Yes you should become Bad Ass Bald Man! Why? Because world needs more Bad Asses! And there is way too little of them out there!
It’s your oportunity!
Wast majority of bald men think they can not be bad asses. They think being a bad ass requires full set of hair.
Nothing can be further from the truth!
You should become Bad Ass Bald Man starting today!
Let’s talk about some qualities Bad Ass Bald Man possesses:
Teoren Fleury a former Canadian NHL hockey star always comes to my mind when I think about bad asses.
He was little, everyone made fun of him and picked on him. He was bounced around the ring by huge guys a lot.
He had nothing going for him as a pro hockey player. He looked like with his height and tiny weight, no exceptional speed or athleticity that he will never make it as a pro.
But he did succeed in spite of all his genetics that screamed – You’ll never succeed as a hockey player!
He provoked players in opposite playing teams. He got into a fight a lot. He became a captain of his team Calgary Flames. He represented his country in Olympic Games and World Cup. He scored lots of goals. He was an exceptional player.
But there is one think I remember the most about Theoren. He always had that provokative smile on his face. Even at the time he got nailed against a mantinel by a player 3 times his size. He got up and with a wide smile continued playing.
That is Bad Ass!!!!
Bad Ass doesn’t really pay attention about his limitations and what others think of him. He goes all the way as high as he wants to go!
And that brings me to the most important about Bad Asses:
Bad Asses don’t put limitations on themselves.
Young bald man usually does put a lot of limitations on himself though. The limitations are created in his own head. Things like: I can’t be attractive anymore being bald, people are constantly looking at me, I can’t have high confidence, I can’t have attractive girlfriend, and so on.
Young bald man becomes his worst enemy instead of becoming a Bad Ass.
And all that has to change! Young going bald man – YOU have to become Bad Ass Bald Man starting NOW!
Here are the most important traits Bad Ass Bald Man possesses:
Start acquiring them my fellow young going bald or already bald man!
Bad Ass Bald Man Qualities.
Bad Ass Bald Man never complains!
Bad Ass Bald Man is confident and getting more confident.
Bad Ass Bald Man is independent thinker, adventurous risk taker.
Bad Ass Bald Man is tough mentally and physically but gentle like a humming bird.
Bad Ass Bald Man is very positive man, he is always in a good mood and is fun to be be around.
Bad Ass Bald Man stands on his own feet and doesn’t follow the crowds.
World is a fun playground for Bad Ass Bald Man.
Bad Ass Bald Man is in fantastic six pack abs physical shape.
Bad Ass Bald Man has style and dresses well.
Bad Ass Bald Man is gentleman.
Being a Bad Ass Bald Man is a fantastic way to live! What are you waiting for my fellow bald man? Time to become Bad Ass Bald Man is NOW! Get to work!
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