Bald attractive successful man doesn’t let anybody put limits on his own boundaries. He sets them up with his own boldness and creativity. And the boundaries stretch far with those 2 acquired skills. Very far!

When I hear people say this, I know they can be better. But what holds them from reaching their true potential in life are others and other things. And for the most part, it is the easy thing to be stuck in. You’re just average. You tell yourself that it is a good place to be.
“How many are below average! You reason.” I used to do that all the time!
Than I read this quote:
How people get trapped in life? Killing one safe secure day at the time.
– Peter Burton
This is a perspective of a dying person. Peter Burton died of stomach cancer when he was 51. He coauthored a book where he described his view on life from a perspective of a man who has 2 years left to live. It’s called Not Fade Away.
Yes the book is sad as hell. You’re going to cry my fellow bald man. But you should still read it. To basically sum it up, Peter recommends that we all should try to live great life, up to our true potential, fail a lot, learn and aim higher. The quote says it all.
Don’t let others put limits on you
Let’s get back to our example – bald average so so happy Joe.
Other people, neighbors, family members, Joes’s boss, Joes’s safe job put limits on himself. They set the boundaries for him. I was one like him not that long ago. And there is nothing wrong with this situation until you start looking at life from a little bit different perspective.
What have you got to lose?
Seriously attractive bald man in making, if this kind of safe, so so average life situation applies to you too, and it’s keeping you from feeling amazing about your life and yourself, I am asking you: what have you got to lose?
Yes you might be feeling safe and secure. But is that really why you were put on this planet? I don’t think so. Everything around you, material things was or is just a star dust and it will turn back to a star dust. All you have is this short time, right now to make some serious difference! To live great, fantastic, fulfilling life. That doesn’t necessarily mean easy life though.
Attractive successful bald man disrupt the boundaries with boldness and creativity
Now I urge you my fellow going bald or already bald man, disrupt the boundaries others or other things put on you. Listen very deeply to your own voice. It already knows where it wants to go. You just have to listen and than do what it’s saying. That’s your true bold creative self.
Let’s take a simple example here. You’re young and you’re doing great. You have a safe corporate job with great benefits. You’re shuffling the paper from one side of the desk to another. And you’re getting paid well for it. Not necessarily great, but way beyond enough.
After a while doing the same thing on your job over and over, in spite of life being nice and comfortable, you start feeling little emptiness when you realize that weeks are rolling in and out like those garbage cans you have to set in front of your house every Tuesday. Something is missing.
What you’re experiencing is what people were experiencing millions of years ago too. And they are experiencing it now. But instead of them taking a good paycheck for it, they went and they did something about it. They disrupted the comfort for their pure survival. Something hardly seen today.
They explored!
They ventured further!
They went to hunt the wholly mammoth!
They kept moving forward toward their greatness rather unknowingly!
Sure there were some that didn’t, but majority did. Now give people safe government jobs and they’ll stay in their 50% fulfilling situation for their whole life. What a waist!
If you happen to be in this situation, I want you to disrupt it. Now! What is it you truly want to do? Deep down you already know it.
I have a friend who wants to be a swim coach, but his safe secure job doesn’t allow him to do it.
Now, what I believe is, that he has to follow his instincts. He has to force himself to live fully fulfilling life. He has to disrupt the boundaries today and live up to his true potential! He has to follow his calling and become a swim coach!
Bald creative bold man without boundaries is very attractive man
People who are disruptors, yes attractive successful bald men too, who have that sparkle in their eyes and follow their own dreams and goal are also incredibly attractive. They radiate life energy and sex appeal!
I am not exaggerating here, it is true. They listen to their hearts. And they follow it with boldness and creativity. Yes, they often are scared of certain actions they have to take in order to reach their calling. But they proceed through the fear and worry. How incredibly attractive! Plus they are also very successful and and maybe rich! Not that it really matters. But it’s a nice side effect of being bold, creative and following ones true heart calling.
Attractive successful bald man in making, I urge you to not let anybody or anything set the boundaries on you. Listen to your heart! Don’t be afraid to act on what it’s telling you. Be creative and act boldly. You’ll not only live up to your true potential, you’ll also be happy, successful and others will find you very attractive too. And that’s what real success is: Living up to your true potential and calling. Go make it happen my fellow bald man!
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