My name is Milan.
I am a bald man.
I was a miserable low on self confidence wreck of a man before.
Because I went bald too young.
But now I am a winner! And I help young balding men to become winners too!
I managed to find a way to use my early baldness to be my asset and huge advantage in life.
Are you a winner too my fellow young bald man?
Hopefully you already are one!
If not, let me help you to become one!
Milan – just wanted to say, great site! Like you, I lost it very young, starting at 17. I tried everything – and I mean everything – to get it to stop or hide it. Looking back, what I SHOULD have done is exactly what you’re saying here – buzz it down and focus on rebuilding confidence. I’m sure you’re a real resource to young balding guys out there – keep it up!
Thank you Tim for your comment! I know it is not easy for especially young guys loosing their hair. I found the mindset behind it is the hardest to change. And I believe those who are open to it, they get through it. I wish all of them do and use their baldness to their advantage. It’s not a good way going through life not liking it. Thank you again Tim and stay Attractive Bald Man!
Hello, thank you for doing this for us young balding guys. Would it be problem for you to send here your email adress because i was not able to find it and i would like to send you message,share my story…. If you don´t mind.
Honza, you actually might be my country man. Are you from Czech Republic? Maybe I am wrong. But Honza seems very Czech to me. I am from Slovakia, living in USA for 13 years now.
I would love you to write me your story and I can keep it private or I can share it with young going bald audience on
Honza, is that your name? Thank you so much for your interest! If you happen to be Czech, we can of course communicate in our language. But if you’re ok sharing your story, give me the English version so it can reach more bald guys that are looking for answers. Thank you sir!
Hello Milan,
I have been researching bald related articles, blogs, sites, watching videos, books, etc., etc., etc. for over six years., I must compliment you on a job well done on your site. My site is: Please visit and then leave me a private message on my Facebook business page with your contact info as I want to chat more. Thank you, Allen Cox, the Head BOLD Guy.
Allen, great website! I love the surfing shirts! I will contact you soon. I love Santa Cruz! Some day I will live there my friend. I am sure you’re surfer Allen. Thank you sir!
When i read your words its like we are brothers..I too started losing hair and confidence at 17…i buzzed it off but then fell into the sad world of trying to conceal it by wearing a baseball cap for the next 10 years..literally i would not leave the house without it and would be scared stiff the wind would blow it off…i even kept the same shitty job for 10 years just because it allowed me to wear the hat all day.WHAT A WASTE OF 10YEARS ! I started to lift weights and bulked myself up and started to feel good about myself.I gradually forgot that being bald mattered and the confidence i now have in my body makes me a magnet for women and men respect me.Everything you said is true…If your a young man losing hair and are worried….DONT BE ! trust me,lift weights,grow your body and watch your life transform!
Rob, what a great words!
Yes I know some years might be lost, but the now matters more than anything. You’re the man who found your true road for yourself as an attractive bald man and it takes some time.
It took me some time too. But as soon as I allowed my mind to transform and see baldness not being a problem at all, all changed!
I wish that for all bald men out there. Especially those way too young!
Get to work guys! Because what makes us successful and attractive is in our control.
And hair doesn’t belong to that category! Forget it!
And concentrate your energy where it’s needed.
A fantastic example here is the one Rob suggested: built great, strong, athletic, muscular body!
Thank you Rob again for your note! Milan
Hi, I just found your page webside and I must tell you that I found it very useful and interesting. When I read that you are from originaly from SLOVAKIA, I felt that I should definitley contact you.
I’m 17, and yes I think that I’m starting to get bald, however this year I ive in the USA.I stay in a host family and go to a US High School. My home country is Czech Republic (a place very close from Slovakia 🙂 I believe you know where it is.
I want to ask you for you advice. You were probably in a very same situation as I’m now several years ago, so I would like to ask you… Do you think its better to trim your hair early in your 17 even when you still have a lot of hair left. Or Should I wait couple years more, when it gets more recognizable? And than take a more radical step to shave it all.
Dekuji za pomoc a přeji hezký den!
David, cau! A dik moc za otazku. Off course I know where Czech Republic is. I was born in Czechoslovakia. I lived in Prague for 2 years and I speak fluent Czech language. Czech hockey players are the best in the world. I love Czech hockey!
Anyway David, I hope you’re having great time in US highschool. And to answer your question and it’s a great one! I don’t recommend shaving a head of a going bald or already bald guy. Even though my head on videos looks shaved, it’s not. It’s about 3 mm long.
Now, what I did first and I think this is your question David is that I cut it short, about 12 mm first when I noticed I am going bald. Than every year I maintained it little shorter.
So, David, don’t cut it too much right from the beginning. Nothing wrong with that if you do and you’re adventurous. But you can certainly ease into it. You still have hair, you’re very young, so just cut it shorter and go shorter from there.
David, good luck man! Stay in touch my Czech brother. And if you’re ever in San Francisco Bay Area let me know. We can go surfing together:)
Dovidenie David!
Sure, this year was a great one for me. Its very different here, but in a good way!
San Francisco must be a wonderful city. Im soon going to NYC and than leaving from the NYC airport back to Czech. I actually live in Prague and I already miss it very much.
By the way, would you mind if you share you story with me ?
From you videos and biography I understand that you are some kind of a fitness trainer, nutritionalist and blogger. Am I right? 🙂
How did you come up with the idea of moving to the US and how did you make your living since you are here?
Ještě jednou díky za odpověd a inspiraci. Psal jsem vám anličtině, protože mi to po roce už přijde i snaší. Mozek si lehkce zvykne na jinej jazyk, specialně když angličtinu slyším každý den.
