This is huge!
This works!
I always thought it is just kind of wishful thinking. But it’s NOT!
I used to drift along. Days were passing. And I kept losing them.
I lost way too many days.
What is a lost day?
It’s a day when at the end of it you didn’t feel like a winner.
Are you too losing your days my fellow young going bald or already bald man?
Almost everyone does!
But you should not!
You’ll never get your day back. Once it’s gone it’s gone! You either won your day or you lost it.
Learn from my mistake of losing way too many days when I was in your shoes – young and going bald.
How to win your day.
I have a formula for winning your day now. If you follow it young going bald man on a mission you’ll start winning your days immediately!
Day before.
Write every evening down bullet by bullet 3 most important things you want to acomplish.
Under it write:
Embrace the grit!
Fail faster, succeed sooner!
Get up early.
I’m up everyday at 5 AM. Yes that includes weekends.
Morning workout.
I do my workout early in the morning.
I don’t eat breakfast. I just have a coffee with some butter and coconut oil in it. That’s enough to make me last until about 11 AM when I eat my first meal.
Creative work.
I do my creative writing after I finish my six pack abs strength training workout.
The words are just flowing fast after a workout + caffeine + coconut oil fasting state. I’m little hungry. And I find that to be my edge. You start acting like a hungry wolf who is restless in this state of being. Give it a try my fellow young going bald or already bald man on mission.
No news no internet surfing.
I don’t watch any news at all. I’m the least informed guy in the world regarding news.
But if you ask my anything about how to build bulletproof health, wealth and confidence, you found a guy!
Yes, try to concentrate your energy on important stuff like that my fellow young bald man.
This simple morning routine gives me energy. I’m fully awake. I did my creative work, I worked out, I feel amazing. I already feel like a winner while losers are just getting up 🙂
Mindset daily work is important for every going bald or already bald man.
I keep reminding myself to be and stay positive. Always! Positive!
And if you do manage to pull it off and you should be able to, it’s life changing.
Young man with loosing hair has to apply the right winning attitude in his life.
There are 2 kinds of attitudes I see out there:
The victim attitude and the winner attitude.
Victim attitude is what majority of young going bald or already bald men chose to live their life at young age. It might change later in life for them. But I find it terribly depressing to live your life like this when you’re young!
And the alternative is to live your life like a winner with winning attitude right from the beginning of your hair loss.
I know it might take some time and trying. But ultimately this is what you should shoot for my fellow young going bald or already bald man – being a Winner!
Winner who wins his day!
Every moment, every day in your life you should live and think like a winner!
I know it’s easy to say and it takes some mind shifting. But anyone can make this most important shift in their life’s.
So what do winners do differently from wictims?
First they think like winners!
Winner finds the way. Victim stops looking for a way and gives up.
Winner fails and gets up. Victim stays on the floor.
Winner never complains and makes excuses. Victim always does.
Winner tries to get an edge always – better confidence, better health, better knowledge, better physical fitness. Victim stays stale and never gets better at anything.
Winner is and stays positive no matter what. Victim is negative in his thinking and that transforms into his life too.
Winner associates with other winners. Victim associates with other losers.
Young going bald or already bald man that leaves me only with one last advice for you here in this article: Chose to be a winner not a victim!
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From balding loser to bald winner
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You can never be a real winner when you’re bald by the age of 17 and have never had a girlfriend at you’re now 25. I’m just a piece of shit. Subhuman trash
Hey Bald. I understand your pain. It’s hard. It really is! And it’s certainly harder for some than others.
But you know what? It is not true what you’re saying. You can be a winner! Off course you can. And if you don’t have a girlfriend by 25 so what? Not a big deal at all.
Try to be a little more positive Bald. A little at a time. Don’t give up. You are certainly hitting a bottom. Now it’s time to kick off of it and start winning. Screw everyone else! You will win! You will!
I actually wouldn’t be surprised if you go the furthest of all and become an ultimate winner. Let’s stay in touch and get to work now and stop complaining. Time to rock the world as a bald man. A bald attractive successful superman – YOU.
Good luck on your journey Bald!
Milan, you are excellent, dude; a true inspiration for myself and many others, I’m sure.
Original poster, you are in the victim phase. We’ve all been there, and it sucks. But, you have the power to make it stop! It isn’t like you are trying to do something that has never been done before, by conquering your baldness and obtaining the life you want… it’s been done plenty of times! The path is fairly clear, but you must decide to take the first step.
Follow Milan’s advice in the Secret Formula for Bald Man’s Attractive Successful Life, it will help you immensely. Developing a muscular and lean body will put you ahead of 99% of males out there just by itself (not to say it’s an easy feat). Most guys are flabby and weak; women, on a primal level, are not attracted to that. Get in great shape, and the lack of hair truly will not matter.
There is more to do beyond that, of course, but I think that is the most important issue to start tackling. Lose the bad attitude and adopt the winner’s mindset. You CAN do this, so DO IT!
Dan, I’ll just ad AMEN to your words. And thank you too for your encouragement to all the young and bald!