Confidence of Bald Superman.
Becoming Superman – Bald Superman – part 4 video:
Remember this forever my fellow young going bald i already bald man. It will keep you going:

And the most important:
Confidence is not given, it’s acquired.
Very true statement that is!
But I hear all the time young men telling me how just by nature they are not confident. How they were not born with it.
That brings me to my younger years, when I still had hair. I was 21 and I was afraid to ask a girl out. I was timid, I was scared, I was afraid of rejection.
Well few years later I was so confident that, the girls were asking me out. They smelled the confidence. And yes, that is exactly what they are looking for.
Anyway, this article is not about the girls. It’s about confidence of a Bald Superman – YOU, that is comfortable and sometimes little cocky about who he is. And yes Superman is very confident man!
Things that build confidence of Bald Superman:
Physical fitness
Like I wrote in my quote in previous article:
Physical fitness is the invisible component of everything great in life.
Yes you see the attractive body. You see abs and pecks. And that’s great! It’s attractive! You deserve it with your consistent an intensive effort.
But what you don’t see physically is what happens to your mind, confidence, boldness and decission making ability as a result of your fantastic physical Superman like fitness.
And this invisible benefit is huge!
It’s priceless!
Confidence leads your life!
It creates you!
It moves you forvard!
It makes you to live up to your true potential!
Yes, that’s just a reminder for you my fellow young going bald or already bald man on mission to become a Superman, how important your overall physical fitness is.
Don’t underestimate it. There is a reason the Physical Fitness of Bald Superman is really step number 1 on the road to becoming a bald superman.
I repeat again:
Physical fitness is the invisible part of everything great in life!
Failure and growth mindset.
Being able to fail, or fail big time and come out of that situation as a winner is a big, big, big deal. It is with a great physical fitness together base of all the successes in life.
And confidence feeds on it!
You won’t succeed if you don’t fail enough.
You won’t succeed big if you don’t fail big enough.
The sooner you fail a lot, the sooner you succeed.
Big failures = big successes = big confidence.
Big fast failures = big fast successes = big fast confidence build up.
Now, if you observe the world and the men in it, the wast majority of them try to avoid failures. And they don’t even try to expose themselves to the situations when they might potentially fail.
Because failure in majority of men minds is a bad thing.
Why is it a bad thing?
Because they don’t know what you now know my fellow young going bald or already bald man on a mission to become highly confident bald superman.
This kind of mindset switch to a growth mindset is an amazing asset to have. And all it takes is to switch how you think about failure.
If that was so easy!
No it’s not easy. I still remember in my early twenties thinking with limited mindset. I would avoid situations where I could possibly fail. I wouldn’t ask girls I was attracted to out. Even though often they were waiting for me to do that. I avoided pursuing my goals a and dreams because I knew I’ll fail.
I was kind if a coward than avoiding failure. And you might be one too now.
But it’s time to change that!
The switch to my now growth mindset came when I moved to live in a different country. I emigrated to USA with no any English language skills and empty pockets.
From the day 1 I started failing big time daily. I got fired from few jobs for poor language skills. I was rejected many times by landlords not wanting to rent an apartment to a foreigner with no cash. I was turned down, looked down upon by many attractive girls I asked out because of my not so attractive status of an emigrant with nothing and working brain death jobs like moving furniture and cleaning dishes and bathrooms.
So by default, I had to protect myself from becoming a wreck with the right mindset – growth mindset!
And it really worked! I decided that I will take every failure and rejection as a learning experience and I will never get down on myself for not succeeding.
This is the base of my pathologically high self confidence now.
You already know the end of my story my fellow young man losing hair now.
Yes, I ultimately succeeded and my confidence rose. And rose and rose!
But it took many many many failures!
And the right attitude with it!
You have to! I repeat. You have to apply the same strategy my fellow young going bald man! Believe me. This works. You need to create enough challenging situations for yourself daily to start seriously failing today with the growth mindset.
Everyday at least 3 times.
And quite fast you’ll notice your confidence growing.
And growing!
It still amazes me how simple step like this works. And how few men are utilizing it.
You young going bald or already bald man have to make sure you apply this so called secret to your life daily!
It’s not a secret at all.
It’s available to you and everyone. The sad reality is that majority of men won’t even want to hear about it. Failing? Ha! Not me! That’s their attitude.
But you’re different.
You think like Superman!
Watch your confidence and Superman like status explode! Enough said on this topic.
Positive mind.
Have you seen a Superman in a bad mood? I didn’t. And it’s a big part why Superman is a Superman. He is relaxed, calm and happy all the time! Be like that my fellow young going bald or already man!
It’s easy to be in a bad mood these days. And I believe the main source of bad mood is comparison.
“That guy has a better car, better hair, hotter girlfriend than me. So I’m unhappy now!”
But the chances are, if you reading this article on computer of any kind, you have more than 95% of people in the world. So be thankful for it!
And be happy and cultivate positive mind! It’s crucial for achieving Superman like status.
Never complain. Never!
Superman never complains. He acts! If you’re not happy with certain aspect of your life, improve it. Complaining won’t help!
Wanna be more attractive immediately? Never complain! Just saying.
Fun times.
Life is short. Even Superman knows it. So make sure you enjoy everyday. Do fun activities that make you happy! What kind if activities? You tell me!
Wanna be more attractive immediately? Have more fun in life!
The easiest way to pick up an attractive girl? On a beach playing volleyball or surfing. Or while engaging in any other fun activity.
People who have fun appear 1000 times more attractive!
Fear facing.
Feeling the fear and acting on it anyway is the third biggest source of high confidence after great physical fitness and growth mindset.
Superman is often afraid. But he always acts. Be like that too.
Have courage, act, fail, fail, fail, succeed! Repeat! Repeat! Repeat!
Bald Superman – YOU soon is confident man that respects himself. He’s comfortable with himself. The environment immediately notices these Superman like qualities. Average man – 99.9% of them are insecure, timid, fearful men who put too much value on how others see them. The Bald Superman doesn’t care about that. Because he has bigger stuff to tackle and he needs to be at peace with himself. And off course everyone else notices that. And loves and admires that! So get to work my fellow young going bald or already bald man. You’re a Superman in making!!!
Related articles:
From balding loser to bald superman
Becoming Bald Superman – part 2
Becoming Bald Superman – part 3
Physical fitness equals mental fitness for young bald man
Confidence for bald attractive man – part 9