My mission in life is to help others and to make huge difference in people’s life’s.
And I am humbled and incredibly thankful to have the opportunity to change young bald mans life’s.
And I am very proud to say, that I am succeeding at this.
Bald attraction changes life’s!
And here is the evidence of it:
Hey Milan , Im from Brazil. This blog is the best thing that I find , dont stop mate.
Sometimes is hard to overcome this problem. I used to have a long hair but now even the 1 or 2 mm doesnt work . Should be shaved but my problem is the people that knew me before that. I am really ashamed from them .
However Iam grateful for my life, my family, my fucking hot girlfriend and everything.
all the times when I need a shot of confidence I came here. VictorMilan – Bald Attraction
First of all….Thanks big brother for your great posts…. i find yours site searching something for bald young boy.. By the way I am 23 from india and got blessed with(which at first though of as a curse) mpb. At present my crown is almost completly bald. And as usual like any young bald guy….depressed depressed & depressed. But from last few days …actually months searching for sites which encourage young bald boys to accept it and improve on rest 99% of things. But failed to find such, then recently i found yours, and found myself blessed to have you as a guide or motivator whatever you say, till now i am just spending days dull like weakling also spoiled my school days. But after reading your posts which works like life giving drug my life is back.
Now I’ve accepted my baldness and working on other areas of life and soon I’m going to start a business of garments with low investment. And i give all credit to you and my few friends who really understands me and motivated me to move on in life and live life like a bold bald men, strong healthy and confidant about whatever i have and improving further. Once again thanks a lot brother friend guide thanks.Ramit
Hi Milan,
Thank you for these fantastic videos. I am deeply moved by them, and they have really helped me understand confidence. My hair left me early even for a young bald guy. It was shedding at 14 and by the time I was 18 I realized it was past time to cut it. I have been doing same haircut as you ever since. I recently turned 22, and while I am mostly comfortable with being bald by now, it still haunts me when I am in a bad mood and sucks emotional energy. It is sad to think how much time I have lost worrying about this, but your videos have given me a totally different perspective on reality and a new hope for the future.
I am in decent shape and have good diet (thought there is a lot of room for improvement), and I need to improve in all the other ways you suggest because I have been rather lazy my whole life. I see now that confidence is not just a mental state, but a lifestyle, and your videos solidify what really makes a man attractive.
Thank you! Brian
I think your videos are especially helpful and are what sets your site apart from others, because guys can see and hear it, rather than just reading a post online. That’s huge! It’s one thing to read about it, but another to see it in action!
Thank you for producing all those “Bald Attraction” videos.
Your videos would be a tremendous asset if I was in my
early 20’s and thinning out on top. Unfortunately, when I
was in my early 20’s and basically with see-thru comb-
forward hair, back in early 1970’s, there was no support.Anyways, Milan, please keep up the excellent positive bald
videos and if possible, try to get some young balding guy
in your video and interview him. This is just a thought.Like I said, I wished your videos were around as I was going
through, what I thought at the time, was a traumatic issue
going bald.My Best Always,
~~StasiuHello dear Milan,
I don’t know if you will ever get this
message or read it, but I just wanted to shout a big thank you out for
you. You are the man!Let me introduce myself quickly, My name
is Joseph, and I’m turning 19 next week (7 days actually). I have a
receeding hairline and I felt really bad about it. There was no such
thing as styling my hair. I alays used the classic ‘hittler’ style, the
sidecomb.. till one day. I shaved my head. I felt so anxious and
depressed I can’t explain you, you propably felt the same. everytime
before I go to bed I was thinking about it like it was a sin or
something wrong I did in my life.. almost like a murder. All the
negative thoughts were running through me and I was losing confidence. I
tried to cure it but it didn’t work out pretty well. I decided to get
over it and never really did till I saw you. You inspired me like noone
other. You are a handsome young men who is doing something good out
here. You don’t know how much you influenced me, more than my parents or
siblings or coach or anybody.. just like that! MASSIVE THANK YOU! wish I
could send you a postcard. You litteraly cleared my mind of negative
thoughts.God bless you, my good looking bald friend!
Sincerely, Joseph
Hi Milan, it’s Seth. I took your advice and now im starting to leave the cap at home i walk with confidence and get alot of attention of younger girls now its great. thanks for you advice!
