My fellow young bald man, this is the mantra I live my life by. And I want you too to adopt the same mindset. It really, really, really serves me well! And it can serve you amazingly well in your life too young going bald or already bald man.
Attractive successful bald man blames no one and nothing, expects nothing, does something video:
Blame no one young bald man!
It’s easy to blame other people for our misfortune, bad luck or unfulfilled dreams. Stop that! It’s not serving you well. And it won’t get you anywhere.
Instead, concentrate your energy on yourself. You are the one responsible for what you’re experiencing today. And you’ll be responsible for what you’ll be experiencing 5 years down the road.
You’re the driver of your own ship. You are the driver responsible for getting that ship where you want it to go. You are responsible for achieving your dreams and goals.
You, you and nobody else! Adopt this mindset from now on my fellow young bald man.
The single most common example of blaming other people for our own misfortune happens at our workplaces or schools. Employees complain about their bosses. And students complain about their teachers all the time. And how terrible they are and how terribly they treat us.
Well, while I understand, that there is a such a thing as a bad boss or bad teacher, you still should not complain about it. If you don’t like your boss or teacher quit or study more to show him how great you are! If you can’t quit because you need the income and insurance, create savings, start a business and than quit.
The examples of blaming others are endless. From partners, friends, kids, schoolmates and government. We like to blame others for what we are experiencing now. But I am telling you my fellow young bald man, stop it today!
Take responsibility today!
Take 100% your own responsibility!
And your life changes exponentially. You’ll make things happen! You’ll become the driver of your own engine that leads you to success. What an incredible thing to understand and possess.
Blame no one starting right now!
Blame nothing young bald man!
What do we tend to blame the most us young bald men? Yes you got that right! Our baldness!
And I understand if you do my fellow bald man. I’ve been there! But again, it’s not serving you well! It’s downright sabotaging you! You have to stop it! Today! Now!
Blaming your early baldness is an unproductive waste if your youthful energy. I wrote a lot about how this energy can be utilized and put into your advantage here.
And here is exactly where your opportunity lies. For the most part us men tend to get sloppy. We let ourselves go. It’s ridiculous how many physically weak young men I encounter in my life. Or men that absolutely lack ambition. So why not stand out of this majority? Let me answer that question for you young bald man. You have to stand out. And you can if you really want to!
From today stop blaming anything, your bald head included! And get rocking!
Expect nothing young bald man!
One of the best way to be satisfied and take 100% responsibility for your situation in life is to expect nothing.
Expect that no one gives you anything!
Expect that you’ll never get your hair back!
Expect that people won’t find you attractive, even though it’s B.S.
Expect that people will think, that you’re low in self confidence! Again B.S.
Well, now when you do all that, you’ve got nothing to loose. Go prove them all wrong!
Do something young bald man!
Action is what it’s called for my fellow young bald man! Positive action makes everything happen.
That means, that instead of blaming and expecting, you’ll get what you want! And you’ll get it no matter what. You’ll act yourself into success.
You say you hate your job and boss? No, it’s not your job or boss! It’s you! You have to do something to change your situation. Quit, downsize, or start looking for another job!
How about that big belly you carry in front of you? Who or what are you going to blame for it? No time for the exercise? Bad food in your work cafeteria? No! You need to take 100% responsibility for it and do something about it!
The list goes on and on about the stuff and situations you can blame. But now you know you shouldn’t attractive successful young bald man in making.
Young attractive successful bald ROCKSTAR you are!
In order to become young attractive successful bald ROCKSTAR, you have to take 100% responsibility for your life. If you don’t like something, you work to correct it! You work at it until you succeed. That brings me back to our way too early balding heads. You certainly think that you can’t really do anything about that. And I am telling you, that you certainly can. Become young attractive successful bald rock star! And we all can become one. It’s in your power. Go make it happen!
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