Bald man, especially young bald man, yes that is you and it was me not that long time ago lacks self belief. It comes from lacking self confidence. But self belief comes with it. And it’s not serving you well my fellow young going bald or already bald man.
If you don’t believe in yourself and your abilities, every action you do is timid, slow and average. And that’s not the way to be attractive.
Attractive people possess high self belief and their actions show it. They are bold, they do more adventurous things, they go boldly after their wildest dreams and goals. That makes them immediately more attractive. They live interesting life full of fulfilled potential.
And I want you to live life like that my fellow young going bald or already bald man. For that you need bulletproof, high self belief!
Respect yourself
Do you like yourself my fellow bald man? You don’t have to love yourself. No! But respecting yourself is very important! So do you? About a decade ago I didn’t respect myself either. Why?
It came down to my actions and lifestyle that I lead. I hated my bald head and I felt ugly and unattractive. And my timid actions, low self esteem, complaining a lot, being afraid more, generally living mediocre life as a young bald man made me not respect and not like myself. Big part of it was my early baldness situation.
But that started to change suddenly. I respect and like myself deeply now. The reason for it? I don’t complain anymore. I am physically very fit. I act boldly on my goals and dreams in spite of my fears. I don’t brake promises with myself by following through with my actions. I live bold adventurous often hard and painful in a growth way kind of life.
And all that makes me respect myself and like myself. And you my fellow young going bald or already bald man has to get to that state of mind too. Starting today!
Trust yourself
Let’s say you’re already very physically fit. That helps a lot. You’re reasonably confident and you follow your wildest dreams in life my fellow going bald or already bald man. Than you have to develop trust in yourself and your actions. You have to believe that things will turn out great eventually for you.
Are you going to make wrong decisions from time to time? You bet you will. So what? You made mistake and we all do, and you learn from it! And you move on. Your self belief won’t get hurt at all. It rises higher!
Acting boldly, making mistakes and learning from them and keeping your deep high trust in yourself is the way of the winners in this world. And you’re on the mission to be a winner my fellow young going bald or already bald man. Start trusting yourself deeply. Simply trust yourself and everything you’ll do will be right. That’s one of my most important mantras I lead my own bald life by. Do the same! It works!
Trust your cards
However hard you have it young bald man on mission, you have to believe that your cards that were dealt to you in life will connect the dots and you’ll rise on the top eventually. Because you really will if you trust them!
I went through my darkest period of my life just after my 22 birthday. I was bald, I lost the most important person in my life at that time – my mother. I didn’t have a place to stay and live. I had little cash in my pocket. I had to finish college basically as a close to being a homeless guy. Not really homeless, but living on sofa in my brothers apartment doesn’t count as a home.
I was depressed. I was hiding. I was tired a lot and complaining a lot. I was out of shape. I made it eventually out from this dark period. But looking back, every single piece of my misfortune at that time, yes loss of my mother that I loved so much included, led me where I am now. And I love where I’m now!
All these bad things happening to me at that time made me leave my country and start new. They made me tough like steel.
Now I live in one of the best places in the world – San Francisco Bay Area. I met love of my life. I have 2 beautiful healthy kids. I’m in peak physical and mental shape. I love my life a lot.
Now, if all those bad things didn’t happen to me, I doubt I’d have any of those above mentioned things. I would be a soft bald hiding loser living mediocre life in a grey place where I grew up not making any impact on the world. That would be very sad!!!
Again I’m not happy that I had to live through hell and that I lost a loved one. I’m just saying, that even those can lead you to some places you would not even imagine.
Your cards will take care of you eventually. So trust your cards my fellow young bald man! They’ll certainly turn out to be great if you give them a chance to believe them. Relax and enjoy the ride!
Self belief cultivated – act boldly and with confidence
Self believe, the confidence and future bolder life kind of experience and benefit it brings comes right away.
It needs to be cultivated. And you cultivate it by setting your mindset on the right tune. The “Screw it I will do it!” kind of tune.
That means you act in the face of doubt and fear. Now no matter what the outcome is from your acting on your decission – success or failure, you celebrate it. That’s the right tune. That’s the growth mindset that over time translates to an incredible self belief.
Bulletproof self belief is a magic weapon for bald man
With my humble opinion, I believe I possess a bulletproof self belief now. And I want you to get one of these too. Why? Because it’s life transformational.
This single one trait will turn your life upside down my fellow young going bald or already bald man.
You’ll become a man that knows where he’s going, the man that lives with no regrets, the man who acts on his dreams and goals, the man who is less and less afraid, the man who succeeds in every aspect of his life. And all that is incredibly rare these days to see in a man. And that magnifies it’s visibility.
You become a man who has a bulletproof self belief. And that’s very attractive! People will start gravitating toward you. They’ll want to be around you. Careful it might become a problem you’ll have to deal with also. But that’s a good problem to have.
Attractive successful young bald or going bald man – YOU! knows the importance of his own self believe. And you cultivate it with positive growth mindset and pushing your boundaries further outside of your own comfortable zone. And your self belief will grow every day my fellow young going bald or already bald man on life transforming mission. Get it and keep it forever! Believe in yourself and win every time!
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