Thank you! Seth
Bald Attraction – Milan
You’re really a kind man Milan,you’re doing a huge effort helping young balding man depressing about their baldness and loosing their time while they can enjoy life like others.
If a young guy loses his hair early, but can get over it, he’s really set up well to be a confident man! But, if he lets it get him too far down, it can really have some lasting impacts. So they need that help early on, so they don’t get stuck in that negative thinking. I definitely got stuck in it, and it was a huge waste of time!!
Honestly, I think what is most effective is exactly what you’re doing – focus on confidence, and the many things that go into it. Confidence is not just one thing, but a lot of things added together. When I was 19, 20, 21, and my hair was falling out quickly, I was building confidence in my studies and work abilities, my interactions with people, and I suppose picking up women while out (though always with a hat on).
But, I was losing confidence as I did not know what would happen to me if I was bald, and I knew I was going to be bald in just a few years, so I panicked. What really helps is hearing the little steps that a guy can take to rebuild that confidence after cutting your hair short – stand tall, look people in the eye when talking to them, smile, be strong but treat people with respect. Do those things to exude confidence until you start to really believe it again.
I think your videos are especially helpful and are what sets your site apart from others, because guys can see and hear it, rather than just reading a post online. That’s huge! It’s one thing to read about it, but another to see it in action!
Just the last few weeks, I’ve seen a great example of being confidently bald. I’ve been going to a spin class at a local gym, and the instructor is totally bald, but clearly very confident – his class is CONSTANTLY full, mostly with very attractive women, who chat with him after every class.
It’s a powerful message you’re sending when you’re not shy about being bald – I know it takes some work, and a big part of me wishes I had put in that work a long time ago, so it’s important that young guys get that message NOW so they can get over it and live well. They need to hear it from other guys who went through it, and aren’t that much older, so they can relate – when I was losing my hair and read stories of guys 20, 30, 40 years older than me losing their hair, I just ignored it, since I thought they couldn’t understand. So young guys definitely need some guys to look up to!
Keep it up!
I’ve read many of your articles and they are all great. I’am trying my best to use your methods of maintaining self confident. But sometimes I receive others’ negative energy and feeling really down and depressed.
too thank your for your help
best regardsRon
Hi Milan!
My name is Adam, I’m a portuguese guy living in Brazil. I totally loved your website! Thank you for your generosity. I would love to help you somehow.
Take care, Adam.Dear Milan:
Thank you for producing the “GOING BALD TOO YOUNG” Series ! I wished those videos were around when I was going premature male pattern bald. By the time I was age 22 (1977), my barber did the deed and shaved (hot lather, razor) off my pathetic see thru comb over long top hairs and buzzed the sides/back down to #0-1. Back then full head shaves not as mainstay as today. Again, thanks and keep up the great videos !
I posted on your site a few weeks back, and just signed up for the newsletter yesterday, and wanted to thank you again for putting together such a positive site!
I suppose you could say I am also an attractive bald man, albeit with a bit of a different angle!
As I posted on your page, I’m probably a year or two younger than you, and started losing my hair when I was 17 – I completely panicked. I was overweight as a kid, but worked hard to get very fit when I was about 14-15. Life was great! I got a lot of attention from girls, and was looking forward to the future.
When I noticed hair all over my pillow a few months after I turned 17, I freaked – over the next few years, I’d try the drugs – Rogaine and Propecia – all kinds of herbal creams, standing on my head – and NOTHING worked! When I graduated college at 23, it was pretty bad and I had been wearing a hat all the time for a few years – I still got girls, but really hated how I looked without the hat. I was very demoralized. I had really loved my hair, and now just a few years later I had a combover and was taking some jokes from friends! None of my close family was bald, and I only knew one friend who was losing his hair – at the time, it wasn’t nearly as bad as mine was.
Here’s where I could have really used your site! But, it was 2002, and there was no YouTube, and no real websites where you could talk to other guys who were going through it or recently gone through it. I saw the ads for Hair Club for Men all over TV, including one during the Super Bowl that year, and figured I would go in and see what it was all about.
