Young bald man thinks that he just looks way too old for his peers. I still remember those way too young and bald times. Everybody just seems to be younger. And it could be truth for a little while. But that changes fast and baldness becomes your best feature of looking young actually forever.
Bald man can look young forever video:
Bald looks younger? Yes! Let me explain.
First, us young bald men that lose hair way too early have depressing thoughts that they’ll never look young and attractive. While this perception is understandable when you’re in your teen years, let me assure you it’s not going to be forever like that.
Maybe few years in your teens when you start loosing hair people will think you’re little older. While that could be a depressing thought, it can also be a huge advantage too. I don’t want to go into too much details about that here. I cover those in my other articles. What I want to assure you my young fellow bald or going bald man is, that after little while you’re going to start looking actually younger than anybody else. With few consistent action steps taken on your part, this is actually guaranteed feature of being bald.
Bald is perceived old at first
At first young bald man in high school is perceived as an older young man. I know it can suck big time! But and I talked about this before, high school is not going to last forever!
I know, that for high schoolers, the four years or so spent there seems like forever. It comes also from a young persons perception of time. Days go slowly and there is an abundant amount of time for young man in highschool. But this time is minuscule compare to what follows after high school. I agree, that going bald in high school can seriously make you feel bad about your look. But don’t give up my fellow young going bald man. It’s going to end soon!
I wrote before about high school really being a BS experience for young going bald man. All that BS about girlfriends and boyfriends and everybody is insecure and trying to not stand out of the crowd. It’s a very tough experience for a young bald man! It is! But, like I said, it will end soon! Hang in there young going bald man in high school. Don’t give up! Things get much better from here!
Bald stops being perceived old in twenties
Ok, my experience with early baldness starts at age 23. So I can’t really say what would happen earlier to my baldness situation and youthful look consideration.
So at this age of 23 I really started experiencing baldness as being easily accepted by my peers as quite normal and they really didn’t consider me being older than them. My peers would always guess my actual age. Which was great. I can not imagine it being any different few years earlier. In early twenties life for a young bald man becomes great again and he looks his age again.
So, if you’re in your early twenties and you are completely bald or just at beginning stage of baldness, you don’t have to worry, people will not find you looking older anymore. They won’t.
This is also a kind of youthful age when you get away with everything – partying, not sleeping, smoking, drinking, not exercising and eating crap. If you do all this which I don’t recommend, you get away with it. You’re young, and that kind of youth is your reality now. But be careful, because that early youth goes away fast! And that’s why you want to start developing healthy staying young forever habits now, when you think you don’t need them.
Start paying attention to your physical fitness, great diet and overall health now!
No, I am not saying you have to stay home and not go out or party. You should! You’re young! Have fun! But make sure your life stays in ballance.
Exercise and strength train regularly and eat very healthy natural diet. You won’t only develop a great staying young forever habit, you’ll also become immediately better looking, more attractive, more confident, more bold in your actions and adventurous. All those beautiful things come from great fitness and healthy diet. Plus off course you’ll look better and you’ll have more energy to party too! Everything benefits!
Of course my fellow young going bald man, at this time too, you should maintain nice clean short hair cut and dress in style. You’re young, you want to look good. Make it happen! It’s not that hard! Your early baldness will not stay in your way toward youthful look and overall great sex appeal if you put some effort to your style and regular short hair cut.
My early twenties bald young man life experience
After about a year or so of feeling sorry for myself and my early baldness, I finally threw it behind my head and embarked on intensive fitness program, great diet and I focused my youthful abundant energy on my ambitious goals in life.
At around age of 23 I started dating some very attractive women including one of the most attractive women in the world – runner up of miss Slovakia. This is not a bragging moment here on my part. I am showing you my fellow young bald man what’s possible for bald man in early twenties. And if you take care of your health and look, you’ll have the same problems – the most beautiful women will be interested in you too. It’s quite a good problem to have!
