Attractive bald man realizes, that beside the inside qualities he possesses, the appearance matters a lot too in overall attractiveness. And now he is on the mission to be very fit, he is not trying to cover or hide his baldness and he is transitioning to a perfect diet. How fantastic that is! Yes, these all great qualities you Attractive Bald Man are developing take work and are a process. This is not a scummy quick fix solution. There are way too many of those out there online. This is a real stuff, that takes time and effort. But it makes an incredible difference on overall attractive life of a bald man.
Now, we are going to apply something that is not that hard to apply. It is quite fun and pleasant at the same time. But intelligent and careful attitude is required. Our step 4 for Attractive Bald Mans guide to attract beautiful women and get date fast is to apply smart unprotected sun exposure.
Bald mans guide to attract beautiful women and get date fast – part 4 video:
The first question that might come to your mind is: Why unprotected sun exposure? What does it have in common with being attractive to most attractive? Let me explain.
The simple answer to this question is, that no matter how you look now, you’ll look better if you are slightly tan. It somehow gives you and I call it: Back from vacation look and feel.
You know that situation: You have a friend or colleague that just came back from a vacation from tropical island or some nature focused trip. You can’t help but notice that they look great. And even if all they did was sipping over sugared drinks at the pool and did nothing for their health. They still come back looking better.
Now try to connect that sun tan after vacation better look with a very fit body, great diet (no sugary drinks please!), best hair cut in the world. And all that 365 days per year. How attractive that is? I will answer that question for you: Very attractive!
And yes, even if those beautiful women who don’t claim to have a tan fit body and head being attractive to them, they really are wrong. Yes those beautiful, attractive, intelligent women want a fit, nice bald guy that is also a little bit tan. It’s an attraction magnet on its own as shallow as it might seem. So don’t underestimate it Attractive Bald Man in making.
So how much unprotected sun exposure should be Attractive Bald Man getting per day? The answer to that question is: It depends on his own type of skin, where he lives and how consistent with his sun exposure he can stay.
Let’s get right into my Attractive Bald Mans unprotected sun exposure guidelines.
Look at your skin first.
We all have different skins. And knowing what kind – light/dark or somewhere in the middle you have is important. If you have light skin, you have to be more careful with sun exposure. The darker naturally you are, the more time you can spend on the sun without harm.
For example me. I have a dark skin. But I still burn if I don’t slowly over time apply smart unprotected sun exposure to get darker. And once I am darker I can stay on the sun longer. And so on. But only after I get darker. So my plan is as follows:
When I am totally pale, I would start with 15-20 min. per day of unprotected sun exposure for a week or so. Than I will increase it to 30 min. next week and week after. Than 45 min. for another 2 weeks and up to an hour and more after that.
Also, when there are too many days in the row without sun, or not spending time outside, I go step back with unprotected sun exposure time.
Now, if you have a very light skin and you burn fast, start with 7 min, than go to 10, than 2 weeks later 15, than 2 weeks later 20 up to maximum of 30 minutes of unprotected sun exposure. Self experiment safely and see what works for you. The trick is simple: Get some tan preferably all year around without getting burned. And over time you’ll know exactly how much unprotected sun exposure is right for you.
Where do you live?
I live in California and sun is very strong here. But you might live in Sweden or Iceland where the sun is not that strong. Anyway, it doesn’t matter where you live, just realize that the closer to equator you are the stronger the sun is and vice versa. Than adjust.
I still remember the major very dangerous sun mistake I did couple months after I moved to California from Eastern Europe. I use to be a competitive rower and spend a lot of time on the sun on the water. Well sun was much weaker there than here in California. I joined a rowing team. And to make a long story short got a heat an sun stroke the first day of my practice. Quite a dangerous situation. Anyways, I learned my lesson and since that incident I take sun exposure management very seriously. And I want you Attractive soon to be nice and tan Bald Man to take it seriously too.
How often do you hang out outdoors?
It really matters how often you are out there on the sun. If you generally spend a lot of time on the sun and outdoors, you’ll be more likely to handle more unprotected sun exposure. If on other hand you are an office employee or don’t get to go out much, you’ll have to be more careful on the sun and go slowly with it in the beginning.
Is it summer or fall now?
I don’t have to add much here. I am sure you understand the concept of sun being the strongest in the late spring and summer. So, act accordingly soon to be tan Attractive Bald Man. You can extend the time you spend on the sun without sunscreen longer in winter and fall. And be more careful in the summer and spring. I am sure, you get the picture Attractive Bald Man on mission.
Get some sun Attractive Bald Man everyday if you can. It will add to your overall health, your overall attractiveness and you’ll be attracting those most beautiful and intelligent women out there. And with little boldness you will have that date soon! They already want to go out with you. You are attractive. Now all you need to do is ask!
Related articles:
Bald mans guide to attract beautiful women and get date fast – part 1
Bald mans guide to attract beautiful women and get date fast – part 2
Bald mans guide to attract beautiful women and get date fast – part 3