I admit, the guys I met there looked great – the guy who really sold me was 36, and looked exactly what 23 year old me thought I should look like at 36. So I went for it, even though I didn’t really understand what I was in for. I was really shocked when I realized they were shaving down the top of my head and gluing a wig on me! I held it together until I got out, then drove to a Starbucks, where I threw up in the bathroom.
A few days later, I saw myself in the mirror, and standing there was the old “me” that I had liked so much – I did look great, and soon was getting attention from younger girls again even when not wearing a hat. But I didn’t feel quite right – like I was hiding who I really was! That continued over several years, and I didn’t tell anybody about what I’d done. Not until several years ago, when I had been dating a girl for a few years, did I tell someone about it.
And, as you say, SHE DIDN’T CARE. She didn’t care if I was bald, or if I had hair, though she did like my “hair.” But she did care that I had been embarrassed about being bald, and what I’d done about it! After we broke up and I started dating another girl, I told her and she didn’t care either! I’ve since told a lot of people, and NOBODY cares!
Exactly as you have said on your site, NOBODY cares if you are bald if you are confident and comfortable with who you are! This is extremely difficult for a young, balding man to come to grips with – I thought it would be impossible to be the person I wanted to be without my hair, and I was NEVER so wrong! I don’t think there is anything wrong with wearing a hair system, if you’re comfortable with what you’re doing and who you are, but I think it’s a LOT easier for most guys if they cut it short and work on rebuilding their confidence!
So I think what you’re doing is incredibly important – I don’t know what it is like for other guys to lose their hair, but when it happens as a teen, it’s really hard! You need good role models to show you that it’s not the end of the world, and that’s exactly what you’re doing! When I was 17, I thought being bald would be a disaster – now, if a guy is fit and dresses well, I think it can be a really good look! So thank you for helping the younger guys out there, and I’ll look forward to more posts on the site!
Too thank you for your reply and for your great site.
I’m Persian and my name is Ben
I got so many problems from my childhood due to the lack of self esteem, but when I became adult and grew bald, all the things got worsened. For example I’m really afraid of people’s judgment and really really wanna get rid of their judgement when I encounter them. your instructions are so helpful and find your website very useful.
too thank you my friend
I think this whole bald attraction thing is great and it has already helped me. I don’t remember everything from the site but here are some suggestions:
As a young balding guy, my two main issues are confidence and accepting myself. I know you have talked about that on your site but I think its something that should be focused on a lot more bc it seems like the younger guys have such a harder time dealing with it.
I think some talk about how to be attractive to women, how to talk to them, how to pick up, how to escalate, etc will all be great for your site. I have learned a lot already from such people such as Nick Sparks on how to hold a conversation with women and it has helped me despite being young and balding.
I really like the diet advice you give and personally eat along the lines of Weston Price and Primal which reminds me–have you ever investigated the possibility of nutrition and early Male Pattern Baldness? I did and think that things like low zinc and B vitamins can play a role. I mean look at the quality of our food nowadays. And its interesting to note that I went to a clinic a few years ago that specializes in nutrient therapy and was tested and found to be low in some nutrients, notably zinc and vitamin and I think magnesium. I was given an AM and PM nutrient formula and took that. When I started that, I was in the beginning stages of hair loss and the compound slowed my hair loss and even appeared to stop it. After a year or so of using it, I went off and shortly thereafter my hairloss started again quite rapidly. So, it seems that nutrition plays a role.
I have actually been doing quite well with women lately. I am dating two and I believe every women I have dated within the last year has liked me but in the back of my mind I am still bothered by my balding. Its as if, no matter how well I do with ladies, I cannot accept it and it brings my self esteem and confidence down. So, perhaps getting into some very good psychological stuff about how men like me can get this shit out of our heads that we are somehow inferior because our balding, you know?
You have a good blog going here. The advice you’re providing really is applicable to everyone, not just bald men. Living an active healthy lifestyle, projecting self confident behavior, and leading a robust lifestyle will make anyone more attractive.
I firmly believe if you keep yourself in shape and were blessed with good facial features a man will look attractive bald or not.
