There is quite a popular statement about bald men being better in bed. Whatever that might mean, being more passionate, lasting longer, being creative and wild or whatever you consider being great by a partner you’re having sex with.
I understand this statement and where it’s coming from. Bald is associated with too much testosterone, which is by the way not true at all. And that’s why bald men are considered a sexual incredible performers. But I have to disappoint you here my fellow bald man. But I am doing it only for your own benefit. And yes, if you already are an attractive bald man and do what’s required to be one, you most likely are fantastic performer in bed.
Statement that bald men are better in bed is a myth.
Now why am I saying that? Am I trying to take the last few advantages based on some bald men away from them? From us bald men? I am bald too and I want to be considered a great performer in bed too 🙂
It’s not the bald head, it’s the health
Baldness doesn’t have anything to do with testosterone, which is the sex and good health promoting hormone in men. The overall health does. The stuff you eat, the way you exercise, sleep and rest, that’s the magic to the great performance in bed.
You want as much of naturally produced testosterone floating in your body as possible. This hormone promotes great health and performance. Again, the testosterone hormone naturally produced by our bodies is not responsible for baldness and hair loss! It’s a myth and a very popular one.
Becoming incredible bald performer in bed
Now, you my fellow bald man can make that statement about bald men being the best performers in bed a true statement. How do you do it!
Boosting your testosterone levels
Which BTW is not responsible for hair loss, I repeat again. Different testosterone is. Boosting your overall testosterone levels will make you not only fantastic performer in bed, you’ll also become healthier and more confident man.
I call these bald mans performance tools.
Every bald man can boost his health, energy and performance by improving his diet. Yes, the stuff he eats. And believe it or not, even the healthiest eaters out there have room for improvement.
I strongly believe that what us bald men put into our mouths can seriously make a difference in our overall health, success, attractiveness and of course performance in bed too.
Now, what are the main keys in eating healthy, high performance diet?
I have 3 important rules of high performance attractive diet for attractive successful bald man.
And they are:
1. No processed foods!
2. No aded sugar of any kind in your diet!
3. No flour of any kind in your diet!
To sum these 3 rules up: Eat only stuff naturally occurring in nature and don’t add any sugar or flour to it.
That basically leaves you eating only fresh meets of any kind, fish, nuts – preferably raw, eggs, avocados, vegetables, fruits, moderate amount of whole dairy, legumes and plenty of good fats like olive oil, coconut oil and even the grass fed butter. You don’t have to be afraid of it.
What should you drink for the highest possible performance?
I have the answer for you attractive, successful, high performing bald man in making. And it’s a boring one! But it’s also exciting at the same time. Because it gives you all the exciting stuff out there everybody wants like high energy, great performance, performance in bed included, great looks and great feel.
So the answer is: To get exciting great results in life, attractive, successful bald man in making can only drink pure water, unsweetened mineral water, unsweetened teas and unsweetened coffee. That’s it! I told you, it will be boring. But see and try for yourself the results this boring drinking brings! It a great trade off.
Strength training
Attractive, successful, highly performing bald man on a mission who who doesn’t believe in power of intensive, regular strength training has to change this belief today!
Strength training and it’s benefits are amazing! I would go as far as to say, that you can’t be attractive, successful, high performing bald man if you don’t do intensive strength training on regular bases.
Make it your new attractive, successful, high performance resolution today to start doing regular intensive strength training my fellow bald man! Yes your successful, attractive, highly performing life depends on it.
Simple strength training for high performing attractive bald man
I have 4 simple exercises you can start doing today my fellow bald man. And if you do them regularly 2-3 times per week and intensively, you’ll immediately get ahead of 99% of all men out there! How fantastic! You’ll be dominating immediately!
Here they are:
Pull ups – 5 times maximum you can do
Push ups – 111 performed in shortest time possible
Simple squat jumps – 3 times 30
Floor crunches – 111 performed in shortest time possible
Do it on Mondays, Wednesdays and Fridays.
That’s it!
With this very simple plan, you’ll be able to achieve physical fitness many men only dream of. And that puts you immediately ahead of them. The power of true bald attraction is doing the stuff majority of men wouldn’t do. And by doing that, confidence of a bald man rises exponentially. And a final result is bald highly confident, highly performing, successful man.
And that’s kind of rare. But if you can achieve that, others will find that much more attractive than man with hair who has all these qualities too. Guaranteed! I see it everyday in my life. I am death serious about that!
