you might call them challenging enough.
But I’m realizing in a very positive manner, that I have to develop much much much bigger balls. I’m not depressed about it. I’m very positively challenged. And I love this challenge! My balls are growing bigger every day!
You too my fellow young going bald or already bald man. If you feel fully satisfied with your learning and occasional disruption, great! But, believe me. Time will come when you realize that, that exciting ringing bell is not there anymore.
That’s why it’s important to keep things flowing and challenging. Don’t get stuck in the rot! Keep moving forward!
Keep growing those balls!
It’s hard to abandon the old and move on to the unknown and new. But that’s exactly what we have to keep doing in order to grow.
Test your comfortable zone often!
This principle of growing big balls links into that previous one closely.
We are humans. And humans seek comfort. And once they find it, they want to preserve it or find even more comfort.
And than when we find and stay in this very comfortable zone, we become increasingly unhappy with our life. Something is suddenly missing.
The point of life is not to find comfort. It is to live outside of our comfortable zone and live life full of fulfilled potential.
Your potential!
And your potential is huge my fellow young going bald man!
Act accordingly to tap into it!!!!!
Fail often!
Living with big balls means facing your fears and trying a lot of challenging stuff. And just by nature of that, you’re going to fail a lot.
But instead of getting down on yourself for failing, you’ll celebrate it!
Winners with balls fail often like waterfalls.
And they don’t make big deal out of it.
They celebrate their failures!
Do the same young bald man on mission. Fail more, fail fast and succeed, succeed, succeed!
Push the bar higher to get better!
Once you find yourself stuck in a daily routine that seems the same and it’s just not full filing you anymore, you have to start pushing the bar higher.
In my case right now, it is developing new projects that are challenging but, they also excite me. And they excite me because I’m more likely to grow with them.
I’m going to complicate my life a little by making my days more challenging, but ultimately more fulfilling.
If you find yourself stuck my fellow young going bald or already bald man in a daily routine, that is just not fulfilling you anymore, you have to develop new exciting projects and activities.
It can be as simple as quitting your job you hate and going for a year long trip around the world. Or just starting a new career. Or braking up with your old girlfriend that is just too mean to you.
Embrace the grit!
Change and challenge is hard! The both not only require you to grow big balls, they also require a grit.
I love that word – GRIT.
It’s simple. Almost nobody does well with the grit. That’s why 99.9% of people will never do anything requiring a grit.
But you my fellow young bald man are different. You are that 0.01% that knows it and uses it to his own advantage.
That makes 2 of us. And I live it!
Everything valuable in this world requires big balls and consistent effort – GRIT. If you connect those two together and use them over long period of time, sky is the limit to what you can accomplish and become.
I made myself a promise that, I’ll live and help others – young going bald men live courageous, bold, attractive, healthy, full potential achieved life’s. So far I’m on track. My balls are getting bigger so I can help more and more attractive bald men out there in the world. Join me! Grow your balls too, push your own boundaries further my fellow young going bald or already bald man. And watch your life, confidence, overall attractiveness and success explode!
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From balding loser to bald winner
Can’t we just admit that baldness makes you uglier (sometimes a bit, sometimes almost notghing; it depends on how it suits you, like any haircut) and we simply have to compensate with everything else? You know, dressing well, confidence, being athletic, successful and stuff make everyone attractive, not only us bald people.
btw I like how much you take care about this!
This is great point Faketaxi. And I agree with you that the stuff I recommend young bald men to do to make them attractive would make attractive every man. Stuff like high confidence, athletic, strong, lean body, manners, style, boldness and so on would make any man James Bond like man. Great points Faketaxi.
One thing that is special about not only young bald man, but any bald man is the fact that most bald men just give up. Or they carry a baggage of low self confidence or some sort forever with them just because they go bald. Now this is quite common.
Now I recommend young bald men and any bald men to drop any kind of self degrading baggage down. And live and act absolutely confidently like there is absolutely not even a tiny problem with their early baldness. And there really is not a problem at all with that. But it’s quite difficult to convince young going bald men about that.
But once that happens, the huge transformation happens too. I experienced from my own way too young experience that if a young man that is going bald too early manages to get through is positively and drop any self defeating load, he actually becomes more attractive to his environment of people than a perfect man with hair.
Without wanting to sound like bragging, I experienced attractive women to prefer me as a bald confident superman to a confident supermen with hair. That is just to prove my point. I hate bragging about it. But it is quite truth Faketaxi.
I strongly believe that if a young going bald or already bald man and any bald man manages to become bald confident superman, he’ll stand out from confident supermen with hair every time.
Now, I just want to add that becoming a superman, which means being very physically and mentally fit with high self confidence and great style and manners and boldness is a very hard work. But very rewarding work. And if a bald man manages to pull it off and become one, I believe every bald man should become one, he’ll face a very little competition too.
Anyway, Faketaxi, thank you for challenging me on this. It’s a great point! But that is my answer to it.
Thank you! Milan
I didn’t want to challenge you, I was just saying that after all, we have to do things that everybody does or should do to be attractive. Ok maybe it’s unfair because young people with hair do less effort to be successful with girls (we all know that guy who picks a girl up in one second because he’s cute and we can’t). Expecially with 18-24 years old girls, that’s what i experienced. But hey, do you see only bald guys at the gym? Do you see only bald guys buying brand new clothes? Do you see only bald guys following motivation gurus?
Things can be harder for us and this can be true, but not that much as we think.
Again great point Faketsxi. But you know what gym and clothes and all that stuff is important and yes others do it too. BTW they don’t do it right. It’s really easy to be on top with some extra directed effort.
Picking up girls easily at 18-24 for cute guy with hair? Maybe. I’m not sure about it. But do you really want to have a girlfriend that’s easy to pick up? I don’t know about you Faketaxi, but I’m not interested. I dated handful of women in my life and one is my wife now. They were supermodel good looking like and smart and intelligent as hell. They had the best qualities beautiful girls can have. They were everything but easy to pick up. You don’t want girls who are easy to pick up Faketaxi. Become an attractive quality man and pick up girls that are hard to pick up. Now that’s what I call a real catch!
Anyway, thank you for your comment Faketaxi! Stay in touch.