Hello Milan, my name is Craig, im from Liverpool England. I am 26 years old and have been balding since around the age of 23, its been a extremely difficult process and it hasn’t got any easier only worse as I lose more hair, I have been shaving to number zero for the past couple of years with the odd attempt to grow it slightly only to be depressed at the outcome, the last three years have been horrendous and even still i can’t quite believe what is happening. My brother and father both have no signs of balding whatsoever my mother’s father still has a decent amount of hair for 86year’s old but my father’s dad however also became bald in his 20s so I believe this is were i have got it from.I have lost all self confidence i once had and have became withdrawn and anti social because of it. It has gone on for long enough now and something has to give because i really can’t deal with this anxiety anymore. I do think i look terrible now and have been extremely uncomfortable with my appearance ever since. However, I was searching you tube the other day about hairloss wich I have done a million times and happened to stumble across one of your videos, this led me to watch all of your other videos and they really cheered me up and also made me laugh at times, after listening to some of your advice i began feeling some optimism wich I haven’t felt in a long Time, your confidence in yourself was transmitted to me and im sure to many of our other balding brothers. The advice you give really isv brilliant and gives me real hope in maybe overcoming this ordeal or at least finding some degree of acceptance. I have nothing left to lose now so I am going to try everything in my power this new year to become ATTRACTIVE BALD MAN. Thank you for sharing your videos and messages of encouragement. They really do mean an awful lot so thank you MILAN. and to all the people with the negative comments, please take them elsewhere because this guy is just trying to help his balding brothers. Bye!
dam youre positive
haha.Cheers dude,ill take your advice into account.laters
Milan, your advice for bald and balding men out there is perfect. I started going bald at the age of 17. I really did not notice until I started college at 18. Over the next two years, my hair loss occurred rapidly and I was self concious about it. I never had a problem meeting girls. Finally about a year ago, I clipped all my hair off, typically with no guard or at most a 1. I struggled with myself in the mirror for about a month and you know what happened? I manned the fuck up. I realized that being a little bitch about it was not going to get me any girls. BY THE WAY I AM ALSO 22 YEARS OLD, 5’7, AND VERY SKINNY.
Since that turning point, I have worn my bald head like a champion, even if sometimes I don’t always feel that way. I have been rejected and made fun of at times by my friends and coworkers. But you know what else? I have also been out and slept with some attractive women. A VERY SEXY GIRL EVEN LICKED MY HEAD when talking about how much she likes guys with bald heads. For every negative comment I have received, I have also received a positive one. That’s what I focus on.
To all you guys on here being negative. STOP! Bald is fucking badass and I love it. One day you will too. Comfortable is key and don’t hide it (not even with a hat). You have to wear it like a boss.
Love to all you bald guys out there especially the very young ones like myself. You have to accept that you just as when you had hair, you won’t appeal to every girl out there. This is an awesome website for guys who are self concious and/or new to being bald.
PS – My next move is to get fit, too.
Thanks for your words. In this way , this website will be a world reference to overcome the lack of self confidence(that is the real problem) for sure. To be honest, even when I had heaps of hair I didnt have confidence, and everything happened because I am good looking. I still good looking but this “problem” wake me up to work in improve my self confidence. I consider too much the opinion of other people and I have to stop it.
Quite impressive work – life changing….and i like your english too! Phil
Thanks for your understanding and your help and support. It would be so good if a gay writer writes here and shares his experiences and perhaps gives some advice. Yes I’m sufferring confidence problems at age 24 and these problems have grown with me since I was teenager. I realy don’t know how to love myself. But i’ m glad to see peopel like you , who have overcome such problems and try to help others. Thanks a lot and best wishes.
