It’s all in your head young bald man
And off course it is all in my head too!
We really are what we think we are.
And we get what we think we deserve to get.
And I want the best of the best! And I too want to be the best of the best, the best looking, the most fun to be around, the most successful.
I want to have the best looking and the nicest girl around me. Yep, I already have that one. And I want to live up to my true potential!
And I know you too my fellow young going bald or already bald man, want the same.
The best of the best and leave for others the rest!
Is that a lot to ask for? Are we getting cocky?
Of course we are! What’s wrong with that!
And my straight forward answer is:
No it’s not a lot to ask for! We have to ask not for the best!
And we have to believe we will and deserve to get the best!
And you are!
And you will get the best of the best!
All you need to do my fellow young going bald man is to believe in it.
Believe that you are the best and you deserve the best!
Abundant mindset and the dates you’re having
If you think that just because you’re very young and bald, you won’t have any hot girls and dates interested in you, guess what happens?
You’ll be right!
Now if you switch your mindset to:
I’m not having any problem! Hot girls are interested in me and I have and will continue to have a lot of hot quality dates!
Now you’ll be right too!
So, what mindset do you want than?
There is no question that you really want the abundant mindset my fellow young going bald man!
My own experience with abundant mindset that will help you change yours
I was 21 and I was a small thinking loser.
Yes I was!
And it is quite normal to be one at this age. I would have this negative small talk with myself how I’ll never have a hot girlfriend.
Who would want a bald guy! And so on! I am sure you get the picture my fellow young going bald man.
And of course I was getting exactly that. No dates!
No eyeballs from good looking girls.
They smelled my scarcity mindset!
That’s a loser with small thinking! No thank you!
Yes they did! And boy did I smelled with it!
The change
My change came suddenly. I lost my mother, the most important person in my life at that time.
I was mamas boy!
That created intense crisis in my life.
And somewhere in the middle of it a right switch in my mind turned turned on and the wrong one turned off.
I became confident, aggressive big thinker with abundant mindset almost overnight.
I had to become one!
I believe it came as a protective mechanism to my psyche at that time.
I am still trying to figure out how other young balding guys can achieve their right switch turned on and the wrong one turned off.
I will let you know when I figure it out. It’s still kind of mystery to me.
But what I know and it is an important thing for you to know my fellow young going bald man is that it can happen.
And you must try anything to make that happen!
And you must never give up until you achieve that mindset!
Anyway since my mindset was set by my unfortuned circumstances in right set up, I started dating some of the most beautiful girls in the world at that time.
And they’d be calling me out!
I am not just saying that to impress anybody.
I am saying that to show you my fellow going bald young man what is possible.
And it’s highly possible!
The trick is in mindset!

Your abundant mindset switch young going bald man on mission.
Now I mention only dating hot quality women in mindset switch. But you can achieve the radical change to the best in every aspect of your life my fellow bald man.
Goal achievement
The list goes on
With this mindset switch you can change every aspect of your life to very positive change.
So how do you turn it on?
It seems like it is more complex than we would like it to be. I can’t just tell you think differently and you’ll think differently. Maybe you’re are special and you can do it. Great!
But for most of us it comes as a process. And it’s not a long process. I achieve my mindset switch in about 2 months. I know I said it happened over night.
Well 2 months in a lifetime is really over night. And you my fellow young going bald man can achieve this mind teas formation this fast as well!

Mindset switch
First realize that everything valuable in life – great health, great fitness, great looks, great positive atitude, high confidence, lots of money if you wish, or just a fantastic success in life takes lots of work and a lot of good developmental pain.
And of course a lot of good old fashion failure!
You’re half way to have that fantastic mindset switch turned now.
What’s the secret to pull it all the way through my fellow young going bald or already bald man?
Get to work!
Work hard!
When going gets tough, really tough, keep going!
Don’t quit!
Fail with positive attitude!
And soon, not that long from now, your mindset switch will be turned on in the right direction. Give it few months young bald man on mission.
You’ll be transforming yourself by your actions and mindset that you developed into very self respectfull, highly confident, very successful attractive young bald man! And guess what? Everyone else will see the same on you! This is one thing that never failed me as a bald man in life: If I think highly of myself and it has a solid foundation behind it, everyone else thinks and sees the same!
Go make it happen young going bald man on mission! Switch your mindset to real winners mindset and win every time! Amen!
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