I recently realize, that when I’m writing on this website for my fellow young going bald or already bald mam somewhere out there in the world, I’m trying to talk from the debt of my heart. And I imagine giving advice for life to my two little kids too, I love so much.
And I wish they would listed and take this advice seriously.
Because the one I would like to share in this article is huge!
I want to summarize the importance of your diet, the stuff you put into your mouth young going bald or already bald man to these few words:
Your quality of life, success and attractiveness highly depends on what you eat!
Attractive successful bald supermans diet video:
I know you’ll listen and act accordingly my fellow young going bald man.
This is not a joke.
If anything I wished for my two little kids as well as you young bald man somewhere out there in the world was, it would be to learn and eat only the healthy high energy, high performance diet together with active lifestyle and great physical fitness build on regular but not too much of strength and interval training.
Diet for young attractive bald man
Now if you want a secret life hack that 99% of people in the world don’t apply and know about, read on.
It is perfect diet!
Yes that simple one!
That’s the hack. And yes, it’s a hack you have to apply my fellow young going bald or already bald man.
It might sound trivial, but bear with me. It’s something almost nobody is applying.
Almost every bodies body and mind is polluted by poison resulting from eating crappy diet.
Well, what do you think my fellow going bald man that does to a mans health, confidence, look, energy levels, fitness and overall attractiveness? Yes, that’s right. All that goes right into toilet.
But now you know it! And you will take it seriously!
You must take it seriously young bald man on a mission!
Your attractive successful life depends on it!
And here I’m not just talking about a little improvement in your diet. I’m talking about 100% perfect attractiveness promoting, success accelerating, rockstar making diet.
Let’s get started!
First, let’s look at what you’ll get from diet you have to adopt today.
Attractive bald mans diet and leanness
Eating perfect performance and attractiveness diet will give you beautiful muscular athletic body that is very lean.
Your six pack abs will be visible soon on your stomach young bald man on mission eating diet like this
Attractive bald mans diet and energy levels
You’ll have very high energy levels following this perfect diet for attractive successful bald rockstar.
Forget the energy swings you’re most likely experiencing right now. No more!
You’ll maintain high energy and performance throughout the entire day, everyday!
And that’s superman kind of thing to have.
Yes you’ll become a bald superman!
Attractive bald mans diet and perfect health
You’ll achieve bulletproof health!
I know that might not be the highest priority for you right now my fellow young going bald or already bald man. Just take it as a nice side effect of eating perfect attractive performers diet.
You’ll most likely appreciate this fantastic side effect later in life.
For now just be motivated by your attractive look and intelligence – yes you get that too from eating perfect diet, and high performer energy levels.
Attractive bald mans diet and great looks
If you eat bald mans perfect diet you’ll look fantastic!
You’ll look very attractive.
You’ll radiate natural high sex appeal.
You’ll have clean pimple free face.
You’ll have athletic muscular lean body and face.
You’ll look very attractive if you follow this perfect attractive diet for bald man. Period!
Higher intelligence
I mentioned this one before, but let me explain very briefly.
Maintaining stable blood sugar levels by following perfect diet gives you high intelligence boost.
Your brain simply works much better.
Your memory is higher.
You absorb and retain information much more easily.
You concentrate better.
If I could give myself one single piece if advice when I was in college to go through it effortlessly, it would be to improve significantly my diet.
It really helps that much!
Diet and overall bald mans success in life
You’ll become without doubt a huge success in life eating perfect diet my fellow young bald man.
The difference it made on my life is huge! Huge! Huge!
Now you go get all those benefits too my fellow young going bald man!
Lets get started!
Perfect diet for attractive successful young bald man
Follow these 7 rules my fellow young bald man on mission and your diet will become perfect.
Rule number 1 – your carbohydrates come only from fresh vegetables and fruit
It’s very straight forward rule. But few manage to follow it. It’s hard to follow. But I never said it will be easy.
Challenge yourself my fellow young bald man. Follow it 100% and see for yourself how you feel and soon look.
Don’t eat pasta, breds, potatoes, rice. Eat only fresh fruits and vegetables as your only source of carbohydrate.
Off course your veggies can be grilled or cooked.
Rule number 2 – no additional sugar and flour + no any processed foods enter your mouth. Period!
I hope this one doesn’t need any explanation. Don’t put any sweetened crap into your mouth my fellow young going bald man.
Rule number 3 – you should ad piece of protein and add healthy fat to every meal you eat.
Eating a piece of protein about the size of your palm of your hand and adding some either olive oil, nuts, butter, avocado, coconut oil with every meal will keep you satisfied longer. So you’re less likely to snack between the meals.
Rule number 4 – 3 meals per day. That’s it! No snacking.
That means that you eat only 3 meals per day that comply with rules mentioned in first 3 rules.
Rule number 5 – boring drinks.
That means you drink only boring drinks like plain water, unsweetened teas, unsweetened mineral water and coffee. That’s it!
Yes the drinks you’ll drink are boring, but the energy, great looks and health you get drinking them only is very exciting!
Rule number 6 – no food 2 hours before bed time.
Yes that means no snacking after dinner. Just sipping your unsweetened mint tea. That’s what I do. And I strongly recommend it!
Rule number 7 – no rule once in a while.
Once in a long while you can brake all the rules. Why not? Attractive successful bald man can have it all! Just don’t brake the rules too often.
Attractive successful bald mans diet
You have to adopt this kind of diet my fellow bald man in order to seriously kick ass in this world. It’s that important. Everything you put into your mouth needs to be supportive of your goal – Becoming attractive successful bald man that wins every time. And if you follow diet like this, you’ll certainly become a man like that. Amen!
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