Do women find bald men unattractive? Why am I asking this question if all off you already know the answer from me? And it is a valid answer! A lot of bald men ask google this question in search for their answers.
And there are many answers to that question. But I am telling you to not look any further. By sounding arrogant and yes I am sometimes, I believe I have the correct answer for you my fellow bald man in search for answers.
And here it is:
Women find bald men very attractive!
Do women find bald men unattractive video:
Is any bald man attractive to women?
The same way as any man with hair is not attractive to attractive women, the same way is not any bald man attractive to very attractive women. But that thing that makes bald man attractive is not a thing born with.
That thing is earned! And it can be earned by anybody. The question is: Are you willing to put the work, effort and hours in?
What bald men do find women very attractive?
So, to not sound like a broken record I will point few things from my experience very attractive and intelligent women find attractive on a bald man.
First of all, and I know it might seam like a shallow advantage here. Attractive women do find physical fitness of a man very attractive part of himself. So my bald fellow bald man, get very physically fit! No excuses! I repeat. No excuses! I don’t care that your knee or shoulder hurts. That should not be an obstacle to great physical fitness.
Second, women find fit bald gentlemen very attractive. The men that are not too arrogant and not too much onto themselves. Basically they find bald men that put other people first very attractive.
Third, beautiful women find fit, bald men who are gentlemen and are confident even more attractive. Cut the hair short, be proud of it! Work on your confidence! Adopt growth mindset!
Fourth, beautiful women find fit, bald gentlemen, who are confident bald men with style even more attractive. Dress well. No excuses!
Fifth, beautiful women find very fit, bald men who are confident gentlemen with style and having fun in their life’s even more attractive! Engage in activities that make you happy and bring you joy. Develop Hobbies, sports, play instruments, learn new things, develop passions!
Sixth, beautiful women find very fit bald men who are gentlemen with style, are confident, are having fun in their life’s and are ambitious even more attractive. So my fellow bald man, develop and write down ambitious goals to conquer for the future. And start conquering now with positive action!
Seventh, eighth and nine – get some sun, hang out outdoors, and don’t be afraid to use soft art of seduction.
Now if you look up on all those beautiful things that the most beautiful find very attractive, you’ll realize that they are all very achievable. Now, they’re not easily achievable. But that’s exactly the reason why they are scarce and valuable. And off course very attractive.
A Bald Attractive Successful man who manages to conquer every single one of these steps of attractiveness will become one of the most attractive man in the world. Guaranteed! So, what are you waiting for my fellow bald man. Get to work now!
Do women find bald man unattractive?
I hope by now you know the correct answer to that question Attractive Successful Bald Man in making.
Now I want to ask you, what is your experience my fellow bald man? Do you have any experiences that showed that most attractive women or any women out there don’t find you attractive just because of your bald head? I am interested in your story. Please write me about your experience on this topic. And in the mean time good luck on your Attractive Bald Successful Mans journey! It is so exciting!!!
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Thank you for what you do. It has helped me get over and conquer everything I needed to. My hair had been receding since about age 18 which I didn’t mind. I liked it in fact, but, when it finally started thinning right on top is when I started to spiral downwards. My confidence was low… You know the story. Anyways, all it took was a little mindset change every day. Working out harder, approaching girls in a direct confident way. I had fallen victim to thinking ‘nah that girl wouldn’t want to talk to a BALD man…’ When I took your advice and applied it little by little every day the switch flipped. And when you notice that switch it is so much easier to live happier and healthier. All people (not just beautiful women!) are magnetized towards positive energy, confident, physically fit, interesting people. I’m still working on many aspects everyday, but the truth is you have to work on making your life great and maintaining it every day of you want to be a force to be reckoned with. Bald or not.
So thank you Milan!
I play music for a living (a hard profession to be a bald man in!), and am playing at the Fox Theater in Oakland on May 21 with a Swedish artist Tallest Man on Earth. I want to invite you to the show. Feel free to get back to me for details.
Ben, you made my day! It’s all true you’re saying here. And bald men, young bald men who are desperate and seeking answers can take a message from your words: You, no matter how young and bald can be very attractive to the most attractive out there! It’s in your control. So start controlling it now! No excuses gentlemen!
Ben, thank you for invitation. You’re musician. I know it is a tough profession. But as long as you love what you do, that’s all that matters.
Ben, I live in Oakland! Fox theater is almost my backyard. I am planing little surfing trip to Costa Rica around that time, but please give me the details about it and I will try to make it. It’s my passion seeing attractive bald men succeeding!
Keep rocking Ben!