People find bold people very attractive. Yes bald can be attractive if approached from right angles. And one of those angles is to be a Attractive bold Bald Man.
Bald mans guide to attract beautiful women and get date fast – part 8 video:
So what do I mean with becoming a bold bald man? It means mainly to be a decisive man of action. Yes, that kind of scary action like asking a beautiful woman out included. And with that all, being comfortable and not afraid of failing. Yes, you’ll get no’s, yes you’ll fail hard on your face! That’s to be expected. That has to happen in order to succeed and to become comfortable at doing bold things in your life daily.
Being a bold man is not only great for your overall attractiveness and dating life, it’s also incredibly beneficial to your overall success in life. Almost every attractive successful person I know is bold. You have to be! There is no time for never ending deciding, contemplating and getting ready. Action is what’s called for. And now you know it Attractive Bald Man in making.
Ways to become bolder
Boldness doesn’t come automatically. But, if cultivated, it grows. And I want you to cultivate it my fellow Attractive Bald Man in making. And with that become more attractive. And the beautiful women notice. They really do!
Make fast decisions and act on them
This is not only an attractive skill to have, it is also a skill that saves a
lot of time. Force yourself to make decisions fast Attractive Bald Man in making. If you can’t decide what to do, force yourself to decide fast! Even if that means you’re going to make a wrong decision. You’ll benefit from the bad fast decision more that you’ll benefit from the right decision that took you a while to make. So next time you’re in a restaurant and you can’t decide what to order, decide imediatelly. If that means you’ll order discusting meal, perfect. Show everybody how decisive you are. Everybody will find you imediatelly more attractive. Guaranteed! And you’ll save a lot of time in the process.
Do things that scare you
It’s only human nature to do only stuff that seem safe and that keeps us hidden. But, since there are not a genuine dangers out there anymore, doing things that scare you can increase you overall resilience and failure resistance. And with that your overall boldness.
You’re going to become bolder, you’ll try more things, you’ll get more experiences, you’ll have better feeling of what works and what doesn’t. You’ll become more and more interesting. People will find you fearless and resilient. And all that is very attractive. The most beautiful and intelligent women will gravitate toward you. So, Attractive Bald Man in making, it’s time to do things that scare you daily!
Get out of your head
Often we over think everything to the last detail. And most of the time the anxieties come out of it. And than we are paralyzed to take action. How do you prevent this paralization? By getting out of your head. Don’t dwell too much on stuff. Aproach situations quickly and with boldness.
Attractive bald man in making, I am not expecting you to change over night here, but just start in the right direction and keep moving forward. Stop overthinking every little decision and move fast with your actions. It will really make a huge positive and attractive difference on your overall attractive and successful life.
Trust yourself
Trust yourself and everything you’ll do will be right! I live by that mantra. Do I make mistakes? Of course I do. A lot of them! But they are part of the process. And ultimately in a large scheme of life, they don’t really matter that much anyway. Life is way too short to dwell on them. But on the other side, I benefit tremendously by trusting myself. Yes, that includes trusting in failure. And growing out of it. And I want you too Attractive Bald Man in making to live your life by trusting yourself and rolling with the punches. It will benefit your life on every level, being more attractive and attracting the most attractive included.
Fail fast, fail a lot
Failure is great! Failure prepares us for success. And bold, attractive and successful people fail way more than an average folk, who is contemplating and dwelling on preparation and not being able to decide attitude. Fail fast my bald friend! Fail a lot! Learn to become resistant to failure by failing a lot. With that grow more bold and confident. With that become more attractive. With that attract the most attractive women out there.
Successful Attractive bold Bald Man executes his imperfect plan immediately failing toward to his success and overall attractiveness, while the unattractive loser is still perfecting his plan without taking action. I actually live my life by another mantra. And it is: It takes 9 failures to succeed once. I tell myself, that I have to fail 9 times before I succeed once. And I want to succeed! So you can imagine how much I fail. And that’s how I like it. It keeps me living an attractive life of action. Do the same Attractive Bald Man in making!
Let people laugh at you and you’ll have the last laugh
When people laugh at you for your unsuccessful attempts on bold actions and they laugh at you a lot, give yourself a pat on your back. People laugh at me all the time. Hey, I just got a laugh from an acquaintance of mine about these series: Bald mans guide to attract beautiful women and get date fast. I received a serious from the full lungs laugh from a dry, conservative, unattractive, timid corporate guy! Fantastic! It only validates my action taken here!
I am on the right path and you too Attractive Bald Man in making when people laugh at you. That means, you’re taking bold actions and you’re attractively interesting! Celebrate it! Look for it! Grow from it! Become more attractive to the most attractive out there with it. It is a fantastic side benefit of overall change in your life to a positive more attractive living! Go for it! Let them laugh at you. If they do, you’re onto something very valuable!
Dream big
Your time is limited. So, don’t live it someone else’s life. Dream bigger! Dare to fail to succeed! Us bald men often dream way too small. We hold back. We get comfortable and we stay comfortable. The problem with that proposition is, that it holds us back, It doesn’t make us happy and ultimately makes us living small life’s. I repeat: Dream bigger! Your time is limited! Live a dairying life with no regrets! Become more Attractive Bald Man imediately!
One of the recent dream bigger experiences of mine was really deciding to have kids. I always knew, I wanted them. I love kids! But as you know, they can be a quite of a challenge. It takes a lot of work to raise them well. And your life changes forever too, in a good way. But not necessarily the easier way.
So after contemplating with my wife and realizing that our life will be thrown out of our comfort zone for quite a long time, we decided to have them now! And boy, I love that decision! Yes, I don’t sleep as much I used to, I worry more, I pay more for everything, I don’t go out as much anymore, but the overall experience is fantasctic! And I love them so much! I am not going to let my comfortable living and those pity things like sleep and finances hold me back from the big picture I want. I dream big and live with no regrets! And I want you Attractive Bald Man in making to do the same!
Now, you might be perfectly ok with the decision to not have kids. As long as you are absolutely agreeing to it. That’s fine. That’s a perfect decision. But look at your dreams. Are you holding back on some of them? Is there something that you always wanted to do? But you haven’t done it yet? What is your reason for that? Might that be, that you are just protecting your comfort zone and you’re just not thinking big enough? Well, maybe it’s time to dream bigger Attractive Bald Man in making.
Dreaming bigger means living bolder life. Attractive Bald Man lives bold life. And the most attractive people out there gravitate to bold people. It all comes down to dreaming bigger, not holding back, failing a lot and learning from the failure to live Bold Attractive Bald Mans life. People notice that. They really do. And they will find you incredibly attractive. Bold Bald man is attractive!
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This is amazing advice! I have recently started getting bolder in my life and for the first time in my life I am understanding what confidence is.
I think it could be very useful if you made more videos on this subject in the future. This is an area – if not the area – that most unattractive bald guys are severely lacking in, and it is a hard thing to really experience. Perhaps you could suggest some challenges or missions to develop boldness for a bald man?
Thank you Boris! I will certainly develop this subject further. Thanks for your feedback! Be a bold bald man!