This was important for me to read. Thank you. I started losing my hairline as far back as 14 but it did not become an issue until a little after college at age 21. By 23 I have aa VERY receeded hairline and what is there isn’t much to speak of. My schedule for my hair at this point is keeping it short (inch or two) and to just comb it forward. I’m getting very near the point of shaving it. I’ll start with clippers but eventually I’ll have to use a razor. I look forward to this change with Trepidatious optimism. My entire life I have had an abundance of confidence and this has played into my love life as well. Until this point I have had absolutely no trouble with women and have built quite a reputation among those who know me as being exceptionally permiscuous. I am nervous for the future admittedly and I know that not everyone will accept my new looks when the time comes (I’m guessing I have about 6 more months till it should be shaved). 6 months ago I lost a very long term relationship and it has affected me greatly. The stress from losing that has definitely increased my hair loss at an alarming rate. Only adding to my crushed personality and self esteem. Suicide was a very real possibility not long ago and i know for a fact my hair loss was a part of the reason. That being said. My ex boosted my confidence greatly, regardless of my hair loss, she made me feel incredibly attractive and desirable. When the relationship first ended I “knew” I was a good looking guy and has played out well for my now single love life. It was only after a few times looking in the mirror did my hairloss start affecting my love life leading me to believe it truly is all in head. Confidence is definitely a huge factor in finding affection from a woman but admittedly looks has to do with it as well but only to a certain point. Some people pull off the bald look well and I am very optimistic that I will be one of those people although I have never actually seen my head without hair. My confidence is still very low at this time in my life although that could be attributed to other factors as well. Unhappy living arrangement, job satisfaction etc. I have met a beautiful woman but I fear my insecurities may be causing what the two of us have for each other to fail and this scares me as I see a very good future ahead of me with her. Your words have boosted my confidence a bit however the real change for me needs to come within. I look to examples in real life for help as well. Older bald men who have given me hope, watching their lives and confidence gives me hope for my future as well as friends my age struggling with the same thing (some handle it well and others do not.) I actually forwarded this page to a friend who seems to be struggling very hard because of this and I hope it helps him too. For the kids reading this, the ones 18 and under, what you are going through is real and can be challenging at times, but in no way are you the only one and in no way does your “condition” (for lack of a better word), solely affect your standing with women. It may take a handful away from you admittedly, but there are women out there who will gravitate to you for the very reason some may not. My friend lost every shread of hair minus a few unsightly patches at age 13 (attributed to stress) and throughout his years in highschool it affected him greatly. He used to be thought of as the “cancer kid”. He is now 24 years old and has had just as prolific of a love life as I have and is currently in a long term relationship with a beautiful girl and we expect them to marry at any time. And if I’m to be totally honest… He is not a good looking dude. In any sense of the word. But he has confidence and it has brought him to where he is now. Although looks MAY bring more women to you, it will be your confidence and personality that keeps them there. If you are down about your hair, look to celebrities like Jason statham or vin deasel. Those guys went bald and they are freaking killing it! Jason’s career in acting was actually benefited by his baldness (ever see a movie with him in it with hair? He was a backup character at best and now he is mr. BA running around shooting everything that moves.) Your biggest critic in life is yourself. And being ashamed of something most men suffer from will only help continue the stereotype that bald is not beautiful. Help yourself and help your fellow bald brothers. Keep that confidence up and show yourself off, not just for yourself but for bald men; past, present, and future.
Hi Milan,
I am 19 and have recently noticed my hair is thinning. I always knew it was going to happen. My dad lost it at a similar time to me. When I was younger I thought it wouldn’t bother me, but now it’s actually happening, it consumes my thoughts. To be honest, I don’t think it would have affected me so much if I had lost my hair when I was older, it’s just hard when you’re so young. I’ve spent countless hours researching how to stop it, tried minoxidil which gave me headaches and I was quite tempted to take finasteride even with all its terrible side effects. It’s so easy to get brought down by hair loss at a young age because of social pressure. It’s so easy to give up and think nothing is ever going to get better.
However, amongst all the crap on the internet about how bad hair loss is, I found your website. Honestly, thank you for creating it. Your positive messages have really helped me start to come to terms with the everything. Your blog encouraged me to get my first buzzcut, which I previously would never have had the confidence to do because it was such a change from the long long locks I used to sprout. The response has been nothing but good. Although I wouldn’t say I’ve accepted balding yet, I think I’ve begun to think more optimistically about it. Your website has given me a bit of perspective; hair loss isn’t the end of the world, though it’s not ideal, there are far worse things in life.
There’s a great song by C2C called ‘Happy’ that I really think sums up your outlook; you have to try to be happy, otherwise nothing is going happen. I really admire your message that you can’t automatically expect things to get better, you have to work at them with a determined and positive attitude. Hopefully I will be able to do that and soon regain my confidence.
