Deep down you already know this my fellow young going bald or already bald man. We all do.
But we still all seek comfort!
Face your fears and do the work young bald man video:
We want to be feeling great all the time!
We want to have it just a little bit easier today than we had it yesterday!
The problem with this strategy is, that it doesn’t work. This strategy will make you a lazy scared unconfident man.
Our true happiness, attractiveness and achieving potential in life that has big impact on our overall confidence requires doing the uncomfortable work.
It requires pain!
The good kind of pain!
It requires stress!
The good kind of stress!
Some call it EU stress. I call it get of your ass and do it stress.

Sooner you realize this the better. Otherwise, you’ll live a miserable life full of what ifs my fellow bald man.
I am not making this up.
This is a fact. Try to relocate to the tropical island to the luxury resort, where you have everything and more of everything. All the luxuries of life and everything is there without you making any effort.
And you don’t have to think or move. All that is required is to enjoy your life.
Guess what?
Not even one month later you will be completely bored out of your mind and miserable.
You’ll hate everything including yourself.
Comfort is really not what we seek.
Comfort is not what you seek my fellow bald man!
You want more out of your life! You do! Even if you say you don’t.
Yes, first we want comfort, but once we have it, it’s not the answer.
Once you achieve it, you realize that it wasn’t what you were looking for.
One of the most miserable people I know are those who have it all. They live very comfortable lifestyles. And they seek even more comfort.
What a fucking boring unfulfilled life that must be!
Our bodies and minds were mend to struggle, grow and suffer in a good positive way.
And this is where learning, intensive learning of new things, moving, exercising and facing our true fears comes in.
And if you manage to force yourself to get out of your comfortable zone my fellow bald man on a very regular basis, you’ll achieve the true flow of life.
You’ll achieve your true potential!
So, I don’t care how comfortable you are right know, what you don’t have to do anymore, and how you already made it.
It doesn’t matter!
You are not done until the last breath leaves your lungs.
The fantastic side effect I experienced as a young going bald man was that, as soon as I started to go through hell and hardship, I started respecting myself more.
I started being very confident and calm.
I became aligned with my life in perfect way.
I became confident calm young bald man.
And you could not chip on me. Even if you tried very hard.

That kind of state of being you need too my fellow young going bald or already bald man.
And you achieve it by not seeking comfort.
You achieve it by embracing the discomfort, hard work and sense of mission in your life.
And than you’ll be transformed man forever.
You’ll become confident, attractive, successful bald man that no one will be able to offend or make uncomfortable. You’ll be the one that everyone wants to be around.
Yes, that’s exactly what happens! Give it a try to see for yourself!
My parting words will be: Seek discomfort and growth and you’ll be and become whatever you want to be young bald man on mission.
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Hey, Milan, love what you are doing here it’s really helped me a lot. I have used this to completely change my life, i was hoping i could write to you and share my story of how i overcame my challenges thanks to your encouragement.
John, thank you! You made my day! I’m very happy that I and the whole Bald Attraction is helping you! I am very humbled by it!
But ultimately you John are making the change! And I love it! Way to go John!
John please share your story and if you don’t mind, I would love it to be here on Bald Attraction website for every young bald man to get inspired by it.
John please email me on my email your story: or simply write it bellow this article as a comment. I would love to read it! And I’m sure every young struggling going bald man too!
Have a fantastic day John! And thank you!