There is a different way to look at your ambitious goal to make a lot of money attractive, successful bald man in making.
No, it’s not the selfish, greedy reason to become very rich.
If that’s what you want, that’s fine. There is nothing wrong with it.
Become attractive filthy rich bald asshole who helps a lot of people video:
But I have a little different reason for you to motivate you to really get rich my fellow bald man.
And I describe it below:
If you make a lot of money, it means you’re creating a lot of value for others.
So go and make a lot of money attractive successful soon to be rich bald man!!!
That means:
Create more value!
That means what you’re creating, people want!
So, create something people really want.
If they really want it, it’s helping them somehow to solve their problem.
You are solving big problem in peoples life’s if you’re making lots of money.
Reason to get really, really rich:
Now, when you get rich, spend money for good cause. Donate it to make other peoples life’s better.
Off course keep some. Or a lot if it!
This way you’re doing twice as good for the world by making a lot of money as someone who is making average living.
You make difference in people’s life’s providing a product or service they really want.
And than you’re giving it away to improve other peoples life’s!
Other making money rules for attractive successful bald man:
Be very expensive!
When people pay a lot for service or product, they are also more accountable to it. That means they take it more seriously!
And that’s a huge benefit you are giving them. So be very, very, very expensive.
I can charge $100 or $1000 for talking to a young bald man and trying to increase his confidence.
Now who do you think will take it more seriously and is more likely to succeed. Yes, that’s right the one who paid $1000.
So price your services and products and yourself accordingly my fellow bald man!
Getting really rich can be a fantastic thing to accomplish and help the world at the same time.
Don’t hold back my fellow bald man.
Go, become filthy rich!
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