In my previous 2 articles where I answer a question many bald men, mostly the youngest ones ask: Do women find bald men unattractive? I made it pretty clear.
And my answer is pretty straight forward:
Women do find bald men very attractive! Period!
Do women find bald men unattractive? Part 3 video:
The common assumption about baldness is wrong!
If you are a beautiful woman and you look straight into my eyes and tell me you don’t find me attractive because I am bald, somewhere on the street, when I meet you and tell you, that you are beautiful and I want to take you out, I will laugh.
Why? Because it happened to me few times before already.
So why would I laugh, you might think? Isn’t that rather sad than funny?
Well, every single time the beauty told me she is not attracted to me because I am bald, she ended up going out with me and becoming my girlfriend.
Isn’t that funny? I think it is!
The message is pretty clear here:
Even those most beautiful women, that are convinced that they are not attracted to bald men, don’t even know what they are talking about.
Now, I am a true gentleman and I would never devaluate the opinion and conviction of intelligent beautiful women.
Yes for the most part they know exactly what they’re talking about. They really do! But I am sorry, they are very wrong in a situation like this.
Women, even if they say they have certain preference who they are attracted to, don’t really know who they are attracted to.
I can tell you for sure who they are not attracted to:
The insecure guys with greying hair who are coloring them to hide their age. Unfit men, complainers, assholes, you get the picture. And bald guys who are desperately trying to cover their baldness.
That’s all a turn off for these beautiful women!
If you are a bald man, even the youngest bald man out there, be a bald man!
Let that baldness be!
And get to work on the stuff that really makes a big difference in overall attractiveness!
So what is that all stuff that makes you attractive to the most attractive? I’ve been repeating it over and over again. It is the old fashioned work that makes you attractive.
Showing up regularly in the gym and staying fit.
Having fun doing what you love doing.
Not feeling sorry for yourself and failing with grace and hunger to learn and succeed.
Living boldly and not holding back.
Being gentleman and interesting.
Paying attention about your style a little. Or a lot!
Living ROCKSTAR life of an attractive bald man.
And it’s not that hard to accomplish. All It requires is a positive attitude and hard work.
Do women find bald men unattractive? By now attractive successfu bald man in making, you have the answer. And it is the best answer you can get to that question. Yes sounding arrogant as I often do, my answer to that question is the right one:
Women find bald men attractive!
Related articles:
Do women find bald men unattractive? Part 2
Healthiest hair loss solution for men – part 7
Going bald too young – early twenties