Of course later on when you do this kind of strength training for a while, you can start adding other exercises as you go. But with this simple plan, you can start now! And I am all for quick bold action! Attractive, successful, highly performing bald man on mission, start your strength training routine today!
Anyway, I forgot to add, that doing a regular, intensive strength training will also make you an incredible performer in bed. It really boosts testosterone levels. A really nice side benefit indeed!
Sleep and rest
Another important tool of a bold highly performing bald attractive man is the rest management. It’s simple. If you feel physically tired after being very active lately, take a day off and just rest.
You only get better if you let your body recover from the overload, be it physical or mental. That’s the rule of nature that will never change. And we all have to respect it.
Rest management goes like this in very simple words:
One day is very hard, than you have one day or two easier. You push it hard with your strength training today and the following two days you swim or play some ping pong or soccer.
You should try to be active everyday. That means you do something physical every single day. You just manage intensity.
The same principle should be applied to mental stress and relax. Keeping a great balance between those two is the way to go. Don’t just sit in the office whole day and use your mind. Mix it up with something physical and vice versa. I am sure you get the idea.
Regarding sleep, highly performing, attractive bald man – YOU! should be getting enough sleep everyday. Minimum 6 hours, but ideally 8. That doesn’t mean you can’t have fun in life. You can have a lot of fun, you can party and stay up late. But make sure you catch up with your sleep eventually. Zombies don’t make great performers. And they look pretty ugly too.
To be high performing attractive bald man with a lot of energy and yes great performance in bed too, make sure you get enough sleep.
It’s as simple as that. Sleep is very, very, very important for attractive bald mans well being! Don’t underestimate it my fellow bald man. Get enough sleep!
Stress management
In our modern world, stress is here to stay. There is nothing we can do about it. Or can we?
I believe us attractive, high performing successful bald men can eliminate a lot of it. And we should. We should only keep the good stress in our life’s. The kind of stress from which we grow and improve. Stress like physical stress, exercise, strength training, mental stress, learning and pushing our limits is a good stress for us bald attractive men.
But we should minimize the bad stress like financial worry, too much work and not enough balance in life and off of course stress coming from hating our early baldness. There is no reason for it!
The best way to manage stress is to create a balance in it. If you work 9-5 in the office looking into the computer and stressing your mind, make sure you do something physical on your lunch brakes or after work and on the weekends. And vice versa. If you you’re Plummer and work physically all day long, sit down in the evening and read inspiring book, learn new language, play guitar or take a class on programming. I am sure you get the picture. The key is to achieve balance.
Becoming attractive successful bald high performer
If you put all this beautiful tools together my fellow Attractive Successful Bald Man in making, you’ll certainly become high performer. And you’ll also become high performer in bed. That’s a great side effect of being heathy, physically and mentally strong, Attractive highly performing bald man. But, it won’t come free. You have to work at it! And you have to work at it intensively and consistently. But why wouldn’t you? I believe doing all these often not easy things in life on regular bases is a duty of every man. But most choose not to do it. But you’re different! You’re Attractive Successful Bald Man. The most attractive man out there. Now go, get to work! Become attractive high bald performer!
Related articles:
Do women find bald men unattractive? Part 3
Healthiest hair loss solution for men – part 3
Bald mans guide to attract beautiful women and get date fast – part 7
Hi, first of all thanks for all the advice, it’s very encouraging.
But here you describe an exercice routine with 111 push ups, somewhere else in your blog you talk about 111 pull ups. in some you just talk about 3 exercices in some about 4 or even five.
Im in good shape ive trained all my life i used to play rugby, swim and run. But life have drove me to quit almost all of them, i dont have much time im about to finish my carrer and i dont want to spend that much time trainning. But i dont want to lose my shape, i dont like gyms that much, and anyway even in my best times i never had the usain bolt’s body you talked about. What exercices and how often would you say is the best, to get that? without omitting anything what do you do to stay fit?
Again thanks a lot, its been very helpfull! keep writing, you help lot of people.
Juan, great question and thank you!
Yes you can get in excelent shape doing just those 4 exercises – pull ups, push ups, squat jumps, floor crunches.
No gym and comute is necessary. Once you are pretty consistent with these 4, get some stackable free weights and add shoulder press to your routine.
Juan you’re right. You want to keep it simple, keep the tools close to you and just do it consistently and intensively. And sky is the limit how fit you can be.
I hope that helps. Now go and start Juan. Can you do 111 pull ups today? That would be an amazing start! Good luck Juan!
Thanks! Ill try the 111 today!