One of the great advantages of going bald way too young is that in makes and prepares a young going bald man to by antifragile. A young going bald or already bald man has to face some adversity early in life. I know. I’ve been there! These times are hard. But they are not necessarily wasted. Actually, with a right attitude, they can be life changing in a very positive way!
Especially those youngest years of young going bald or already bald man in high school can be really tough. Even little later in early twenties. Than still after that you might encounter somebody who makes a remark on your baldness.
I’ve received one the other day. This, my guess 23 year old kid with pants on his ass asked me in a kind of a offensive way in front of his buddies: “Hey baldie, what time is it”? I turned around and got very close to him and I looked straight into his eyes with a smile on my face and said: “1:30”. My confident look and answer really kind of threw him of balance, I noticed.
I really contemplated to say: “1:30 fatty”. But it’s just not my style. I hate bringing people down. He might have been a kid that had parents who fed him junk food, or he might be fighting diabetes. And ultimately it is not his fault that he’s overweight. Plus, I am proud to be “baldie”! I wasn’t offended at all.
So I still at 38 face situations when people feel like making a remark about baldness. So what? I am antifragile! It actually makes me stronger! And I want you to be antifragile too my fellow going bald or already bald man.
The right attitude for young bald man
Now, my fellow going bald or already bald man, I am sure you heard the saying : “What doesn’t brake you will make you actually stronger.” And I fully agree with this statement. What doesn’t brake you will make you more antifragile! That’s correct!
But, there are a lot of young going bald or already bald men that are getting broken by these situations. Their spirits are seriously shattered by their baldness situation. And my mission is to change that.
So how do you protect yourself? It’s the mindset. It’s ok to be offended and to feel bad. How could you avoid it when you’re that young and somebody offends your bald head? It’s impossible. Even the crying is absolutely acceptable in this situation. I did cry myself in a situation like that before. No big deal! It’s normal.
What is crucially important though, is what you do when you calm down. What you do and keep doing when the heat of that kind of situation goes away. And here is your opportunity to excel and become even more antifragile.
Chanel that youthful offended revenge kind of energy into your self improvement
And that is the best smartest revenge for us young bald guys!
For young bald man it’s important to know, that there are things in his control, that can make him seriously attractive, successful, and very desirable man. And all these beautiful things like getting and staying physically super fit, eating healthy diet, setting ambitious goals and following them to completion, having some style and paying attention to it, having fun and learning new skills and many others are available to him. And they take a lot of energy, effort and good amount of antifragility to work on and stick to.
Now these situations when other people make remarks on your baldness should feed the fire for these positive actions to act on. They should be motivating you into action, instead of debilitating and paralyzingly you!
Baldness at young age makes bald men ultimately antifragile
People who change the world, people who do significant things in life, attractive people, successful people, people who live up to their true potential are antifragile people. But antifragility has to be earned. And it is earned through adversity. Bald man who has to fight this adversity from young age is building this antifragility. And that makes him ultimately antifragile! And that changes the world my fellow going bald or already bald man. Go and be part of it!
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