Become even more dangerous bald man! Yes I know. I already wrote an article about becoming a dangerous bald man. And hopefully by now you are one my fellow bald man. But now I want you to become even more dangerous than that.
Danger is where the potential of a bald man lies
So why should you be even more dangerous than you’re now my fellow bald man? Because all the benefits, the biggest successes, yes big failures too go to those who can seriously face their own fears and proceed anyway.
Now again, I don’t mean putting yourself in the kind of dangerous situations where you risk your life or serious injury. No! That’s stupidity not overcoming fear in order to benefit big. Don’t ever do that! Only dum people do it. And you’re super smart remember?
And supper smart know, that benefits, big benefits go to those who take risks, put their reputation on the line, and act. Yes, I want you to do and be that my fellow going bald or already bald man. And if you do manage to become a person who can act inspire if his biggest fears, you’ll fail a lot but ultimately succeed big too!
Another reason to be even more dangerous bald man
Vast majority of people don’t do very well with even a little bit of danger. That means that crowds already took and profit everything that seems safe. There is non if the safe stuff left. And plus you don’t want that anyway! Save is average and boring. And you already know that you don’t want to be average. Guess what? You don’t have to be!
There is a plenty of scary action left to skyrocket you to the greatness. If you feel even the small resistance to proceed in your action, you know that that’s the action to take. If the action feels safe and easy, the benefits are not likely there. If the action feels very scary, a lot of benefits lie ahead. It’s as simple as that!
Let’s explore together some of the situations where you need to be even more dangerous bald man than you’re now my fellow bald man.
Piss people off, make a strong statements, but do it with style
I am not saying that you should become a jerk or bad person. Not at all! You should be a nice guy. And I am sure you are one. I think I am one too, but boy I piss people off sometimes. It actually doesn’t take much to really make somebody angry. It actually takes a dash of truth and suddenly you have enemies. How do you think a man with hair is going to react on my writing and videos on this web site? Yes, if he’s not pissed of he will at least resent it. Because it’s just not him. It’s not for him. And often it’s against him.
I am known of claiming that bald men are more attractive and I have a lot of evidences to support it, than men with hair. And quite frankly it throws men with hair out of their comfortable zone. How can this bald guy say that? What a fu…g jerk! Exactly! And I like it! It’s a great feedback. My statements are strong offensive and dangerous and that’s how I like it. But they offend in style! I don’t call men with hair names. I am just using humble statements that men without hair are just simply more attractive than them. Because everything ordinary and inoffensive is just boring! And the last thing I want to be is boring!
Now my fellow going bald or already bald man, who did you piss of lately? Nobody? Why not? Are you hiding in your comfortable safe zone? Well, that’s fine. But are you ok with being average and invisible? You shouldn’t be! That’s my opinion. You should strive to be out of the average group. And you do It if you become more, even more dangerous!
Strong opinion
Do you truly believe in seething, but you’re afraid to say it or publicly share it my fellow young going bald man? Well than you should move to the danger zone and prided and let everybody know what you truly believe in.
Yes, it will create enemies, but it will also create group of people that will start seriously loving you for your strong opinion. Where the real danger lies is being somewhere in the middle. Somewhere where you know you are not going to rock the boat. Somewhere invisible. And invisible is just that – invisible. If you are going to seriously rock it here in this world, you can’t be boring and invisible my fellow bald man.
So all that leads you to have and share your own strong opinions with others. It’s a fun experience to see how people react. Now go for it – have strong opinion in your talking, writing and overall living bald man on theission. And off course, this will also make you appear fearless, brave, interesting. You’ll immediately spear more confident and attractive bald man.
Offensive opinion
Don’t be afraid of having strong opinion my fellow bald man. Strong opinion means confidence and strong character.
Are you going to offend some people with your strong opinion? You bet you will! Some people will even hate you for your strong opinion. Should you worry about that? Not at all.
If some people dislike you or downright hate you for your opinion, it means many will also like you or even love you for that opinion. Take your strong dangerous side and stick to it my fellow bald man. You’ll be immediately considered interesting or controversial, which is great.