Thank you once again! Russel
Thank you so much for your kind words and encouragement Milan! I’m sorry to say that my family doesn’t care about this (they think I’m just looking for excessive attention or something like that) and they even tell me I’m going crazy, but they don’t know the pain and depression Im going through right now, I wish they believed me and at least supported me:(.
You with your comment have given me WAY more support than any of my family members who instead tell me to stop thinking about stuff that “isnt happening” (going bald)… I just want some support from them because its tough being an awkward balding teenager.
Again, thank you so much for your reply, and if I could ask you something else; where should I start? Im already working out and have a decent body for my age, but due to my apparent low t levels (Ill have them checked next month) its really hard for me to get strong and fit, but Im giving it my all already.
Again, thank you for your support and comprehension!:) Kevin
Dear Milan
I came across your blog site today and I already love it!
Thank you for all your excellent guidance. You have a very inspirational and welcoming philosophy on life for men facing male-pattern hair loss. Losing hair at a young age can be a very traumatic experience for some men to deal with. Your writing is incredibly powerful and helpful.
I am 43-years old and gay. I noticed my hair beginning to thin when I was in my late 20’s. It was a slow process, but the signs were there and other people were beginning to notice. Children tend to be less diplomatic when it comes to communication and my young niece blurted out one day that she could see my bald scalp! I encountered a whole mix of reactions when my hair loss became noticeable. Some people were quick to recommend all sorts of homemade remedies and hair products to slow or even prevent hair loss, but I found that this only exacerbated my frustration. These recommendations did not work and I would strongly discourage anybody who is considering going down this route to avoid it like the plague, because it is a waste of time, energy and money.
In my opinion, if one is determined to have a crowning glory of hair forever, then seek professional help from reputable Hair Replacement Clinics. However, be warned, even the best of the best are not foolproof! Some of these companies are brilliant at advertising and promoting a very positive image of their work. I would exercise caution here, because what works for some, may not always work for others.
If you’ve come to a realization that you’re going to embrace male-pattern hair loss, then this is the ideal site for you. Sooner or later in life, we come to the understanding that we cannot please everybody. Some people will find that they’re attracted to us and others may be repelled. There are some men who will never go bald, but who go throughout their entire lives having a thick mop of hair. However, it doesn’t necessarily follow that they will automatically be more attractive to most people for having beautiful hair. The same applies to men who are losing their hair. Attraction to others is not as simple and straight forward as some may believe. Having a plenteous supply of hair like that of Matt Bomer or Denzel Washington, might never do the trick for you. Whereas having as little hair as that of Dwayne Johnson or Corey Stoll, might make some people want to rip your clothes off out of an inability to control their sexual desires for you! We all have different tastes and I would suggest that if some people do not like your baldness, then that is them and let them do what is best for them.
I know of many men who have major hair loss on their scalps and they’re still sexy and handsome, probably more attractive without the hair. Do not buy into the myth that balding men become less attractive, this is simply not true at all. If you’re finding yourself confronted by many negative opinions from various people connected to you in your life regarding your male-pattern hair loss, then it is time for you to adopt Milan’s philosophy. You cannot force these people to like your look, but you can change the way you look at yourself.
I managed to find a skilled barber, an Egyptian chap, who cuts my hair very well and I’ve also grown a full-beard which I keep neatly trimmed. I often get compliments on how attractive I look and my self-esteem has improved in this regard. Whether this is do to the aesthetic, personality traits or a mixture of positive attributes, I can’t really be sure. I’m happily married to a man who is also balding and my sister is married to a man who started to lose his hair in his early 20’s. Her husband is 48-years old now and my husband is 58-years old. One eventually grows used to having less and less hair on one’s scalp. I won’t lie to you, I do miss my thick mop of hair that I used to have as a teenager and in my early 20’s. Our society places such a high value on youth and beauty. It would be so much easier if our society placed values on how well we treat others instead of aesthetic and superficial things.
Thank you, Milan. This is a well-written and very good blog.
All the best,
I noticed I was thinning up top about a year ago and it upset me more than I would like to remember. I’m 19 and I know that before I turned 18 I had a mane like a lion–I had the kind of hair that women envied! And it’s now getting thin and sad-looking.
