Going bald or already bald man somewhere out there in the world, is there anything that your baldness prevents you to do today? A week from now? A month or few years from now?
Is there anything you haven’t done in the past regardless of your baldness problem? If there is, it’s time to reconnect with that pursuit. It’s time to start pursuing it today. Now! Why am I telling you that?
The worst things in life are regrets.
No, no the kind of regrets when you did something and failed, or caused some pain or made somebody miserable. No, those are normal failures and they are not going to hurt you in the long run. You tried your best. And as long as you try, it counts.
The kind of regrets I am talking about are those, when you know that you want to do something, go somewhere, asks somebody something scarry, try something and you hold back and don’t do it. Those are the kind of regrets that will cause the most pain in life.
Let me give you little example from my life. It happened 13 years ago and it is virtually one of my biggest regrets of my life.
I left my home when I was 21 years old. I kissed my mother, looked at her, smiled and told her: I’ll be back mom! I didn’t know when, but I knew it’s going to be a long time from seeing my mother last. I still remember her standing in the glass and metal gate of the entrance to the big apartment building so typical for the post communist countries.
She was looking at me, wishing me good luck, she was smiling with tears in her eyes. Like she already knew she sees me last time.
Me, I was excited. I didn’t cry or feel sad at all. I was arrogant 21 year old leaving the Eastern European town Bratislava, my birth place and home until than. And I was leaving and heading to California. In my mind I was leaving a place nobody knows and cares about and going to place everybody knows and wants to be there. And yes, I was already going bald at that time. And it did bother me already a little bit.
Just to make long story short, I did arrive with my friend couple days later in San Francisco, California. Our adventure was just starting. And I felt amazing! I felt like I was in top of the world. We worked hard, we partied, we surfed, we lived careless life’s of young arrogant adventurous vagabonds.
In the meantime I kept receiving emails from my mom. She would be writing me what’s happening at home and she wanted to know how I’m doing and how things are. I was glad to hear from my mom. And I read every email she wrote me. I still have them all.
But I wrote back to her very sporadically. Once a week, than once a month and than I stopped. My mom kept writing me. And she was wandering how we are? How are things? Of course she was worried! Of course she was looking forward to open her mail box and see my mail.
But I didn’t write back. I was going to soon, I told myself. “I will write you about it all mom! But not now. I don’t have time.” There was a cool bar to go to. There was just another trip to some beautiful park like Grand Canyon to go to. Excuses, excuses!
About a year later after I left home. And about 3 months of me not writing anything to my mom, I received what still is the saddest news of my life: “Your mom died yesterday”. My friend delivered the news. Our moms were friends and she called him and told him.
It was a terrible accident that took my mom away forever. And still until today, I have the biggest regret of my life so far. And that is not writing my mom and telling her how I am, that I love her and miss her so much. I deep down knew, I should have write her. But I was putting it off until it was too late!
Bald attractive man, live with no regrets
Young attractive bald man on mission, you might be facing some completely different actions that you’re putting on hold than I did and do. But no matter what they are, you should listed to that nagging voice and take them seriously. Is there something you should do or should have done? Is there something you’re afraid of doing, but you know you should be doing? Is there something you want, but can’t muster the guts to do it? I believe we all have these stuff that are put on hold. You too my fellow bald man. Now go and make them happen, starting now! Don’t let another regret become part of your life. Act boldly on your goals and dreams! You’ll never regret that! Even if you fail miserably. Live life with no regretts! Amen!
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