I hope that this message finds you well! HuffPost Live, The Huffington Post’s streaming network, is hosting a segment on Tuesday, July 7th at 4:55pm EST discussing the stigma of going bald and what it means.
Please let me know if you would be available to join us or possibly someone that you know.
We have our guests join via webcam using Google Hangout (very easy to setup/use, and I can help with all). Please contact me at your earliest convenience, and I’d be happy to provide additional details. Feel free to call me on my cell 718.594.2941 as well.
Melissa Montanez
Hey Milan. Great website! It has helped me a lot in my struggle with hair loss. I have slowly come to terms with the fact that this was my destiny from birth and that I will never be able to change it, so I might as well embrace it.
I need your help on something. I am 25 years old, relatively short (5’7), and I am losing my hair. It hasn’t got to the point where it is extremely noticeable, but I feel that in a few years I’m going to reach the point where I’ll need to buzz it really short. I can’t help feeling that, given my short height, once I lose my hair I will have very little (physically speaking) to offer women. I’m OK with being short… but short AND bald? Do you have any advice on what I can do to stay attractive to women? Thanks!
Greg, thank you for your question. You’re not alone who is wandering about that. Being short and bald. I already had guys asking me this one a lot.
Greg my answer is always the same. The hight does not matter. It actually doesn’t matter at all. What really matters is your confidence level. The ability to be confident in yourself and your abilities, fearlessness, ambition, positive atitude, boldness, is what matters the most. I can’t tell you how many tall loosers I know in my life 🙂
There was a study done on woman’s preference for a ideal man. The highest qualities required were – confidence, physical fitness, ambition, boldness, having goals. The hight was somewhere on the bottom of the list.
Another interesting fact is that beautiful intelligent woman is more likely to give you a chance to become her partner or boyfriend even if you’re broke as a joke if she seas your potential. And that potential lies exactly in those qualities I mentioned above.
Greg don’t worry about your hight. Unless your ambition is to become basketball star, you won’t need it at all. Actually there is also a study that confirmed taller people having more medical problems in life. Being shorter or in your case Greg just normal hight is actually adventage.
Greg, control what you can control. And you can control a lot to stay and become even more atractive man. And it doesn’t matter if you’re bald. That can add to your attractiveness too if you approach it correctly.
Thank you for your question Greg and get rocking! Get on the fastrack of becoming soon to be attractive bald man. The most attractive man out there! Milan
Hi Milan,
Great ideas you have shared.I know how exactly it feels it has shattered my life from root.Great work, life has to be more than just beautiful face.I am trying embrace the same.Anyway great work you are doing by sharing your experiences.Hopefully I will do the same but just I need to lift myself up first.
Salim, thank you! And yes, I hope you’ll regain your confidence back very soon! And I already know you will. You have great attitude already. Keep rocking Salim! Milan
Hello Milan,
Great Job ! Baldness learn us to be humble and confident, this is a gift of the destiny.
I’m 24 years old guy and I love to be bald.
Bald men are perfect soldiers, we are like stone.
We have the look of men, your eyes are devil and women love us. They can see our confidence.
We look like Jason Statham, Sean Connery, Bruce Willis, Vin Diesel, Britney Spears, etc. Really sexy men.
Even if young girls do not really like it, real women like our masculine look.
I have a question : what’s your solar cream and can you make a video with your daily food ?
Thanks mister !
Happy life for you and your family Milan !
Great stuff Pierre! Thank you for your opinion on bald men. I love it and it is true! Yes Pierre, I’ll do the diet article. Great idea!
I don’t use any tanning cream or oil. I put little bit of coconut oil on my skin and that’s it. Smart sun exposure is great for healthy tan look. I just hang out outside a lot. It comes all natural.
Pierre, thank you for your comment and have a fantastic day!
I’m working on a book about baldness and the social and emotional impact that comes with losing your hair. It will be an anthology and I’m looking for contributors. It will be a non profit project. Any money that may come from sales will go to paying expenses in producing this book, and any other money will go to charities such as the National Alopecia Areata Foundation and the American Cancer Society.
I’m looking for personal stories and essays about topics associated with hair loss such as wigs, relationships, coping skills and embracing baldness. May I ask for submissions here?
Thank you, and God bless,
Larry S. Barbee
What a brilliant website. From a woman’s perspective what attracts me is visible health, vitality and an outward looking, dynamic perspective. Fretting at home gets you nowhere. Ignore the harmful hair loss industry. Spend five minutes running a trimmer over your face and head, then get out the door and have an adventure.
Hey Milan,
You have helped me big time in my life with your videos. I was once thinking there was not much hope for me when I went bald early like you at 23. But how come you have taken down those videos? Some times when I feel down or need advice I go to your videos.
From Tim (28 years old)
Tim, thank you for you nice words! The reason my YouTube channel is down is because I was experiencing technical difficulties. Some people got into my channel and started spreading these videos in not very nice positive way that quite bothered me.
I’m very aware that these videos were helping people and in this modern world when you have content out, it gets broken into pieces and spread in all sorts of ways and I should be ok with it. That’s the reality of being out there on internet today. But I’m not ok with that. Often times my message is lost and it’s not my message in the video. But it’s my face there.
Tim, I didn’t give up. I’m working on fixing this issue. I still have all the videos. I just made them private for now until I figure out the way to deal with this issue.
Thank you for your note Tim. And please don’t give up, stay positive be a winner and I know you are! Milan