Since discovering this site, however, I am working harder to improve myself and focusing more on what I am passionate about. I won a chess tournament last week and in my free time I’m starting to compose my own music. I am also taking better care of myself now and it is all very rewarding.
Thanks Milan! Nic
Hello Milan, thanks for this website, i’m still learning english, but i’ll do my best.
I have already read a lot of your articles and watched some of your videos. First i want to tell you this: i’m sorry if this make you feel uncomfortable, but when i looked at you for the first time, i didn’t think you were attractive, but when i listened you and i readed all those things you have written i started to think that you were actually handsome, i’m sorry if you don’t like gay people, but i tell you this in the most respectful way i can, ’cause you inspired me, and i’m a bit grateful.
Now this is my story: i’m 19 and i started to losing my hair at 13 (i’m not kidding), but i wasn’t losing my hair so fast, it has been a slow process, i don’t have problems in the front, but all my top hair has been getting thinner and thinner, i looked like a normal guy until the first half of this year, and i cut my hair really short, like 3 mm on november of 2014, i can tell you this, i’ve never experienced be so attractive, i think i always have been a handsome boy, i have a pretty face i guess, and i hated how i looked, but at the same time there were a lot of guys asking me for a date, or telling me that they thought i was very handsome, some of them even found my facebook profile, or just talked to me on the college. I was doing workout, bought some new clothes, and i started dating a really handsome boy, and i just asked myself, ¿why is this super handsome boy dating me? he can date anyone on this college!. Things became great, just because i was doing workout, new clothes and new hairstyle.
but you should know something important my balding problem wasn’t that obvious at that time. In fact when i told somebody about my balding problem, they always acted like they were surprised.But then everything changed in March, i don’t know the reason, but i started to losing my hair extremely fast, and then i became into a guy with a very obvious balding problem, the guy i was dating, stopped talking to me, and i think that was the reason. I was depressed, stopped doing workout, and i started to feeling so ugly, so terrible. I always feel ugly since then, all my confidence has gone, some guys have asked me for a date, but i always say no, because i’m scared, i’m afraid about dating a guy, and then he let me alone again because i became a totally bald guy.
I know, it is very different for a gay man, because men are so superficial, if you are not handsome, then you are not worthy for them, you are just another friend. And i feel like i have a double curse hahahaha, being bald too young and being gay too is definitly a terrible mix.
I have read a lot of your articles, and i really believe, that this works for those guys who want attract some girls, but i feel so insecure about me. However i am grateful with you and your website, you give me some hope, not for attract guys but inspired me to do some things to be happy, i will do my best at college, my english will be flawless, and i’ll learn chinese and french too, i love dance, i’m going to dance again, i’m going to do workout again, and i’m going to buy some new clothes again, i will save money, and i will travel. Being happy is more importante than being handsome or have a beautiful hair!
Thank you so much, i suscribed to your page, you are the best! good luck Milan.
Mr Stolincy,
I’ve been aware of your posts for quite a long time and I want to tell you how much encouragement you have given me.
Tonight I have shaved my head completely, it is the first time and I think I rather like it!
I’ve had a spell of unhealthy emotional turmoil over the last few years which resulted in me having to take off from work and seeking therapy to deal with a host of issues I was experiencing, hairloss being a part of this.
I am coming to the end of this period which has resulted in me becoming a person who is healthier, happier, more confident and more in control of my own destiny… may sounds a bit dramatic I know but this has been achieved by a number of things that I have done. A large part of that has been regular visits to your website!!
The words you share are so inspiring and motivating, which have helped me so much. I will never forget you.
Thanks man!
I’ve been balding since I went to university at 18. I’ve been through a lot of difficulties these 2 past years and balding definitely didn’t help. Today at 21 I have my hair buzzed to 1mm and things are much better… At my young age with a shaved head I do stand out…
Recently I started going out with the hottest girlfriend I’ve dated so far (..and trust me, even I have difficulty believing it, haha).
I only found your blog 2 months ago, but looking back now there is so much truth to what you write. I wish I had found this blog earlier. Negative thinking, even if it’s the truth never helped anybody, and if you want to be accepted by others, you’ll have to learn to accept yourself first…
Nice work here Milan, keep it up! I’m sure many young men can make great use of your wise words.