Bald starts looking young in late twenties
You’re through the early twenties my fellow young going bald or already bald man. You made it here. You developed some great youthful look by applying great health and attractiveness promoting habits. Your time is here! It’s a fantastic time for young bald man in late twenties!
Ok, maybe not right off the bet, but when you’ll be nearing late twenties of your life, you’re going to start noticing your peers looking actually older than they really are. Why? Well there are many reasons, but a primary reason for it are the poor health habits, lack of exercise, terrible diet, sitting on asses all day long in offices, life responsibilities, excuses and of course laziness.
Another big one is, that men in your age now, yes as soon as late twenties, will start noticing grey hair visible. And you might too young bald man.
While there is absolutely nothing wrong with few grey hair or even the whole hair grey, it makes men look older.
Even though some young bald men in their late twenties will be going grey a little too, they maintain very short hair cut and grey hair is almost invisible. And that makes them looking younger than guys with hair.
You might argue here with me, that even the guy who is going grey can cut his hair short to look younger. But in my experience that usually doesn’t happen. Men with full set if hair are usually very afraid to make that move – cutting their hair very short.
You as a young bald man in your late twenties start looking younger than your peers. Of course considering, you eat heathy natural diet, not sit on your butt all day, exercise, strength train, sleep enough, drink pure water, you get the picture.
My own bald young man in late twenties life experience
At this point of my life as a young bald man I didn’t even briefly noticed my baldness being a problem at all. I was already living in USA and life was great. Not easy, quite hard actually. But I loved every minute of it!
I worked very hard just to survive and I had set ambitious goals for the future. I met my love of my life at this time. Life was amazing for a young bald me at late twenties! And it will be for you too!
I started realizing that being bald at this period of my life had few great advantages too. I started looking much younger than my peers. My friends were going grey, looking more out of shape and energy. I started dominating the attractive man world. Again, this is not a bragging moment. I want you young bald man in search for future answers, to realize that life can become amazing for young bald man like you with little bit of effort. Or a lot of effort!
Now make sure my fellow young bald man, that you’re heading in the same direction. When you’re way to young and maybe still in your high school, it’s hard to see a bright future ahead of you. But it is certainly there. And if you want to, with little bit of hard work on yourself, you’ll certainly reach it!
Bald starts looking very young in thirties
I believe that thirties in a life of a young bald man is the best period for his young look, attractiveness and success domination. I am now in my late thirties, and I love every minute of it. If the young bald man manages to stay physically fit, eating healthy diet, maintaining clean short hair cut and paying some attention what he dresses, he will look much younger than his peers. Guaranteed!
He will dominate with his sex appeal, health, look and energy. And that’s exactly what the most quality life partners look for. You won’t find an attractive young ambitious woman that wants to be around a guy that is out of shape, tired, sloppy in his style even though he has a full set if beautiful hair. No my friend, hair won’t matter anymore. Again, Guaranteed!
My thirties young bald mans life experience
I absolutely love life in my thirties that I am now. Like I said before, I am in my late thirties now. I am fitter, I have more energy and I look much younger than pretty much all my peers. All of them!
Life is fantastic in thirties for a young bald man if he manages to keep up with demands necessary for attractive youthful look of a bald man. But I believe you will my fellow young bald man.
Bald looks young forever from than on
You’re very young now young going bald way too soon man. But not that long from now, you’ll enter your twenties. And than the thirties pass by. Does that mean you’re going to be looking and feeling old from now on? Not at all!
Bald man will always look younger than his peers. That is exactly what happens, if a bald man manages to stay on top of his fitness, diet, style and positive action oriented attitude. Let’s go little bit into the details about these staying young forever steps:
How to look bald and young forever
Exercise for bald forever young looking man
I wrote a lot about my fitness philosophy before. And I believe I have a great one for bald mans attractive youthful performing and athletic looking body forever. And it’s based on strength training. I believe strength training should be part of every young going bald man fitness routine.
Intensive consistent strength training for going bald or already bald man
Young going bald or already bald attractive man, get used to think about your physical fitness mainly through lifting weights. That’s by any means the best way to stay fit, lean, strong and healthy. Now, first question I get from bald men when I recommend to them an intensive strength training is: “Am I going to get big”? And right after they say: “I don’t want to get big”!