What you don’t want to be perceived as is average, boring and invisible. That’s what the grey masses are. Quite a big NO! For attractive bald man. With strong almost offensive opinion you avoid that.
Dangerous writing
This one applies to those bald men who do some kind of writing on some regular bases. I do. I write to encourage bald men to live fantastic attractive bold bald life’s. And I have to be very dangerous in my writing to get my message around. And you should too my fellow bald man! Apply offensive dangerous opinionated writing to your life!
Boy, all those men who color their hair I make to hate me! I am fine with that! I’m happy about that! Because my fellow bald men most likely agree with me and like me more.
You certainly agree with me that, there is nothing worst than aging man who colors his hair. See, I just made few more enemies with my dangerous opinion that will stay on internet forever! Fine with me! And it should be fine with you too my fellow dangerous bald man applying this strategy.
Dangerous asking for dates
We all experienced it at some point in life. You see somebody attractive and you become nervous. Of course it would be great to have the hottest woman being your girlfriend, wouldn’t it? Yes it would! We are all attracted to the most attractive.
But than we realize that there is just way to much competition for these attractive women. And we give up. Especially us young bald man. My advice would be to become dangerous at asking these beauties out. Destroy the competition by becomming above average man and be very dangerous at asking for dates.
So how do you do that you might ask? Becoming very dangerous in asking for dates.
Asking for a date is scarry! It is for everybody. We are all afraid of rejection. That’s normal. And it magnifies when you ask someone very attractive for it. You’re rejection is not only probably, it’s likely!
Now knowing all that will make you better at being dangerous in asking for dates. So you aren’t an average man. You’re above average man. If you’re not yet, step back a little and become an above average man.
Attractive bald mans chance of being rejected drops substantially. And he knows it! Now it’s time to be agressivelly dangerous in asking for those dates with the most beautiful women.
It’s ok to be still afraid. Every man is. But you move agressivelly through the fear and do it. And you do it in style! You do it right. And you do it often until you’re satisfied with your results. Don’t settle until all that clicks together. Stay dangerous until it does!
Dangerous living
How do you live dangerously? No it’s not the way you risk your life or health. That’s living stupid! You live dangerously by acting agressivelly in scary but very rewarding things in your life. The sort of stuff average man would never do. Remember you’re not average my fellow bald man. You’re exceptional attractive, successful bald man. And you live up to it! Being average is, well for average.
Examples of “dangerous” living:
Going after your dreams and goals no matter how unrealistic they seem. And doing the scary actions required.
Risking with high reward potential. An example of this would be starting your own business rather than working for someone else.
If you’re afraid in normal life situation – proceed promptly and do it. Example would be reaching for a successful person who did something you’re trying to accomplish and ask him lots of questions. It is such a rewarding thing to do, but almost nobody does it.
Dangerous making living
Dangerous making living for successful attractive bald man is actually not dangerous at all. But most consider it so. It can be actually incredibly rewarding both mentally and financially. It it working for yourself. It means creating your own luck. While wast majority of men out there will get a job, you my fellow bald man should start your own business. Is that hard to do? It is! It takes some serious self control and dangerous thinking. But I know you can pull it off. Life is short!
Why make somebody else rich? And actually the rewards from dangerously working for yourself go way beyond the riches. You’ll feel great about yourself, you’ll be happier, more self confident and you’ll get to do something you really love doing! Yes I am already working on my lifestyle business. Bald Mans surf shop will soon open not too far away from surfing capital of the world Santa Cruz. Stay tuned. It will be very dangerous shop!!! And I’ll welcome any bald man in it for drink or fun surfing session. I hope you’ll come to visit me my fellow bald man.
Attractive successful dangerous bald man – YOU!
Attractive bald man lives dangerously well!!! He. Me. YOU know that rewards from living very dangerously are huge. Huge! The reason for that is that the wast majority of men want to be safe, comfortable, hiding, mediocre beings. Fuck that! Life is way too short for that! You can and will do much better my fellow bald man! Be, and always stay very dangerous bald man! Enough said.
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