My best New Years wishes to you my fellow young going bald or already man!
Each of you might be struggling at some level with the hair loss you’re dealing with. And that’s understandable. I’ve been there!
Your number one job young man losing his hair is to not let that hold you back!
I have a simple practice for you to make this year be fantastic for you!
Here it is:
Always ask yourself this question:
Would I be handling this situation differently, more confidently and more aggressively if I didn’t suffer from hair loss?
If the answer is yes, than answer another question:
How would I handle it differently?
Than write the answer down on the paper.
Read it 3 times loud.
Than force yourself to handle the situation exactly how you wrote it down.
I repeat:
Force yourself!
That means it’s a done deal. You’re going to handle this particular situation like a young man with no hair issues.
And than just follow this rule from now on this year and forever until it becomes automatic and you don’t have to force yourself anymore.
Yes it might take you some time to be confident, to feel attractive, to be bold, to thrive as a bald man.
And that’s ok. I’m here to help too!
But it will happen eventually!
Bold man should, all of them live attractive, succesfull, bold, confident lives!
And you’ll soon!
But no pressure! Take your time. This simple rule will make you more at ease, knowing that you have this powerful tool under your belt.
Like I said before, it will become soon automatic for you to act boldly, confidently without anything holding you back.
In the meantime though, use this simple principle from today to keep you on the right track and not letting your balding head stopping you to live great life! It’s a fantastic principle to apply, while still looking for the right state of mind that will eventually come.
Young going bald or already bald man, act confidently, boldly, attractively by applying this simple rule! And live with no regretts! Make this year and every that comes after to be attractive, bold, confident and full of fulfilled potential even though you still don’t feel it coming naturally to you. It will eventually. Just forcefully fake it till you make it! Enough said.