Let me assure you my fellow going bald man, that you won’t get big. You won’t! All you’re going to get from an intensive consistent strength training is lean, muscular, athletic, very attractive body. You’ll feel and look amazing! Your confidence will rise automatically. The athleticism of your muscular body will make you look young forever. And who doesn’t want that?
I am 6’3″ tall and about 190 pounds heavy, and I have about 7% of it fat. That’s very lean. But that’s not big at all. That’s athletic. And I want you to be athletic too. Not big! And I lift some seriously heavy weights. So, my fellow going bald or already bald man, start strength training and stop being afraid you’ll get big. If you want to get big, there are different strategies to follow I might write about some other time. And they are mainly nutritional – supplement strategies.
To stay young looking forever, intensive, consistent strength training for a bald man is a must. And it should never end.
Are you a beginner who doesn’t know how to start? I have a very simple but effective workout for you to do:
Mondays, Thursdays and Saturdays do:
5X maximum repetitions of pull ups
5X maximum repetitions of push ups
3X 30 repetitions ab crunches
3X 30 repetitions squat jumps
However simple that might seem, try it. Just this kind of plan can get you into a pretty amazing shape. And you can always build on it later. Important is that you start now. There is no reason to put your physical fitness on hold. Start now! You already know what to do! And with that achieve youthful look that you will keep forever!
Fun skillful cardiovascular exercise for going bald or already bald man
If you know me from my writing a little my fellow going bald man, I am the biggest enemy of indoors cardiovascular equipment. I hate it!
My advice to you is to simply avoid this equipment. You can do better! You can find a more fun way to get your cardiovascular exercise done. And with it, you can also learn an interesting new skill.
For a youthful look and youthful mind, do some skillful, preferably outdoors cardiovascular activity young bald man on a mission.
This includes examples like: playing tennis, soccer, beach volleyball, basketball, skiing, snowboarding, surfing, windsurfing, hiking, biking, swimming, open water swimming and many, many others.
What are you inclined to do my fellow going bald or already bald man? Do that! Have you done an interesting sport when you were younger? Do you wish you can play it again? Than start again! Improve that skill! Get some great cardiovascular exercise by doing it. And have a lot of fun with it!
I personally love to surf, play tennis and play soccer/futbal. By doing these activities I lose track of time. I am having great time doing them and I get a lot of cardiovascular exercise out of it too. Everything benefits! They are keeping me young forever as long as I keep them in my calendar.
Now, my fellow bald man, do the same. Engage in fun, skillful cardiovascular activities regularly and with that stay young looking forever! Start today!
Great diet for bald forever young looking man
To stay young looking forever, your diet is crucial. It’s the most important part together with regular strength training to pay attention to. And now you know it young bald man on a mission.
So what is the best diet for youthful look forever?
The answer is quite simple. What is challenging though is to stick to it long term and forever.
The best, healthiest, young look promoting diet is just a normal diet without any processed foods in it and no additional sugar and flour added. It’s that simple. So, let’s look little closer to it.
What you should be eating to stay looking young forever
You young bald man should only eat food that you can find in nature in the same form. Can you find pizza growing on the tree? No you can’t! Can you find Gatorade drink somewhere in the nature? No you can’t! How about a piece of apple, or piece of chicken? Yes you can! I am sure you get the idea my fellow going bald or already bald man.
You should only eat naturally occurring foods like all kinds of fresh unprocessed meats, they can be grilled or boiled, avoid frying, than eggs, nuts, avocados, all kinds of fresh fruit and vegetables, little bit of dark chocolate is fine too.
Great youthful look promoting diet is a simple natural diet free of additional sugar and flour. That’s the secret! Now you know it. Apply it!
How about drinks?
Pure water, sparkling water, unsweetened teas and coffee, and occasional alcoholic drink is ok. That’s it! No added sugar please! Not even a little bit! And not artificial sugars too.
