Us bald men sometimes don’t realize how our diet actually influences our dating and love life. Yes my Attractive Bald friend in making, the stuff you eat can seriously effect your overall attractiveness. And with that being able to attract the most attractive in the world. So Attractive bald man on the mission, take your diet very, very, very seriously!
Bald mans guide to attract beautiful women and get date fast – part 3 video:
As you have seen on the video, I talk about the primary enemy of Bald Attractive Mans diet. And it is the bad carbohydrate – sugar and flour, that is so abundant in our modern diet these days. And I want you to start watching it very closely and taking it very seriously. No, not every carbohydrate is bad for you. Carbohydrate is carbohydrate, and for optimal functioning of our body and great looks we need some. But sugar and flour is exactly the one we don’t need. It’s killing us inside!
The healthiest, natural source of most sex appeal creating carbohydrate for Attractive Bald Man is in fresh vegetables and fresh fruit. And the reason for it is simple. The nature packaged these grams of carbs for us. And it packaged it with other important nutrients like fiber, vitamins and minerals. Nature wants to have all of us human beings to be attractive and healthy. Nature knows what is good for us. That fiber in that fresh fruit and vegetables slows that carbohydrate down and it doesn’t enter our blood stream too fast. And that’s where the attractiveness secret is.
You don’t want too much of sugar in your blood stream and you don’t want too little of it either. Otherwise inflammation happens in our bodies by sugar spikes and rapid insulin releases. It is a quite complicated process that happens in our bodies when we eat these substances, that you don’t really have to understand. It is not important.
What is important for you to know Attractive Bald Man in making is, that once that inflammation happens and it happens when we consume foods rich in these substances – sugar in any form, flour and combination of those two, we become tired, our skin gets inflamed, fat stores around our waist more easily, we don’t feel good, we are out of energy and our sex appeal is lost! And subsequently that brunette you always had crush on can smell it on you. You are becoming a repellent for attractive women. Yes they don’t want to be around a guy who is tired, sleepy, overweight with lots of pimples on his face.
I hope you are convinced of influence of your diet on your overall sex appeal soon to be very Attractive Bald Man with that hot date very soon under your belt.
So now, let’s boil it down to 4 simple rules for Attractive Bald Mans diet with fantastic sex appeal radiation (I call it the jungle smell, those beautiful women smell from miles away) :
Don’t eat and drink anything that has sugar added to it. And as a sugar I mean all the sugars out there – stevia, brown sugar, honey, all of them. They are not good for you! Period.
Don’t eat anything that is made out of flour. Any flour. Whole grain flour included!
Don’t eat any processed foods, that come in packages, wrappers. They usually contain huge amount of sugar and flour with dangerous chemicals as conservatives. Some canned food as long as it is natural like tuna, sardines, and others is ok to eat.
Eat only stuff you can find freely in nature. And this stuff usually gets bad fast. That’s a good sign. Your body likes stuff like that. It is easy for it to process it.
And that’s it!
Attractive Bald Man, yes from now on that’s only in capital letters and bold, because I strongly believe bald is attractive. If you manage to follow these simple most important rules in your diet, you’ll become attraction magnet almost overnight. There is a saying out there that says: You are as good as your last meal. And I agree with it. I will just add to it: Bald Man is as Attractive as his last meal and that’s why every meal has to be right! You never know when the opportunity to take some attractive intelligent beautiful woman out comes. Don’t miss it!
Related articles:
Bald mans guide to attract beautiful women and get date fast – part 1
Bald mans guide to attract beautiful women and get date fast – part 2
Hey Milan, great video series!
I was wondering, do you view things like potatoes and brown rice as being in the same category as flour? They are very similar in terms of basin nutrition, but somehow I feel that rice and potatoes are better than the flour you can buy in the stores because they are only one ingredient, whereas they put all kinds of things in bread.
Without any sort of starchy food, it is very difficult for me to get enough calories when I am being active and especially if I am trying to get muscle mass. Do you think that including some flour in your diet can be beneficial if you make sure to eat lots of fruits and vegetable and need more calories?
There is also another nutrition question I am very confused about is the healthiness of red meat. On one hand it is completely natural and full of great proteins and fats that I can feel power me. On the other hand many people say that red meat will give you diseases in the long run, although most of these people are women and low testosterone men who do not do any intense physical activity. The thing is that if I eat less mean then I have to eat more flour and rice, so I am not really sure what is the ideal combination. It is not entirely practical to live entirely off of fruits, vegetable and beans/nuts, so your thoughts on this would be very helpful.
Boris, great question! I could go on and on on this topic. But I will try to make it to the point. Potatoes and rice are fine. I eat them too. I don’t eat them very often. But I still do. The worst thing for you is additional sugar and flour in your diet. Although, occasionally you can enjoy a croissant. I do!
Ideally Boris, majority carbohydrate in your diet comes from vegetables and fruit. That doesn’t mean, you can’t have treats here and there. I follow paleo diet and it works the best with my body. I encourage you to dig little deeper into it. I am not strict paleo dietista though. I brake rules often.
Red meat causing diseases is an old school advice Boris. It has a bad reputation because of its high saturated fat content. But some recent studies show that saturated fat is not causing any harm to us humans. It’s the bad carbs that do! It’s chemically related.
And let me explain very shortly here Boris. Sugar and flour without presence of fiber that is in fruits and vegetables, causes insulin spikes in blood stream. That creates inflammation that causes ridged artery walls and that’s how the blocking of the arteries happens. The fat gets stuck there and builds up there. And of course other problems happen like acne, cancer, low immunity. I believe in this theory Boris. But I don’t want to try to convince you here. You need to do more research about diet and find out on your own. Trying to convince you that my diet is right would be selfish.
Anyway, Boris, I think, if you eat natural great balanced diet, eating everything that you can pretty much find in nature and it’s unprocessed, you’ll be healthy and attractive. I sometimes tend to go to the extremes, but they are not necessary.
BTW Boris, I am quite a big guy 193 lb and majority of my calories come from fat – olive oil, butter, fatty meats, nuts, and not much carbohydrate. And I do have six pack abs clearly visible on my stomach. There is no need to be afraid of fat! Fat should be your primary source of calories. I know it sounds little twisted, but I’ve been in health and fitness industry way too long. And I find the more fat I eat the leaner I am. Interesting, isn’t it?
Boris, thank you again for all your questions!
Thanks for the info! I too have been adopting a higher fat diet. I just worry a bit about red meat because so many people say it is unhealthy. I also consume a lot of olive oil and nuts, these are very attractive foods.
Just for clarification, why would rice and potatoes be better than flour for you? As far as I know they have the same basic chemical makeup. Is it because their have more fiber?
Yes Boris, potatoes, especially those cocked with skin and brown rice, even the white rice have more fiber than flour, especially the white flour. Subsequently they enter the blood stream much slower, causing much less overall body inflammation caused by insulin spikes.
Another positive thing going for them is that they as they are are inherently more natural and less processed. That’s big. One more thing is gluten. A lot if people don’t do well with this wheat protein. It causes allergies.