No! I don’t think you’re a loser when you’re young and start losing hair way too early. No, no, no!!!!
It’s a situation you’ve been thrown in. And I’ve been there. I’ve been in your shoes.
I was way too young – 21 and I was going bald. It was devastating. And I’m sure it feels devastating for you too. And you might be even younger than me at the time of your hair loss.
Becoming Superman – Bald Superman video:
I was a teenager with fantastic hair. I was proud. I was an all star athlete, and very confident one. Life was great! Than my early hair loss hit me like a rock.
It’s interesting how that can really change your life so much. It’s like a hit by Mike Tyson’s right hand that makes you fly 10 feet before you land on the floor and you don’t get up anymore.
I believe it’s a hit, a change young man finds the most difficult to deal with. And you might be going through it right now my fellow young going bald man. You’re on the floor helpless. You’re lost, depressed and you don’t know what to do now.
And it was the same with me. On a top of my early hair loss, I was dealing with a personal family tragedy at the same time while my hair was falling. It was a hit together with my hair loss even Mike couldn’t produce at the top of his career.
Now, thinking back, what happened when I realized I’ll be a young bald man soon was a period of darkness and self pity. And it took way too long for my taste now to get through it.
I was wallowing for 2 years in a victim/losers kind of thinking and living. I was feeling sorry for myself. I was hiding and making a lot of excuses.
There were good looking girls I really liked and they wanted to go out with me. And I was turning them down, because I thought they’ll soon realize that they don’t want to hang out with a bald man.
Yes, exactly! I turned into a loser!
I was a young balding, almost bald loser! I wasted 2 years of my life on turning into my worst enemy just because when I looked into a mirror I saw no hair.
I don’t know how about you my fellow young going bald or already bald man, I find a lot of wrong in that!
Why should your attractive, successful, bold, superman kind of life like you had before when you had hair stop now?
The answer is simple one.
It should not!!!
Can you have your old full of confidence attractive and bold life back?
And even if you weren’t confident, attractive, bold young man with hair before, it’s time to turn the wheels into opposite direction and become a bald superman now!
Why not!
Why the hell not!!!!
Let’s define a balding loser – ME 15 years or so ago. And maybe you now my fellow young going bald man (no offense please) right now.
This classification of a balding loser is just to define where we are, so we can get the hell out of there, from this miserable place soon.
Balding loser as well as any other loser is a person, in our situation bald or balding man that is ultimately held back by his baldness.
And often there might be few different reasons like being lazy and paralyzed by going bald too early.
That happens too. Men tend to just generally give up when they lose hair.
Again, I’ve been there.
Anyway, a loser is a man that gave up. He complains a lot, feels sorry for his own situation he is in and is unable or unwilling to find the way out of it. He blames others or in our case other things – hair loss to prevent him from succeeding, feeling amazing, being ultimate attractive success and winner.
Often there is a desperation involved that paralyzes young going bald man. And I won’t define that as being loser. It’s an initial process of early hair loss that lasts for some time. But if this process lasts longer that a year, like in my situation, a man like me would turn into a loser.
Ooo my, all that describes me very well 13 years ago.
But don’t worry, this too has a happy ending. I wasn’t going to let my hair loss beat me. It took some time to get up, get some training and jump onto Mr. Mike while he wasn’t looking.
Maybe not fair, but very effective strategy!
I was on my way to become a Bald Superman! And you’ll be on your way soon too my fellow young going bald or already bald man.
Now what is a bald superman?
It’s a man we want to become!
It’s a man you will become!
It is ME!!!! Hahaha just kidding?
Not kidding at all!
I am Bald Superman! In Bold Bald Superman!
Bald Superman.
A bald superman is very confident man. He knows what he is and he is proud of it. He’s an ultimate winner and has winners attitude.
And it all shows in his life!
A bald superman is in top physical – six pack abs kind of and mental shape.
He has manners and has style – dresses well and maintains clean hair cut and grooming.
he knows where he’s going.
He is ambitious and has goals he wants to accomplish. And he’s accomplishing them, failing in the process subsequently learning a lot, while still having a lot of fun in his days.
A bald superman is a very attractive man that attracts the most attractive. The most attractive are the most attracted to bald superman.
Because they have the highest standards for their dates and partners. It is as simple as that.
Bald superman knows, that to achieve all these great traits takes a lot of consistent work. He’s not afraid of hard work. He knows that the harder he works on his health, confidence, fitness, mindset, goals the better he becomes.
And I will all sum it up to one ultimate word who the bald superman is:
I’ll be lining up for you my fellow suffering young going bald or already bald man steps for your ultimate positive transition to superman like status. Stay tuned, follow the steps and you too will become a a bald man that is a superman.
Once you’re on the top, there is no competition.
Without sounding like barking bragging dog, I barely meet a man, be it a man with hair or no hair who can compete with me.
I repeat: There is no competition on the top!
It happens occasionally when I see a young man with great style, but the physical fitness is missing, or he behaves like an asshole. Or other way around. He’s very fit but dresses like my grandma or is slouching and has visible low self confidence.
Bald superman has it all!
Is it hard to have it all?
You bet it is!
Otherwise there would be a lot of supermen out there in the streets. But last time I checked unless I will meet you in few months, there is only one around me. And yes I hate to say that.
It is me!
But I don’t want that to be only me!
I want that to be you and other young and not so young bald men around me.
It is my mission in life!
To make every young going bald or already bald man like you happy, confident, attractive, bold, fit and healthy superman that lives his life up to his true potential. Let’s get started my fellow young man who’s loosing hair. Your attractive life will reach the top of Mount Everest.
Related articles:
Young going bald man destroy your competition and win
Sports are mandatory for young going bald man
Stop blaming your early baldness