The World Cup is long gone. But Attractive Bald Men are always visible out there. Our next Attractive Bald Man case study is Italian soccer superstar Fabio Cannavaro. And yes, Fabio Canavaro is a very attractive bald man.
Bald attractive man case study – Fabio Canavaro video:
I am not going into the details about Fabios life and career here. You guys can find a lot about him on internet. He is quite a famous guy. But, we don’t care about that here. What we care about is Fabios perception of his own baldness and the feedback he gets from his environment.
I can tell with quite certainty, that Fabio Cannavaro is one of the best looking men in the world. And he also seems like a very nice man too.
I purposely don’t only want to talk about looks and vanity here in our Attractive Bald Men case studies. Being an Attractive Bald Man involves so much more that being good looking.
So, beside his great looks, great tattoos, (I have a weakness for tattoos on hands – one day I will have them tattooed with all my dogs names I ever had, don’t tell my wife please 🙂 ) he is a confident leader. He was a captain of an Italian team in 2006 World Cup. And he led his team to win the most valuable trophy that can be earned in sport of soccer.
Often though, the confidence and baldness don’t go hand in hand. And I believe Fabio Cannavaro is not a natural confident leader. He might be a generally nice guy by nature, but confidence and leading ability are developed, not born with.
I bet you, that Fabio suffered for some time when he started noticing that he is going bald at an early age. Yes, he used to have a long hair. And now he is a bald attractive man with the best haircut in the world. But like I said, it most likely wasn’t easy for him too.
It is very individual how long it takes to a young man to get through the initial stage of going bald. And often it takes a long time. Fabio managed to move on and use his baldness to his advantage quite early.
He cut the hair short and moved on. And I strongly believe and I have a lot of experience to back it up, by talking to some of the hottest women I know who said that Fabio was the best looking guy on the World Cup.
Fabio is much better looking now without hair than with hair!
So what?
I am not just talking about Fabio Cannavaro by accident here. Fabio Cannavaro is an extreme case of a bald man dominating in attractiveness contest I might say here, between the best looking guys in the world – the soccer players.
Ask any attractive hottie out there, and she will tell you that soccer players are the best looking men out there in general. I believe it’s the nature of the sport that makes them that attractive. They don’t get too muscular or skinny as a result of others sports. Their bodies are just perfect. And they move a lot. Their faces are mold by the low fat % they get from the nature of this sport. They simply look attractive.
So where am I heading with this? I am heading here: Fabio Canacaro was named as the most attractive soccer player on the World Cup 2006. And I believe the beauty queen David Backham represented his country there too.
So, this is big! Very big! A bald man being considered as the most attractive man between the group of the most attractive men. This is quite an extreme Attractive Bald Mans case study here.
Now you might argue with me that looks are subjective and pretty girls and attractive women, men if you want, find different things being attractive on men. And we can discuss this forever. And you might be mostly right.
Anyway, I will just close this Attractive Bald Mans case study with a simple sentence: Fabio Canavaro, very young bald man was considered as the most attractive man between the most attractive men. And I rest my case here.
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Hey Milan, I’ve got to say I’m very confused here. Is this the Fabio Cannavaro you are talking about?
He does not look bald to me… And he is not very young either (41). I saw a few pictures of him with his hair cut very short, but he was still obviously not bald.
If you are looking for real bald soccer player, who was obviously bald at a very young age, I recommend looking into Yordan Letchkov. He was a Bulgarian soccer player who was a key part of the 1994 team when they made it to the world cup, and he was fully bald with long hair at the time. I think that is much more impressive than cutting the hair very short, but perhaps that was not yet acceptable in those days. A more modern and well known example could be Tim Howard, the American goalie.
An example of a very good looking young bald guy would be Khaldor, ( a video game commentator. He is not so great an example because attractive bald men should not be playing many video games, (I learned about him a few years ago when I was not so attractive yet), but he actually has very high sex appeal that far outclasses all of the nerds with full hair that are around him.
Boris, thank you for your great bald guys tips to use as our case studies here on Bald Attraction! I will work on it.
Regarding Fabio Cannavaro case study, you’re right, he is not that young anymore 41 now, and at the time he led Italian team to the victory in the World Cup 2006 he was I believe 34 or so.
I wanted to use Fabois bald mans case study, because it is an extreme example of a famous guy, well known who is considered to be a sex symbol. Since Fabio cut his hair very short for the reason of his hair thinning, I decided to use his example. I should have used his brother Paolo as a better example, his baldness is much more substantial and in younger age.
But again Boris, I am referring here to Fabio Cannavaro as a captain of Italian team on the World Cup 2006 where he decided to cut his hair because of thinning. That’s quite a bold decission, that proved to be an excellent one. He became more attractive to other people than ever before. These Cannavaro brothers have clearly baldness gene in their family and they are dealing with their hair situation the right healthy way. So they both can be as well our role models for every becoming Attractive Bald man and helping to motivate them into action.
Boris, thank you for reading and being a true fan!