Sometimes the pressure is just too much for young going bald man. And he needs a strategy to manage the pressure. And I have one for you my fellow going bald or already bald man. I learned it from my father.
Great mental strategy for young bald man I learned from my father video:
When there was a too much pressure and I thought the world is falling apart on me and everyone is looking on my bald head, I always reminded myself what my father told me:
Sheet metal yourself!
Great strategy! Thank you pop!
Let me explain.
There are moments in life, wen it just seems like everyone stares at you and you feel either the shame, embarrassment and you don’t even want to get out of the house.
I’ve been there several times in my life.
But here is the tool I started using:
Sheet metaling myself.
I imagined strong sheet metal all around myself. That gave me an instant confidence boost.
Always when I got out of the house, I had to remind myself about this unearthly protection I had.
But once I did that, I felt confident and bulletproof. And people who met me immediately noticed.
They didn’t see the sheet metal of course. They saw me confidently looking at them with a relaxed confident posture and face.
That would always start changing things around for me. And I want you my fellow young going bald or already bald man to try to do the same thing.
It’s all in your head
It certainly is!
Your strength, self belief, ability to accomplish things, positive atitude, attractiveness and overall ultimate success is a product of your thinking.
It’s a fact!
Remember that young going bald man on mission and set that mind of yours accordingly every morning.
You’re stronger than you think
Whatever you think you are, you are usually right.
If you think you can or can’t in all situations in life, you are right.
Your strength, confidence and power is a product of your thinking.
You have to think strong thoughts!
It’s a must to succeed!
And you can and must do it my fellow bald man!
You are more confident than you think you are
Confidence is power!
Confidence is success!
Confidence is magnetic and attractive!
Confidence is a state of mind. Yes it takes some daily work to cultivate it and I have the whole confidence for young bald man series here for you. Give it a read.
But once you pay some dues and program your mind to a high confidence, sky is the limit.
And it’s not that hard to become overly confident man. And you know what?
If I wish one single thing for you young bald man out there to acquire and keep, it would be high self confidence!
You’re whoever you pretend to be
Right now at this moment, who would you like to be like?
How would you like to live your life?
How successful would you be?
How attractive and confident you’d be to other people?
I know you have that picture in your head.
No, you don’t need hair for that to be that!
Just become who you want to become now at this moment.
And than pretend you’re that person. And you’ll become that kind of person.
In my hardest times of my life, I decided that I’ll be strong confident man that has sheet metal around himself.
And it became a realty! That opened the doors for me very little people even find in their life’s.
Now you have it my fellow young going bald or already bald man. Make sure you enter these doors confidently!
The key is in the switch in your head.
You have to turn it on!
Your switch of bulletproof confidence, positive winning attitude, has to be on at all times!
And keep it on!
And than when it goes off, you have to remind yourself to turn it on again!
And again!
You have to consistently think about it all the time my fellow young going bald or already bald man.
Sheet metal yourself when times are tough for you, so no one can chip on you ever again young bald man on a mission. Live confidently, successfully, attractively with that strategy whenever you need it my fellow young bald man. Know that it is always in your magic toolbox.
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