Bald man is definitely equipped with all the possibilities of dating the most attractive women out there. So what do the most attractive women look for in a man? No, they don’t look for a hair. I guarantee you that my Attractive Bald Man in making. What they are really looking for are the qualities that can be developed with hard work, some humility, boldness, learning and applying what you have learned.
And today I want to teach you and I hope you’ll execute it Attractive Bald Man on mission one thing that served me very well over my quite full of attractive women dating life. Cut your hair short. Stop hiding it. Stop fighting it. Stop worrying about it. And watch what happens. My guess is, you’ll really like what happens next.
Bald mans guide to attract beautiful women and get date fast – part 2 video:
It’s time to stop fighting your baldness my soon to be very Attractive Bald Man. Yes it’s time to raise the white flag to give up the war against your bald head. It’s time to embrace it and use it to your own advantage. And I understand that this will most likely not be an easy move to make. But I guarantee you, it is going to be a great moove. If you hang in there and persist, work hard on becoming attractive bald man, the most attractive women and girls out there will be attracted to you.
I am a bald guy and I have been there where you are now. It was hard and it was depressing seeing loosing my hair way too young. And than when I was cutting it short first time in 7 mm length it was very scary. I was really afraid. But I did it anyway. And I consider it as one of the best and boldest moves I have ever done in my life. And I want you young going bald man out there in the world somewhere to do the same thing. It served me very well and it will serve you very well as well. I am convicted about it!
Cutting your hair very short is a bold and adventurous move. You’ll feel little weird in the beginning. You’ll think that people stare at you. But that is actually not truth. I have been cutting my hair very short – 2-3 mm for a very long time now, and I can tell you that people don’t care much about my hair cut. People don’t care much about anybody’s hair cut. They have their own problems.
It is natural to feel like everybody is starring at you when you make a radical change in your appearance, but what usually happens is that people think that you’ve been having this kind of hair cut forever now. They don’t care!
On another hand I noticed those very attractive, intelligent, beautiful women really carrying about mans appearance. Yes they do care about your hair cut a lot. For some reason, and we can only guess here, those beautiful women care about everything regardless of their future partner. Looks and haircuts included. My guess is, it is because they are very aware that, they can be very picky in choosing their partner. Every man wants to date these attractive beautiful women.
And in my life, very short cut hair 7 mm and lover proved to be an attraction magnet for the beautiful women I dated. So why that is?
My reasoning here about very short haircuts for bald men and you can argue with me here, regarding most attractive women liking it is as follows: So, the beautiful, intelligent, that intelligent part is important. There is a lot of very pretty dum women out there. I as a man who is trying to really be a gentleman promised myself that I am never going to call a woman stupid, am willing to brake that rule just for now. That’s why intelligence part is important here.
So yes, the beautiful, intelligent woman thinks about very short hair on a bald man like this and I had this hypothesis confirmed by several attractive women I dated.
So here we go: This guy is bald, he is fit, nice, intelligent, gentlemen and interesting. And he is not too much into himself. The nature made him bald and that’s what it is. And I like that it is not defining and damaging his confidence. I love his confidence and him not trying to hide it. His bald head doesn’t define his life. I can’t even imagine him any different than bald. He is really, really attractive being bald. I am very attracted to him!
Something like that. That was the feedback I got from almost all attractive, intelligent women I dated. And I am convinced that they meant it. Why wouldn’t they? Otherwise they wouldn’t date me.
So, my soon to be Attractive Bald Man with short hair cut. Do it! Maybe give yourself a little time to think about it. Prepare for it mentally. But once you do it and follow other important steps, that a bald man has to take to be very Attractive Bald Man, you too might find yourself with that hot date sitting in front of you enjoying a glass of wine and telling you how she is incredibly attracted to you as you are – an Attractive Bald Man!
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They are great advice, I have a friend who is bald and still get along with the women, this is only a limiting belief that many men have, and see constumam defect where it has not.It does not need hair to be an alpha male, just take attitude, confidence and seductive. Thank you for sharing .
Thank you Julo for your opinion. True words!