Attractive successful bald man is a creator of his own life. He lives bold attractive life that he creates for himself. He is bold in his actions. And he’s living up to his true potential. And he doesn’t do anything that prevents him to live life like that. And huge part of it is to not smell like you desperately need money. Because once you do the bad people and bosses take advantage of it.
I saved my money, I stayed out of debt and I have a fat bank account and so should you my fellow bald man. Never put yourself into a situation that people take advantage of you because you just need that paycheck to survive.
If I get fired tomorrow from a job I love a lot actually, and it might happen. Hell it might happen today and to anyone. First think I will do is, I will take 5 month surfing all around California time off. Second, I will enter aggressively a new career I will love. I have 5 potential careers on my list I can start doing tomorrow that I’m inclined to really like. And finally third, I’ll triple my income I had in my previous job.
Does that sound like words of a confident bald man. You bet. But, I position myself to create fertile conditions for that – fat fuck you money account is always there when I need it. Now let’s start your own confidence building fuck you money bank account my fellow bald man. You owe it to you yourself. It will improve every aspect of your life. Guaranteed!
Live well but live simple
Do you need to drive BMW like my wife does? No! I hate BMWs. First of all it’s not such a great quality car as everybody thinks and second, it costs 3 times as much as my Jeep Liberty. I am not just trying to pick on BMWs. There are many overpriced so called luxurious cars you don’t need. Save that money and fund your fuck you fund instead my fellow bald man.
I can go on with examples how people get in huge debt and become slaves to the system that is ultimately destroying their confidence, freedom, egos and ultimately the whole life’s potential. Two main items are – houses and cars. Keep the prices of those in check and stay free of debt my fellow bald man.
Never stop funding your fuck you fund
No matter how small your income is, you should be able to save 25% of your after tax income. If you can do that and invest your saved money, soon you will realize that you’re not in mercy to anyone and any boss out there. You might also start noticing your confidence growing rapidly. Yes often to the point you become cocky. It happened to me before, and sometimes I need to keep my cockiness radar in check. But how great for you my fellow bald man!
Observing young bald man being so confident that he’s cocky is my favorite thing to see. I love seeing bald men being very confident!
Keep funding that fuck you money fund/high confidence fund young bald man on a mission. And with that watch your actions, behavior, opportunity radar and confidence grow! Having fuck you money is part of living confident, successful, attractive bald mans life. Now, go make it happen my fellow bald man! Enough of that F. word Milan now!!!!!!
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