Attractive successful bald man is healthy young looking man. And he knows that diet is crucial to his energy, success, great young looks that lasts forever.
Why so many words about it? Just do it my fellow young going bald or already bald man. Eat healthy! Drink healthy! Pay a lot of attention to it! And you’ll succeed at looking young forever. That’s it!
Clean regular cut for bald forever young looking man
Always when I get busy and life gets in the way and I don’t have time to maintain short clean hair cut, I start looking little older. Than I cut it short and clean and I immediately start looking about 10 years younger again.
So, my fellow going bald or already bald man on a mission to stay looking young forever, maintain clean short cut of your hair. In my experience, you need to cut your hair every week or week and a half regularly to keep it short and nicely maintained. And I cut my hair at about 3 mm short. It’s up to you how short you want to keep your hair. Decide and maintain it that way by applying short hair cut on regular bases.
Style for bald forever young looking man
I wrote a lot before about style for a going bald or already bald man. If you heard people telling you that it doesn’t matter what you wear, stop listening. Dressing well and in style is very important not only for a great youthful look of a bald man, but also for his overall attractiveness and success in life. It is very important.
Throw all the old clothes away and get some new ones. I will live the stile up to you. I believe that everybody can have a great style. Be creative, invest some money into your clothes and dress for every occasion.
It is an incredible confidence booster if you know you dressed well and you’re walking between people. They notice! They really do! You look attractive to them! You look like you give a dam! And you look young to them! Putting the old same old stuff on is what old people do. Don’t ever do that and stay young looking bald man forever!
Fun for bald forever young looking man
Going bald or already bald man has to find a way to have fun in his life regularly to radiate youthful energy and appearance. And what is the best way to have fun in life? It is by engaging in activities a going bald man is inclined to love doing. And preferably these activities also improve his health, body or mind at some level.
For example in my case it’s surfing or playing tennis. I love these sports. And guess what? They don’t only make me look young while I loose track of time engaging in them, they are also improving my health, fitness, mind and spirit. I become 11 year old kid while I engage in these activities. And you should find these kind of activities to engage too my fellow going bald or already bald man. They’ll make a huge difference on your overall healthy, youthful mind and look.
You don’t have to limit yourself to only doing outdoors sports as your fun, loosing track of time activities, although I strongly recommend these. There are other great sources of fun learning, youth promoting activities. Let’s look at some other examples of adding fun to your life: musical instrument playing, woodworking, welding, metalworking, collecting fun items like stamps, cards, ping pong playing, language learning, trawelling, writing, the list goes on.
The key is to pick a fun activity that improves you at some level. And of course having some balance in it, like for example doing outdoors fun active activity and than doing some other activity that is little bit less active. Something like that. I will let you be creative here my fellow going bald or already bald man.
But your goal here is to have some serious fun in your life! Make it happen!
Littler bit of sun for bald forever young looking man
Going bald or already bald man should get some sun on daily bases to promote his youthful look forever.
There is a lot written about negative effects of unprotected sun exposure. But it’s taken to the extremes lately. I strongly believe that we all benefit from some unprotected sun exposure. It’s not only making us look better, it also gives us the most natural health promoting dose of vitamin D. Get little bit of – 15 – 30 minutes, depending on your skin of unprotected sun exposure everyday my fellow going bald or already bald man. And stay healthy and young looking forever!
You younger looking bald man forever!
Going bald or already bald attractive successful man can stay young looking forever with specific action steps I outlined in this article that are ultimately in bald mans control. All you have to do my fellow going bald or already bald attractive man is to put an effort in. And than never stop putting that effort in. And I know you’ll do just that. And you’ll be always younger looking than your peers. You’ll be healthy, fit, strong, confident, fun to be around, attractive, young looking bald man forever! How fantastic!
Related articles:
Young bald man – have some serious fun!
Bald mans success and its consequences
Bald men should be little cocky
Do women find bald men unattractive? – part 3
Bald mans guide to attract beautiful women and get date fast – part 7